Why Don't You Guys Read This A Little

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
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Man I typed this as a reply to one guy on here. And I thought I would post it in a thread, because this is informational.....it should help 97% of you on here....here's what I said:

I hated science, but I know the definition of a "theory." Here's why all theories on relationships are wrong. A theory is a description of interaction, that is used to try and predit future occurrences or observations of the same or similar kind, and can be TESTED through experiment.

Every SINGLE theory...on relationships, when you test it, will fail at SOME time or another. Every one of them!

So the bottom line is, guys, STOP STUDYING ALL THESE DAMN THEORIES! Gunwitch, Pook, David D, Ross J, Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back E Book, just stop it!

Because at one time or another, the theory will prove itself wrong. So then the question comes up, what do we have to lean on? See, the reason you all believe in theories on relationships, is that you just want some confidence, some assurance, something to lean on when going up and doing the unthinkable, the undefeatable, the earth-shattering action of...."talking to that hot azz chick over there."

But let me give you some healing today, no not medicine.....healing. Because a theory is a good thing, but it's only medicine. See a theory makes you feel good on the inside, it takes away the "pain" but it doesn't cure the "disease." I hope you understand, pain can calm itself, but because the disease is still there, sooner or later, the pain rises again.

Here's some healing.......THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. Right now, as you sit in front of this computer and read these words, you are already the man, you are already the best person you could ever be in life. You are already, a success.

You are a success in everything, business, women, your career, you name it.

No...I am not giving you another "theory," I am giving you life. The opposite of "theory" is life. A theory isn't life, a theory is something that you do so that you don't have to experience life. A theory servers as a safety net, and the irony is....while a theory is your safety net, there's really no room to fall!

So why do you need a safety net? Why do you need a theory?

Women.....women....women, let's see, there's a lot of them out there isn't it. Some are beautiful, some are ugly, some are rich, some are poor, some has great tasting pvssy, some have...well....you get what I'm saying.

Women are everywhere, but get this, there are women out there that are tailor made just for you. No, no, no....not the "social you," not the "popular you" not the "you with your mask on" but the you, the sensitive you, the hurt you, the down you, the funny you, the happy you, the God Damn Natural YOU!

YOU, YOU, YOU......there are women out there, oh my God help me, that just want to cater to YOU. You as a person is what makes them wet, they will love YOU.

And as for all the other women, well, these women don't really like YOU....they just like your value. They like your funnines, your dyck, your entertainment...your cash, your popularity....but then there's women out there who like YOU.

Understand, the women out there who like YOU...will be small in number, 95% of the women you encounter will only like you for the value you bring...and quite honestly, that value can be a great seductive/sexual encounter, it could be money, it could be your popularity, but understand it's a material/outside asset that she can USE.

But understand....then there are women out there who like YOU...the YOU while no one else is watching, the YOU when it's only you and God in the room, the YOU, THE YOU, THE YOU........

And I make a challenge to you gentlemen on this God Damn Forum. To STOP caring so much about what 95% of women want....who gives a rat's azz? But I want you to be like Anti-Dump, and I want you to write a vision of what you want your woman to be, and when you encounter the chick that doesn't fit that....tell that bytch you'll see her later. And gentlemen...if you REALLY WANT TO ENJOY, a woman, and all that she offers.....then build yourself an environment of women around you, that like.....YOU.

This will be difficult, and you'll have to filter like a motafvcka....but if you really want to see what REAL LOVING IS ABOUT....come to the otha side.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
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DJF or John said:
Every SINGLE theory...on relationships, when you test it, will fail at SOME time or another. Every one of them! ....

Because at one time or another, the theory will prove itself wrong. ....
I believe many of the theories are valid it all depends on the CIRCUMSTANCES and the ENVIRONMENT where and when it was used. ALSO it doesnt matter if a few women slips through because your aiming at the BULK MAJORITY of women; not the few minor exceptions.

DJF or John said:
So the bottom line is, guys, STOP STUDYING ALL THESE DAMN THEORIES! Gunwitch, Pook, David D, Ross J, Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back E Book, just stop it!....
I say guys SHOULD study from these guys. Why reinvent the wheel if you dont have to? Why spend years of research on the field when you can learn from someone who has already done it?
( of course should keep and open mind and actually go out and find out what works & what dont work.)


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
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DJF or John said:
Here's some healing.......THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. Right now, as you sit in front of this computer and read these words, you are already the man, you are already the best person you could ever be in life. You are already, a success.

You are a success in everything, business, women, your career, you name it.
IF THAT WAS TRUE every guy here should be swarming with women and getting laid every night.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Its an awful post. The post is a recipe for being a very very LONELY guy.

Maverick Knight

New Member
Jan 14, 2007
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Freddy1 said:
IF THAT WAS TRUE every guy here should be swarming with women and getting laid every night.
You gotta really think it, though. No doubts. And you have to aim high, and keep positive. A lot of guys lose the focus and positivity along the way.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
The post is bad. Its bad advice. Seriously guys should actually read it again.


