Keeping the frame is more about self-control than controlling others. This is because you cannot extend control if you do not first of all control yourself. To keep your frame is to NOT let stupid shit that women do heavily impact how you feel, but instead respond calmy in a calculated manner. Like you know what you're doing and what effects it most likely will have.As you know, I routinely refer to many "teachings" on the Manosphere as cartoon shyt. One of them being the aspect known as "keeping the frame".
You're thinking too big, you can't change the mind of all men that easily. We do have the power to change, to not tolerate bad behavior by walking away. But collectively we do not change by wanting everyone to change and give up if not everyone does it. Change starts with yourself, then one dude at the time you can spread this new (not really) way of operation. The single most effective thing you can do is to walk away and teach others to walk away. That's the way to spend the least amount of energy on them, it's the best way to tell them exactly how little they're worth, so little you don't bother. But you're thinking there's always someone who stays, well you only have absolute control of yourself.Would not this mean that your theory of us not having the "power to change" various aspects of the social/dating world today, be inaccurate? What if Grewd.....we as men collectively across the country......established a new "frame"? A new rule? A new way of operation?
Hey, I'm with you on this and so are many others. But social change doesn't happen over night, so meanwhile don't let ot bother you too much because you can't fix it. Not all women are bad, so meanwhile put your attention on any woman who isn't just another bitch.What if @Grewd, we as Men.......came together.......and said we aren't going to take it anymore?
You cannot make everyone think the same, it's not possible. You do have power to change stuff, this isn't one of those things where you either do or don't. It's a lot more diffuse than that and you must determine WHAT you can and cannot change and WHY. In any case you cannot control the world, only influence it. You do so by your own actions which is the only thing you truly can control, yourself.You see, you say we don't have this power to change this stuff and it adds to my frustration, because I know we do and I know you guys BELIEVE that we do as well on some level. After all, you believe that "keeping the frame" can help influence/control a woman's behavior, so what if we as Men established a collective national "frame" with the above bullet points as its foundation?
I'd stop going to that bank and check up on any other bank I use to be sure they're doing it properly. This will motivate banks to be as proper and honest as possible, because they'll lose customers if not.Okay, now let me ask you a question. If Banks in a city located 2 hours away from me, are ripping people off with bad loans, signing them up with credit cards they didn't authorize, and doing a lot of other unethical shyt......and it gets into the news (the fire on the other side of the city)......what makes me THINK this might not spread to Banks in my neighborhood? Would not people be outraged over this (even if they lived 300 miles from said city) due to Banks in their neighborhood potentially doing the same thing and wanting to seek JUSTICE to stop the perps in said City, but also to de-motivate any potential perps in their own city?
Oh shit, I never knew you talked about the black community. Trust me, further destruction is necessary before those bitches learn anything. Listen to @Desdinova . Remove yourself from the problem. I know you think you can change this, but it's an active volcano and you wouldn't run into the lava flow of an active volcano would you?I might be the only guy in America that doesn't understand that concept. What they are doing is wrong @Grewd, our families have been destroyed in the black community due majorly in part to decisions by black women since the 1970s. This is a FACT. You want me to just say fvck it, have a Coke, and keep smiling? I can't do that man.....
Black american women is the worst humans on the planet, run.