Okay Dr., I gotchya. I just said all that 'personal' stuff to get a reaction out of ya, thats all.
No hard feelings.
Ha, ha! Although I do have to laugh...
Originally posted by iqqi
you're MEN. you're not supposed to be PRETTY!
Ain't you the one who made a post about how you were bonkin' some dude who was so good looking that women attacked him on the streets?
It really doesn't do much good to discuss something that can't be changed. A few years ago, I got really depressed and resigned myself to the fact that I was so ugly that I would not be able to ever find a girl that actually liked me. I had always been really indifferent to women (never calling them, showing no affection, being really nasty, etc.) and I really pissed off a some girl that I was with. Word got back to me that she said that she "Didn't even like me". That messed up my confidence really bad.
So, I sulked around for a year or so. Whenever I went out with friends I would mope and watch a so-called "better looking" friend get molested by chicks, always wishing that I wasn't so 'ugly'.
Then, I kind of "gave up" and got a little happier, finding joy in other things, and began to actually have fun when I went out. Eventually, to my utter surprise, I opened my eyes one day and saw that all these hot chicks were chasing me!
Of course, I had a little fun, and pissed off some more girls, causing them to get pissed and say bad things about me (which I again took to heart,) causing me to "give up" yet again. (Till I feel for some broad and found this website...)
Now, I realize that I am not barred (as I thought) from the room of "beautiful women", and in fact, I am actually a welcome guest. If I never had any stupid "good looks are everything" philosophy floating around in my head ALL THOSE YEARS, then I would have just
trusted my instincts and went for all those girls, instead of prejudging myself to not be 'good looking' enough.
I think the whole thing is counterproductive to even discuss. Looks don't matter because the whole 'theory' or 'philosophy' or whatever, should not even be in your head! Imagine if football players agonized over thier own statistics and "ratings" before a game; there would be alot less upsets because the teams would already have decided the match by "rating" or "talent". Besides, nobody can tell you if you are 'good looking' or not, people have vastly different tastes. The closest thing you can get is to see the average girth of the girls that hit on you, the higher it is, the uglier you are! Ha ha!