Originally posted by fragmentor
Why immediately challenge me because of a difference in opinion? Where's the fun in that attitude?
Personally, I too enjoy being straight with the girl once in a while, it promotes unpredictability.
When I ask a girl for her # I never get this response anyway because I usually say something along the lines of "we should meet up sometime - hey what's you number" which is being straight without losing the sense of fun.
Okay, you're right, i went a little overboard, but i'm not challenging you. I was trying to point out that being a DJ is more than just seducing women for the fun of it, but the only reason I said that was because I missunderstood what you meant.
The example you gave was and example of being straight up and going for it. Saying stuff like, "I'm making a phonebook," while very clever, is, to me it seems, just a way of skating around the truth. You know you're interested, she knows it. When she asks, "why do you want my number?", she wants you to say that you are intersested. -
She wants you to say that you are interested- . Maybe not out and say it, but she wants to see that you are going to take actions which will display your interest. Tell her you want to get together, meet up sometime, or go on a date.
You can do all your C&F when going for the number, and you can count days after you get it, and limit yourself to 183.67 seconds on the phone for the first 3 conversations in January (183.
87 seconds if the moon is full), but then you're just like the U.S. Government. You take a simple thing, and complicate it.
Go for the number, set up the date, and have fun. You have to be real with a girl.
She wants you to say that you are interested