Why do us guys, men, have to be a certain way in order to be successful with girls?


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
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How is this a bad thing? That means that you can be ugly and pick up hot women. Genetics has blessed you and you still whine? Think of it this way, no matter what you get to decide who you end up with because you can control who you are attracted to, while a woman cannot. Men, by our human nature, have the ability of self control and in the end have the deciding factor because we have the ability to say "no" and mean it. Women on the other hand are at the mercy of their emotions and for the most part cannot fully control themselves. You are the lucky one not the woman.

Still women have all the choosing/selecting power, all they have to do is welcome or deny advances


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
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Thats what pisses me off, why do women judge men on non-physical attributes more? why is a man's confidence, power, leadership, status far more important than his looks?


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
initiatorhater06 said:
Thats what pisses me off, why do women judge men on non-physical attributes more? why is a man's confidence, power, leadership, status far more important than his looks?
They don't. Forget what the gurus tell you. Women are more into looks than men ever will be. However, there are cases where status, etc. can trump looks such as the ugly rockstar.

Ideally women want it all: looks, money, status, etc. But looks come first, unless you have some other strong mitigating factor to compensate for being ugly.


Don Juan
May 16, 2011
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Its like this - If you have it in your head that any hot, cute or sexy little girl is girlfriend material - then your instantly NOT boyfriend material.

Girls have the pick because of this kind of attitude towards them for starters. The idea of being a Don Juan, being the prize, and being a challenge for a girl needs assessing here.

If you walk into a club with the mindset that you would let any hot girl walk into your life and grasp a hold of your balls then thats where your slipping up. When you pick up women, you are the one testing them to see if they have the non-physical attributes to suit your lifestyle, after all, you are the prize.

By accepting that any looker of a girl is suitable for you before you even MEET ANY OF THEM, is the reason that girls reject you. I know its hard, because normally the way you make them fit into your lifestyle makes the majority of them suitable, but you have to look at it from, for example, a rockstar's point of view.

Alright, they might shag every wet hot little teen who bats their eyelids at them, (i know i would), but when it comes to selecting a partner for a relationship, they consider different attributes.

And women do the exact same. You ever had a one night stand only to be sacked off by a girl because they want nothing more? Then that means that you have possessed only a few attributes that has attracted her to you in the first place, or she was just after a little fun. These attributes can be anything from stunning looks to a large penis.

When a woman selects a man for a relationship, she has to feel like she has achieved something, and by going out with a needy, over-keen guy who crowds her, she gets no sense of accomplishment or challenge, and therefore dismisses her feelings. It is MUCH easier for a girl to dismiss her feelings over a guy than it is for a guy to dismiss his feelings for a girl.

This is where a lot of men slip up. Myself included. They quickly accept the woman into their lives and hand over their balls. What does the girl do? She thinks "hmm this isn't challenging at all" and goes seeking a guy who can give her the run around, keep her on her toes, excited and in the moment.

You need to have the ability to walk away. You are chained to no-one but yourself. Get on with your daily tasks as a man and let the woman be secondary to your primary concerns. Only by doing this are you then boasting the correct attitude to be "boyfriend material".


Don Juan
May 16, 2011
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garruk said:
thats your fault for being lazy.

I love being a man. I worked in hard in school, and went to a great college. In college, I worked even harder, and went to a great law school. In law school I screwed a million college girls who thought I was sophisticated (even though I'm an overgrown frat boy) and today I make more money than any girl ever will.

In HS, I got a couple 5s and 6s thanks to working hard and getting onto varsity water polo. 2 years ago, l I started taking going to the gym every day and even though I wasnt born the best looking guy, girls think im hot because im getting ripped. i get more pvssy now than at least 80% of people i know.

NO girl has it better than me. not even the hot ones.

why do you think there's a FEMINIST movement. where GIRLS are btching for equality. MEN have it easy. you're just lazy. and yes, if youre lazy, its better to be a girl.

The quicker you learn this, the better for you. in the meantime, better for me.

You sir, possess the correct attitude.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
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initiatorhater06 said:
Thats what pisses me off, why do women judge men on non-physical attributes more? why is a man's confidence, power, leadership, status far more important than his looks?
Why is the sky blue? Why is water wet? Why are women called women? Why is a man's confidence, power, leadership, [and] status far more important than his looks?

Why is the OP such a tighta*s?

Just because.

I'm so glad the OP is not getting any. SO glad. I could cause an atomic explosion by randomly clapping my hands until a nuke detonator magically appears between them before he gets laid.

Aspiring Don Juans of the world, I give you the ultimate AFC: initiatorhater06

You can tell I just love this guy, right?

Let the flame war begin.


