initiatorhater06 said:
to be "Boyfriend Material"? It just pisses me off, frustrates me, on how what us guys have to be, to do in order to be successful with girls, women, to make ourselves attractive to them, it's like girls, women, judge guys, men, on non-physical attributes more, non-physical positive qualities about him. C'mon, all a girl, a woman, has to be is cute, pretty, hot, in order to be "girlfriend material", if she looks like a Hooters girl or like Megan Fox, like her last name is Kardashian, she is automatically accepted by the vast majority of guys, men, as "Girlfriend Material" instantly, if she has any other positive qualities about her, it's a plus, but not a must-have. Even Dating advice Guru David DeAngelo admits and says "When a man sees a beautiful, young, sexy woman, he INSTANTLY feels a sexual attraction.
You can live your life whining about how this isn't fair or that isn't fair, but when it comes down to it
whining won't get you anywhere. I'm guessing you've reached that point where all of the guys on this site have (or will
at some point) where you get bitter because you are starting to realize that everything you thought to be true never was. Your perception of reality has been shattered and now you have to rebuild it.
You are at a fork in the road and you have three options. You can look at this wonderful new place and whine and complain how you don't like it for xyz. You can go back the way you came to Nice Guy Lala Land. Or you can choose to adapt to this new world with a sense of wonder and exploration (the way a real man would upon discovering a new world).
I don't know about you but I'll take option #3 any day over the other two.
initiatorhater06 said:
But does the same apply for women?
Do women feel sexual attraction to men based mostly on looks? Or is something else going on?
Why care what a woman wants? Go for what you want and you'll be much happier, AND MUCH LESS BITTER (or pissed or whatever you want to call what you are at the moment). Why live the life as a crusty philosopher who is unhappy with the truths of the world? Instead be care free and accept that human nature is the way that it is and will never change. As a matter of fact your human nature as a man gives you the adaptability to face any obstacle in your path with success.
Don't whine about the obstacle! Overcome it!
initiatorhater06 said:
Well, after studying this topic for over five full years now, I can tell you that women usually have their "attraction mechanisms" triggered by things OTHER than looks"
How is this a bad thing? That means that you can be ugly and pick up hot women. Genetics has blessed you and you still whine? Think of it this way, no matter what you get to decide who you end up with because you can control who you are attracted to, while a woman cannot. Men, by our human nature, have the ability of self control and in the end have the deciding factor because we have the ability to say "no" and mean it. Women on the other hand are at the mercy of their emotions and for the most part cannot fully control themselves. You are the lucky one not the woman.
initiatorhater06 said:
The reason why that pisses me off, I like to think that women, girls, have an easy advantage in the dating and relationship scene is because all they have to do is look good, be hot, and guys will flock to them instantly, but since us guys have to use our attitude, social skills, conversation skills, our character and power, status, occupation, passion, confidence, that just makes us mistake-prone, rejection-prone more than girls, women.
Ha! Women having an advantage? No way José!
Any man can get any woman, but not any woman can get any man. In my book women have to be more than just hot for them to win me over. They also have to have the right attitude (Who wants a b*tchy or chronically depressed chick? Not me), social skills (If she honestly has no friends, then that should be a red flag and you should probably eject.), conversation skills (They are the masters of conversation not men... And besides who wants a chick who can't hold a conversation? Once again not me.), character (I don't chase wh0res or h0es...), and passion (You should want someone who is passionate about living life not someone depressed to be living...).
When it comes to the other things you mentioned (power, status, occupation, confidence) I could care less about because I don't plan on becoming dependent on some chick. Period. Therefore they aren't necessities.
If a woman "dumps" you because you make a mistake here or there then fine she isn't worth your time. So stop worrying about being rejection proof and being perfect and
BE HUMAN. By nature we make mistakes so stop trying to live perfectly. By the way women aren't perfect either. They make mistakes and believe me they do get rejected. (I.E. When they come on to a guy and he just brushes them aside. It isn't a verbal rejection but a rejection none the less.)
You need to read this quote because it really pertains to you...
Quality women do not live their life expecting to be a star. Quality women search for friends, not fans. Quality women aim to do what is right, not what will make them more popular. Quality women enjoy being a woman, mediocre women despise that they are a woman (just as wimps hate that they are male and desire to be female).
- Pook