Why do guys look at a pretty girl and go...

Sep 2, 2007
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Umm.... your criticizing all these people for not going after her and saying that she's unattainable.

And yet you haven't gone after her, nor attained her.

Go get her!


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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SayWord? said:
where do you work?
I work retail a few days a week until I get this crappy semester over.

Just Another Guy.... said:
Umm.... your criticizing all these people for not going after her and saying that she's unattainable.

And yet you haven't gone after her, nor attained her.

Go get her!
I guess it would be a little easier if I actually saw her. I swear i've worked with her 3 or 4 days max in like a month. I might see her tonight. Some peoples schedules aren't set, and mine is, so I am there at the same time all the days I work. But some others just have an open availability from a certain time on, then they schedule when they need too, and who they want. So you may work 2 days in a row with someone, cause they are there on the days you work, then they schedule them other days, so then you dont see them for another week or two.

DJ1234 said:
shoot go for it! For $100 who cares if she finds out.....it would make a good opener actually if you fail with her....Just game her and if she really is that hard just back up with my friend bet me $100 that I couldn't get a date w/ you..and if you get rejected then oh well...its not like you did it cause you wanted to, it was for the bill....
Yeah, maybe. I mean it is a big bet, and I could maybe make it into a deal where she is like... Whats his face that bet that is a dumb ass. Then he'll sh*t a brick, and i'll have to beat him down if he doesn't give me my $100. :up: True too. I mean I never really pay attention to her when I am there, and I pay more attention to others, so its not like its going to make me have a bad day or anything. I'll be like... Oh well.

Who knows. I guess i'd have to make sure I just say it right as in a way that where yeah, he did bet me, but almost make it like its not a huge deal, and say that he only bet that cause you are pretty, and personally, it has to be more than looks for me. The whole qualifying deal. It needs to be said to where she would be like... Hell yeah we'll go out, and make it to where why in the hell would anyone NOT want to go out with me?

Some women are like that, and they expect that if they look good, no one will reject them. It has to be burned into her mind that I dont care if she looks good. So what. Then she is more determined to actually want to go out with me since she doesn't want to get turned down. I mean yeah, I wouldn't want to either, but I need to play it that way where she thinks... No guy rejects me. How dare him :kick: lol

I was also told by one of the other girls... She wont date anyone from work. According to what and why? Whatever.

Maybe i'll just do my thing as much as I can tonight. Sometimes its hard cause you have to make sure your not bull sh*tting too much and you get your job done. I'll hear... get back to work and stop macking on the women. :)


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2007
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Omen said:
I work retail a few days a week until I get this crappy semester over.
aint that a b?:crazy:
i work retail too
i work at sears(i dont recommend working there)


which is more important to you?
if the job aint nothing to your thing

but me personally, i wouldn't do it; and there aren't any fefe's that's even worth it at all


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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well I did it & dude just walked away after I did it. he didn't even say a word. ill bug him tomorrow when I see him & ask me where my $$ is. as for her, I'm not sure what she really thinks. cause at first it was a joke then I said it later and asked when we were going to dinner. she goes... I thought it was for fun. so now she is wondering & I'm sure ill hear from her. funny thing is after I asked her out a new guy that knew her goes... she's pretty intimidating isn't she? I was like... no. & he was 18 as well as the other kid. she said what ever. she said she's really shy too. but anyway it was fun. ill see her maybe tomorrow but I will see her at a party sat. :up:


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
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mostwantedbabyfather said:
Im new in here and am an ultimate afc. Anywho this is what i would have said if she would have asked me to order her a pizza.

Her. Im hungry can you order me a pizza .

Me. Dang woman we havent even gone out yet and your already ordering me around. Then i would do a sly smirk.

^ What you suggested is giving your power away. If you do that you're already indicating that you're thinking about her long term. You never even hint at long term plans until you've established a relationship with a woman.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
Being_the_Don said:
^ What you suggested is giving your power away. If you do that you're already indicating that you're thinking about her long term. You never even hint at long term plans until you've established a relationship with a woman.
I can see how that would translate in her mind, but I guess too depending on the girl they might not even get it. I've talked to girls who just are oblivious to all that is around them and dont have a clue about anything.

What I found funny, or I guess really normal maybe is that a woman that use to being asked out all the time really gets mind boggled when you dont drool over her.

Now maybe this isn't the way with older women, but with the one I talked too, I think it caught her off guard. People who are her age at 18 most the time get approached by horny raged younger guys with no experience at anything compared to older guys. These guys have dated if you call that only a few girls, and they just dont get it some of them.

I asked her last night about what she had to offer and kind of just said... are you worth getting to know. I think she got hit by a brick.

And this got me thinking... I bet TONS of guys think girls get approached all the time, and why bother. The thing is, they may, but its in stupid ways. She told me some dude came in to work and goes... You want to go out? I mean there was no game, no NOTHING in that, and its lame and the same BS over and over.

Being older though, was a HUGE advantage for me. She wanted me to tell her something, and I was like... That puppy dog face and that sexy look or what ever it is you are doing is not going to work on me. And she gave up. She knew I wasn't like other guys who drool and do what ever it is she says at her command. And though like I said she's not stuck up, I think that normally having this happen... she knows no other way cause she hasnt experienced any other way.

An older guy who is not intimidated by beauty, who has high value, lots to offer, knows how to talk to her, and what not kind of mind boggles her.

All I know is that its fun to see some guys I work with approach her. Its always the young guys too who just screw it all up, or get the jitters. You just have to think that just cause she is pretty means NOTHING. She is no better than you are, but people think she is. And when she said... I'm really a shy person, was something else to think about.

She may be so shy though she looks good, that she doesn't interact like some pretty girls do who are all out there and off the wall. And there are many out there. But in the guys mind who just sees her first goes... Dude, she's prob the cream of the crop, has all sorts of dudes hanging around her, asking her out, she's prob crazy as hell, real talkative, etc etc. Maybe not, maybe she is the opposite. But most assume, so they dont even bother speaking to her, cause they are scared by her beauty when they have nothing to be scared about.