Oct 22, 2006
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Freddy1 said:
The post is bad. Its bad advice. Seriously guys should actually read it again.
i think it's great advice. using tactics and theories will only get u so far. in the end, the only thing that matters is you. if the girl ur with is in love with ur value and money instead of u, than it's a fake relationship.

fake relationships arent real relationships, they could be over the second people hate u and u become a loser.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
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His message is essentially that we should do nothing to improve ourself. (thats why its a bad advice)

Evolution tends to work against those who dont learn to adapt to change. (like dinosaurs that went extinct)


Oct 22, 2006
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Freddy1 said:
The post is bad. Its bad advice. Seriously guys should actually read it again.
also, y use a crutch like theories and techniques and all that BS, when u cuold just develop urself to the point where u get women with YOU?

these things are just crutches and shields that u use when dealing with women.
these only hold u for so long, and if u rely souly on them, then you'll only hurt urself.

theories in DJing are like using these special diets to lose weight, instead of just changing the way u eat and staying active, living a healthy lifestyle.

he is saying improve urself, then u will get quality women with ur inner true game that like u for u, not because ur in high demand or u r funny or have alot of money.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
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Raikojo17 said:
i think it's great advice. using tactics and theories will only get u so far. in the end, the only thing that matters is you. if the girl ur with is in love with ur value and money instead of u, than it's a fake relationship.
I dont think you comprehend what he is saying. Thats not what he is saying.

If you actually READ my post I state you should actually TEST out theories and find out foryourslef what works and dont work.
(The atomic bomb was created out of a theory and they went out to ACTUALLY proving that it works.)


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
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Raikojo17 said:
also, y use a crutch like theories and techniques and all that BS, when u cuold just develop urself to the point where u get women with YOU?

these things are just crutches and shields that u use when dealing with women.
these only hold u for so long, and if u rely souly on them, then you'll only hurt urself.
I said you need to TEST out theories. To see what works.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Freddy1 said:
I believe many of the theories are valid it all depends on the CIRCUMSTANCES and the ENVIRONMENT where and when it was used. ALSO it doesnt matter if a few women slips through because your aiming at the BULK MAJORITY of women; not the few minor exceptions.

I say guys SHOULD study from these guys. Why reinvent the wheel if you dont have to? Why spend years of research on the field when you can learn from someone who has already done it?
( of course should keep and open mind and actually go out and find out what works & what dont work.)
This reminds me of students who complain about certain curriculum saying that it's a waste of time and that they would never use what's taught in everyday life. What these people don't realize is that education is just a framework of what you will encounter in your everyday life. It's not only about what what is taught in the classes, but how you learn and understand the information is equally important.

Observation, critical thinking and analysis is all used when learning any subject. Unfortunately relating these skills to everyday life is seldom done. These skills are the common traits that the well known posters of this forum share. This is how they can easily substantiate the theories or framework exhibited on sites like Sosuave and are able to seemingly make adjustments effortlessly when roadblocks come up.

Guys who don't use these skills find themselves always coming into situations which are the exception to the rule. Of course there will be a myriad of different situations however the framework is exactly the same most of the time. Without using critical thinking the ability to recognize that common framework will be very difficult. This is why there are so many posts in this forum asking about very specific situations whose framework has been discussed more times than not in the DJB or some previous thread in the forum.

So I see no problem learning the framework. Understand the principles and customize them to fit your personality and make adjustments when necessary depending on the situation. It's unrealistic to expect to find a definitive answer to every situation imaginable. Life and your experiences are dynamic and if there is information out there that gives you a general understanding, why not use it?

If you feel that the information doesn't cover every type of situation, why not add to the information by filling in the missing areas yourself. Just be sure that you are even more thorough and cover every single situation; fair is fair.

Sean O

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
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DJF or John said:
I hated science, but I know the definition of a "theory." Here's why all theories on relationships are wrong. A theory is a description of interaction, that is used to try and predit future occurrences or observations of the same or similar kind, and can be TESTED through experiment.

Every SINGLE theory...on relationships, when you test it, will fail at SOME time or another. Every one of them!

So the bottom line is, guys, STOP STUDYING ALL THESE DAMN THEORIES! Gunwitch, Pook, David D, Ross J, Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back E Book, just stop it!

Because at one time or another, the theory will prove itself wrong. So then the question comes up, what do we have to lean on? See, the reason you all believe in theories on relationships, is that you just want some confidence, some assurance, something to lean on when going up and doing the unthinkable, the undefeatable, the earth-shattering action of...."talking to that hot azz chick over there."
This part I agree with. In my opinion, overdosing on theory is tantamount to overdosing on any kind of drug/medication. You have to remember that the theory that is posted on this site comes from a wide variety of men, with a wide variety of personality types and a wide variety of life experiences. What will work for some will not work for many others.

