Why do us guys, men, have to be perfect everything in order to get girls?


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
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:mad: Seriously, it's like in order for men, guys to be successful with women, girls, we have to be perfect everything, it's like the list of positive qualities that women look for in men is way longer than the list of positive qualities that men look for in women. Seriously, women, girls they just have to be hot, pretty, cute, look good and automatically they are girlfriend material for us guys. Us guys, we have to have a life, we have to have things going for us in our life, we have to love ourself, we have to have confidence, we have to have goals, have a passion for something, it comes down to the way we talk to people and socialize, social skills and conversation skills, have the right attitude, or just a good, great attitude, the right way of thinking, the right mentality, we have to walk right, sit right, stand right, breathe right, think right. We can't be clingy, needy, desperate. Most of us guys don't care if a woman, girl is a bratty person, boring life or boring personality, has no life, have no goals, have no passion for anything, they can be clingy, needy or desperate and still get a boyfriend or get action. I'm not saying that being needy, desperate, clingy is good thing, it's just ****in' hard to not come across like that.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
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Seriously, it's easier for a girl to be hot than it is for a guy to be confident and talk right


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2011
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Women do the majority of rejecting so they are more selective. It sucks but that's just how it goes. The females also have to deal with more judgment from society in terms of the number and "quality" of guys they get with.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2009
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yeah but if a girl is hot then all you want to do is **** her. nothing else. girls have to have a lot more in order to get and KEEP the guy they want.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
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I hate how women say or think that men are the ones that are the most picky, choosy, have higher standards


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2011
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initiatorhater06 said:
I hate how women say or think that men are the ones that are the most picky, choosy, have higher standards
when they say that they conveniently forget all the guys they have shot down and focus on the one womanizer abusive ******* guy who won't give them the time of day


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
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Medellin - Colombia
Because the dating market is terribly skewed. And to top it off, the dating venues are FULL of men and almost no chicks. Go to a club, what do you see? Men, men men. The women there are too interested in their smartphone or are there with a 6'8 260 lb man-bear-hybrid boyfriend who will tear your body apart and wear your guts as war trophies OR, if you're unlucky and live in a dangerous place, her boyfriend will be an unassuming guy, concealing a huge ****ing revolver with full metal .44 Magnum bullets that can pierce a train from side to side. So say the woman is a 6, she will always want to date somebody higher, like 7 and up. But since the market is butchered, she thinks she only deserves 9s and 10s because her legion of stupid, ugly, ****less orbiters tell her she's a princess (On Facesuck, obviously.The root of all evil), hoping they may get lucky someday.

I can't tell you how to crack this, because I've never been able to. Push her buttons, that will make you special. This one day this 9.5HB I know laid some stuff in Russian on her FB. All the dumb orbiters started praising her and asking what it was. I just went straight : "Fignia,ty nye govorish pa russki". Boom, she called me. That was it. Differentiation is king on an overcrowded,evil, skewed marked.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Women choose unless you have high qualities about you (money, status, etc.) at which point YOU choose. This game has always been rigged in the women's favor.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
initiatorhater06 said:
U mad.

initiatorhater06 said:
Most of us guys don't care if a woman, girl is a bratty person, boring life or boring personality, has no life, have no goals, have no passion for anything, they can be clingy, needy or desperate and still get a boyfriend or get action. I'm not saying that being needy, desperate, clingy is good thing, it's just ****in' hard to not come across like that.
Trust me. At this point in the game. I'm not putting up with boring, no goals, no passion, clingy, needy, or desperate. That's what chumps do. Just happy to be getting some. I've had more than enough to know that sometimes the candle just isn't worth the light and to let those kind walk on by.

I also know I'ma solid 6 in looks/status. I'm not going to bang super models and I'm not gonna settle for the dregs. i know I can use some game and luck up on a 7 or 8 every now or then and date a 6. But if they have those traits, Imma pass on it. I get told that I have a big ego because of that. Don't wish it was easier, be better...or as good as you can be and be realistic. And then enjoy the ride man.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
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Women may perpetuate the illusion that their standards are ridiculously high, but it's just a smokescreen. Women "settle" ALL the time. Women break their own rules, resolve to never do it again, then go out and break their own rules again. It all comes down to generating attraction--attraction is not a choice, so in some respects, women do NOT choose anybody.

What trips a lot of guys up is the fact that, quite often, women will often act "unattainable" when you first meet them. This serve them well, as it filters out the guys that aren't self-confident enough to plow through these "soft" rejections.