Don Juan
May 16, 2011
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loveshogun said:
I could cause an atomic explosion by randomly clapping my hands until a nuke detonator magically appears between them before he gets laid.
Quantum physics ftw. :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
Cause western women have an inflated value here, as simple as that. Demand/supply, and this essentially is rooted in the womens survival mechanism.


initiatorhater06 said:
to be "Boyfriend Material"? It just pisses me off, frustrates me, on how what us guys have to be, to do in order to be successful with girls, women, to make ourselves attractive to them, it's like girls, women, judge guys, men, on non-physical attributes more, non-physical positive qualities about him. C'mon, all a girl, a woman, has to be is cute, pretty, hot, in order to be "girlfriend material", if she looks like a Hooters girl or like Megan Fox, like her last name is Kardashian, she is automatically accepted by the vast majority of guys, men, as "Girlfriend Material" instantly, if she has any other positive qualities about her, it's a plus, but not a must-have. Even Dating advice Guru David DeAngelo admits and says "When a man sees a beautiful, young, sexy woman, he INSTANTLY feels a sexual attraction.

But does the same apply for women?

Do women feel sexual attraction to men based mostly on looks? Or is something else going on?

Well, after studying this topic for over five full years now, I can tell you that women usually have their "attraction mechanisms" triggered by things OTHER than looks"
The reason why that pisses me off, I like to think that women, girls, have an easy advantage in the dating and relationship scene is because all they have to do is look good, be hot, and guys will flock to them instantly, but since us guys have to use our attitude, social skills, conversation skills, our character and power, status, occupation, passion, confidence, that just makes us mistake-prone, rejection-prone more than girls, women.

Every man has to deal with this sooner or later. Let me quote a poster that is much more eloquent than myself:

Rollo Tomassi said:
Whenever anyone makes a cost to benefits comparison in regard to sex with women it's inevitably going to draw up some very uncomfortable truths. On a very base, psychological level, guys want desperately to believe that there exists some woman with the capacity to love and relate to them unconditionally, inspite of an inherent, predictable and provable hypergamy.

Even for the MRA guys who are well versed in the nuts and bolts of gender dynamics from a social and biological standpoint, it's too terrible a thought to think that all the results of their efforts really just hinge upon how well he's able to satisfy her base hypergamic list of prerequisites instead of some more esoteric value they both share together as a couple. It devalues that humanity, in a way similar to confronting nihilism, or having a deeply held ego-invested belief empirically dispelled.

Naturally, women will reinforce the opposite perception. It's in the feminine's interest to shame and deride any man pointing out the Achilles heel in their equation. It's equally important to shame and deride her sisters who'd make a living from practicing the same truth they need to repress. Gold Diggers, Attention Whøres, they're both threats of overtly exposing the mechanics behind the feminine imperative, so they must be marginalized and shamed to keep the social convention operating.
That pretty much sums it up. You have to learn to deal with it.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Mike32ct said:
They don't. Forget what the gurus tell you. Women are more into looks than men ever will be. However, there are cases where status, etc. can trump looks such as the ugly rockstar.

Ideally women want it all: looks, money, status, etc. But looks come first, unless you have some other strong mitigating factor to compensate for being ugly.
I'm so glad you and Dongorgon live in the real world!

Gurus say that kind of stuff to sell a product a make themselves rich! The PUA is a growing community, and the rising number of desperate males doesn't help. Even Grannies have more choosing power than the average male!


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
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just because a guy has balls doesn't mean he is rejection-proof, I know people say just move on and go to another girl, but you can't make "getting a girlfriend" your number one priority, guys are not supposed to do that, however, girls are allowed to make "getting a boyfriend" their number one priority


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
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also depends what kind of girl you're going for? there are some non superficial women out there who don't really care about looks and care more for who you really are. i'd say it's mostly those super hot b1tches who require us to be all this and that to get them. i'm not doing sh1t to catch a girl. if i do anything in life it's cause i want to do it not to look better in some womans eyes. i'll be me, take it or leave it. so far someone has taken it, and that is my gf atm.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2011
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Women are attracted to looks to a large extent, but you can do it via other things too.

If you think a guy can be an 8 and not even get a glance then I don't know what world you're living in. There's a reason they're called "physically attractive", it's because women are ATTRACTED to them by default. Difference is most women won't approach they'll just stare at him or do **** like bend over in their bikinis when he's looking over to try and get his attention.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
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MurdocIsGod said:
Women are attracted to looks to a large extent, but you can do it via other things too.

If you think a guy can be an 8 and not even get a glance then I don't know what world you're living in. There's a reason they're called "physically attractive", it's because women are ATTRACTED to them by default. Difference is most women won't approach they'll just stare at him or do **** like bend over in their bikinis when he's looking over to try and get his attention.
yeah but even if the guy is a perfect 10, but he has no life, has no confidence, has no passion, is boring, girls will not accept him, meanwhile if a girl is a perfect 10, thats pretty much all she needs


Don Juan
May 13, 2011
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playergamehater said:
yeah but even if the guy is a perfect 10, but he has no life, has no confidence, has no passion, is boring, girls will not accept him, meanwhile if a girl is a perfect 10, thats pretty much all she needs
and the chicks know this by looking at him, how??

it's impossible to NOT get any when you look good bro.