That's not to say that there isn't any value in the information on this site; there's plenty of material here that can really change a man for the better and help him find success in multiple areas of his life. But one still has to be careful not to take everything on SoSuave as divine gospel from some imaginary seduction god. You will have the most success as a DJ when you find your own style, one that feels natural, that feels "right", that "fits".

DJF or John said:
But let me give you some healing today, no not medicine.....healing. Because a theory is a good thing, but it's only medicine. See a theory makes you feel good on the inside, it takes away the "pain" but it doesn't cure the "disease." I hope you understand, pain can calm itself, but because the disease is still there, sooner or later, the pain rises again.

Here's some healing.......THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. Right now, as you sit in front of this computer and read these words, you are already the man, you are already the best person you could ever be in life. You are already, a success.

You are a success in everything, business, women, your career, you name it.
This is the worst attempt at "healing" I've ever seen. You're basically trying to convince people that whatever level they're at now, they aren't going to get any better. Taking this so-called healing seriously is a sure recipe for failure.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that nobody on this forum is successful. All of us are, in a variety of aspects of life, successful to a least a small degree. But that doesn't mean that we should never strive for more. In my opinion, there is no greater way of life than that of the constant pursuit of productivity and success. That doesn't mean that you should become obsessive about always succeeding (after all, humans are naturally mistake-prone), but as long as you're always striving to achieve something, you'll always have something to feel good about in your life.

DJF or John said:
No...I am not giving you another "theory," I am giving you life.
You aren't giving anyone either of those things. You're trying to shove a petty fantasy down everyone's throats. "You're a success in everything, business, women, your career, you name it"? Success in these areas of life can only be measured objectively, and you're trying to tell people that as long as they can trick themselves into feeling like they've succeeded, they have.

DJF or John said:
Women are everywhere, but get this, there are women out there that are tailor made just for you. No, no, no....not the "social you," not the "popular you" not the "you with your mask on" but the you, the sensitive you, the hurt you, the down you, the funny you, the happy you, the God Damn Natural YOU!
I agree with this part 100%. Just like there are some guys who you naturally "click" with and become good friends with, there are women who you also naturally click with, only in a more romatic/sexual way.

DJF or John said:
YOU, YOU, YOU......there are women out there, oh my God help me, that just want to cater to YOU. You as a person is what makes them wet, they will love YOU.

And as for all the other women, well, these women don't really like YOU....they just like your value. They like your funnines, your dyck, your entertainment...your cash, your popularity....but then there's women out there who like YOU.

Understand, the women out there who like YOU...will be small in number, 95% of the women you encounter will only like you for the value you bring...and quite honestly, that value can be a great seductive/sexual encounter, it could be money, it could be your popularity, but understand it's a material/outside asset that she can USE.

But understand....then there are women out there who like YOU...the YOU while no one else is watching, the YOU when it's only you and God in the room, the YOU, THE YOU, THE YOU........

And I make a challenge to you gentlemen on this God Damn Forum. To STOP caring so much about what 95% of women want....who gives a rat's azz? But I want you to be like Anti-Dump, and I want you to write a vision of what you want your woman to be, and when you encounter the chick that doesn't fit that....tell that bytch you'll see her later. And gentlemen...if you REALLY WANT TO ENJOY, a woman, and all that she offers.....then build yourself an environment of women around you, that like.....YOU.

This will be difficult, and you'll have to filter like a motafvcka....but if you really want to see what REAL LOVING IS ABOUT....come to the otha side.
I agree with this also. The chicks that you don't feel a "click" with are, at best, fvck buddy material. When you find a woman that you click with, THAT is when you pursue a relationship. And you know what else? Chances are it'll be quite easy to do, because usually when you feel a genuine "click" (which is NOT to be confused with infatuation), the girl feels that very same click with you. All you have to do is man up and initiate/escalate, and you've found your girl.

So yeah, except for the whole "you are already the ultimate success in everything you do" BS, this is a good post.


Dec 2, 2006
Reaction score
There you go, we got another theory! :up:

What? This aint a theory? Then I presume it came out of you when you farted. Nah, you worked on it, and this is a theory. You are theorizing.

Dont worry guy, all truths go throw 3 stages, at first they are ridiculed. Lets get on with it!!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
place to place.
by false nature and the media, i thought being the nice guy would get me some loving. i ended up f@cking my hand for many lonely nights. then i observed people and their ACTIONS and it contradicted what i was brought up to believe. most of the guys i hung out with were pricks to their girls and they got laid on an hourly basis. when you hang with badguys you become a badguy and wow i started getting some leather but when i started to fall in love with them and treat them with the respect they deserved, i got dropped. was their a middle ground????? yes there was.

i stopped caring about being single. i picked up a guitar and that made me happy. i played my videogames and drank beer and that made me happy. then i started getting ambition to go out in the world and kick azz rock n roll style. i made my goals and when people asked me what i wanted to do with my life i talked about it very passionately and that attracted this one female that i have been with for the last 5 years and she is the one girl that this topic is about.