As for the clingy-ness, neediness, and whatnot...you are correct that these things are unacceptable to women. That is because they are FEMININE qualities- a man shouldn't "need" anyone to complete his life. If you are projecting neediness, you WILL have to fix that problem--there's no "magic bullet," you're just going to have to be vigilante and stop yourself when you feel like you're slipping into bad habits.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2010
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Middle of Nowhere
All of you b1tchin' are lazy fvcks. Be glad that you can change what you are.

Got a scrawny/fat body? Gym
You're boring? Get a hobby.
Can't dance? Take classes.
Boring/Tiresome/Low-paying job? Educate yourself and go for a better one.

Nature rolls the 1-10 dice. Wherever it lands she's stuck with it and there's only so much they can change.
We, on the other hand, can do a complete 180 given the time and sweat.

Now ask yourselves this. How would you have it?


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
Jeffst1980 said:
Women may perpetuate the illusion that their standards are ridiculously high, but it's just a smokescreen. Women "settle" ALL the time. Women break their own rules, resolve to never do it again, then go out and break their own rules again. It all comes down to generating attraction--attraction is not a choice, so in some respects, women do NOT choose anybody.

What trips a lot of guys up is the fact that, quite often, women will often act "unattainable" when you first meet them. This serve them well, as it filters out the guys that aren't self-confident enough to plow through these "soft" rejections.

As for the clingy-ness, neediness, and whatnot...you are correct that these things are unacceptable to women. That is because they are FEMININE qualities- a man shouldn't "need" anyone to complete his life. If you are projecting neediness, you WILL have to fix that problem--there's no "magic bullet," you're just going to have to be vigilante and stop yourself when you feel like you're slipping into bad habits.
So it's okay for women to validate themselves through a boyfriend but not okay for men to validate themselves through a girlfriend? Doesn't shock me, women are attracted to masculine men more than men are attracted to feminine women


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Myrrdin said:
All of you b1tchin' are lazy fvcks. Be glad that you can change what you are.

Got a scrawny/fat body? Gym
You're boring? Get a hobby.
Can't dance? Take classes.
Boring/Tiresome/Low-paying job? Educate yourself and go for a better one.

Nature rolls the 1-10 dice. Wherever it lands she's stuck with it and there's only so much they can change.
We, on the other hand, can do a complete 180 given the time and sweat.

Now ask yourselves this. How would you have it?
I completely agree with this.

initiatorhater06 said:
Seriously, women, girls they just have to be hot, pretty, cute, look good and automatically they are girlfriend material for us guys.
The very definition of 'cute' or 'pretty' means better than the average. Which implies a small selection of girls. So you've completely cast aside the majority of women. You see these women every day...and you don't even notice them.

You want someone attractive. No sh1t. What do you think she wants? Are you attractive? Have you got things going for you? If not...stop moaning. It's like complaining you can't buy a Porsche without a job. If you want the best stuff, you buy the big bucks. If you want an above-average women, you've got to be an above-average man.


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2009
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You don't need to wait until you're a muscular 6"5 male supermodel looking billionaire Harvard PhD who speaks 8 languages to get laid. Lots of guys are just fake. For example some guys get expensive cars even though they're far from rich.

There are also lots of lazy ways to bang physically attractive women besides lying or faking it. Guys can just pay for sex. Or they can go overseas and get hotter, younger women.

A lot of women do have unrealistically high standards. This is partly because most men aren't very selective. Popular, rich, successful, good-looking, suave, high-social status men are often willing to do a little 'dumpster-diving'. They'll bang less attractive women and lead them on.

Women are more likely to reject men of lower status upfront. Men use women of lower status for easy sex, helping to fuel their unrealistic expectations.

But at the end of the day if women have unrealistically high standards that is their problem. It just means they have less chance of finding a partner.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
For G@d's sake, stop your whinging and grow a fvckin' pair.

In human history, 80% of women have reproduced and passed their genes on, whereas only 40% of men did. Highlighting that women are the more selective s!x, whereas men are more likely to try and spread their genes.

This is not a fvckin' newsflash. At least, as a dude, if you have the motivation, you can change.

Complaining about the nature of reality is futile.

Tuck what is left of your shrivelled manhood back into your pants, stop looking at p@rn and get back out there.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
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A) Unless the gender ratio of the world is greatly skewed, there is no way for you to say that things are unfair. One guy for one girl still holds.

