Women don't like old men anymore than men like old women (for all the same reasons)..
Assuming you mean "older men" thus calling men 5+ years older "old", this is absolutely, categorically false. This is a feminist lie.
Since the dawn of mankind, women have chosen older men because older men have resources, so women who chose older men tended to reproduce more successfully.
Case in point: A man will NEVER date a woman who is a 1 out of 10 in looks. She could be a Billionaire. A woman however will date a guy who is a 1 if he makes $245,000 a year.
Furthermore, Men retain the ability to generate sperm while women are born with a finite number of eggs, eggs that go bad with time.
Men are about 10 times more focused on looks than women, and women are about 10 times more focused on resources.
Natural selection - Assuming older men have more resources, they are better fathers. Statistics on younger men and women are the reason why now (in a tanking economy) divorce rates are skyrocketing. Younger men can no longer provide for women their age.
I've observed that women born in the 1960's dated men 3 years older. Women born in the 1970's were cougars. Women born in the 1980's dated men who were their age. Women born in the 1990's (Cougar's Daughters) will date men 30 years older and love it. They stole their mom's boy toys.
So the "for all the same reasons" qualifier above is also categorically, patently false.
Working example: I'm 46 and I made a 20 year old woman and 19 year old woman (both beauty queens) orgasms in a span of 6 days. Since then, every woman I meet throws themselves at me. Men, eat organic!