B) Having to be "perfect at everything" to attract girls actually benefits you. There is so much more you can do to make yourself attractive and have an edge over other guys. You can make more money, be more cool, work on your body....etc. Girls have much less options to work on other than their looks. Remember you are competing with other guys for these girls and you're not actually at war against girls.

C) Continued from B: You don't actually have to be perfect at everything, just better than others at everything to be attractive. Girls have to be hotter than other girls to be attractive which is insanely hard to do.

D) I personally know many girls who are having trouble finding guys, and they are all sitting lonely worrying that they might never get married. So yes girls are struggling as hard as you do. But you don't think of them why? Because these girls are unattractive so you don't care about them, similar to how girls don't care about you because you are such a loser. There are tons of fatties/cougars/ugly chicks who are single and desperate and you guys aren't talking about them at all here.

C) I totally believe that the problem with getting a partner is expectations. Most girls have a template for guys: Good job with good degree, fairly tall and decent looking, fairly cool and have decent social skills etc. Guys like these are in HIGH demand and the girls can't get them easily. However they will all wait around to try to snag one rather than to settle for someone outside of their expectations.

Similarly, all guys desire a girl who is hot, pretty, cute, look good. These girls are in HIGH demand and a large percentage of the guy population won't end up with one. Yet they won't consider the cougars/fatties/uglies that are more in their league and would rather wait around and complain in sosuave.

There you have it


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
It was easier before the rise of the nany state,in the good old times most of the men died because of sickness,war or various incidents.
So those who survived no matter how dirty and ignorant they were had a bigger pool of girls.

Bad boys shot to death from robbed home owners,drug-addicts/alchoolics left to themselves with no food or welfare and various parassites left outside of society,even better when it was the gov to "deal" with certain individuals (I'm not talking about the democratic Usa of course).
There was a time when being a good man(note not nice guy) was an insurance of happyness and prosperity.

Now the rules changed,anyway there is no reason to be angry at girls,it's not them to choose who attract them as much as you cannot force your d1ck to get hard in front of a fat girl.

You cannot expect attraction,you just can expect respect.
The only rant could be about how somebody is doping society in an unnatural state,damn when in history a man was forced to pay taxes to sustain scum.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
CoolBlue said:
A) Unless the gender ratio of the world is greatly skewed, there is no way for you to say that things are unfair. One guy for one girl still holds.

B) Having to be "perfect at everything" to attract girls actually benefits you. There is so much more you can do to make yourself attractive and have an edge over other guys. You can make more money, be more cool, work on your body....etc. Girls have much less options to work on other than their looks. Remember you are competing with other guys for these girls and you're not actually at war against girls.

C) Continued from B: You don't actually have to be perfect at everything, just better than others at everything to be attractive. Girls have to be hotter than other girls to be attractive which is insanely hard to do.

D) I personally know many girls who are having trouble finding guys, and they are all sitting lonely worrying that they might never get married. So yes girls are struggling as hard as you do. But you don't think of them why? Because these girls are unattractive so you don't care about them, similar to how girls don't care about you because you are such a loser. There are tons of fatties/cougars/ugly chicks who are single and desperate and you guys aren't talking about them at all here.

C) I totally believe that the problem with getting a partner is expectations. Most girls have a template for guys: Good job with good degree, fairly tall and decent looking, fairly cool and have decent social skills etc. Guys like these are in HIGH demand and the girls can't get them easily. However they will all wait around to try to snag one rather than to settle for someone outside of their expectations.

Similarly, all guys desire a girl who is hot, pretty, cute, look good. These girls are in HIGH demand and a large percentage of the guy population won't end up with one. Yet they won't consider the cougars/fatties/uglies that are more in their league and would rather wait around and complain in sosuave.

There you have it
This man speaks the truth.

I'll also add that the explosion of "pick-up" products and information has spawned an army of wannabe players and ladies men. Every guy now thinks they are capable, and even entitled, to date multiple attractive women, regardless of their own overall attractiveness. Spin more plates, we're told....go f*ck ten other women.....NEXT....etc..

The net result is attractive women get bombarded with attention, from the nice guys who buy her flowers and chocolates to the wannabe Don Juan trying to smooth talk his way into her pants, all for simply looking good.

Is it any wonder then that the average woman becomes even pickier, more shallow, and possess sky-high expectations? Its this worship of women from mainstream society to places like SoSuave and PUA websites thats making it so hard.

Game becomes useless when every guy starts using it.