Why do guys look at a pretty girl and go...


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
So I am at work, and one of my co-workers go... Dude, I bet no one in here can get with her. I was like with who? He was like new girl over there. I bet only like 1-3 guys in this whole place can get with her. I'll bet $30 you cant get with her. Better yet... I'll bet $100

I was like... What ever dude, your a moron.

Kid is 18 and thinks he's Gods gift to women yet he goes... Dude I wouldn't even try asking her. He said last week... Yeah, the offer still stands cause I just want to see someone get rejected real quick.

Let me remind you this kid wouldn't know how to pick up a woman if he had a manual in front of him

Anyway this girl is 18, good body and pretty face. I was told she does some modeling, but its what I heard.

I've spoken to her before but I dont talk to her often. One night she wanted me to order her pizza cause she was hungry, and I was like YOU want ME to order you pizza? ME? Kind of a... Do you realize who you are talking too tone as in I am too good for you and you want me to waste my time ordering YOU pizza.

While other guys drool over her, I dont, and I think she thinks her pretty face is going to get her what she wants. She doesn't say it, but she assumes it. Its not like she is stuck up, but she knows she looks good, so she waits for a guy to go... OK.... Yes I will do what you want. (maybe i'll get a date)

What I just dont get is why some guys are so hooked on a womans looks. I mean ok, she's pretty, but we know about the whole qualifying her deal, and what does she have to offer deal, but why is it that if she looks good, no one can get with her?

So i'm thinking about getting my $100 :up:

I could just go the easy route and go... Hey ____ want an easy way to make $50? Go on a date with me, and i'll give you $50. lol. Then i'll keep the other $50.

Or I could just keep the whole $100. The guy who made the bet goes... You would probably have to romance her a bit or sweet talk her a bit. :kick:

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Umm that is a cheap way of making 100 dollars. Why don't you actually try romancing her. But only do it if you like her not bc you want 100 dollars thats lame.

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Don't do it for 100 dollars only do it if you like her. I can see this back firing on you. If you actually do start to like her he might tell her he gave you 100 dollars to date her. I don't know maybe I watch too many movies lol.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2007
Reaction score
I did it before for 40$ lol its a jerkish act but hey you will get some money to buy some whey protein!


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
You didn't accept her order for the pizza. A good move on your part. And your description of your tone and attitude show her that you're not her pawn, and not really interested in her. Good job. The chick is 18. basically, a little kid. A girl who is just now exploring her femeninity, her sexuality and its power, and her overall effect and piower over men.

And you want to ask her out?

Don't you think this is now a little incongruent?

What does this ego inflated, air head mean to you?

You're going to stoop down and show her that you ARE interested now?

No, dude. You've got to find a way to get her interested in you. Have her want to chase you. And put her in the position where she wants you to ask her out.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Sterotypical hot girls can be REALLY boring. She sounds like one.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
Rash said:
I did it before for 40$ lol its a jerkish act but hey you will get some money to buy some whey protein!
Now you're talking :up:

I took this girl out once and spent like $14 and it was a blind date and I go... Damn, I could have spent that on a box of protein bars. lol

Yeah, truth is, I dont think that would make my reputation look crappy, and then people would go... I never knew you would do something like that. Then i'd have all the girls upset if they knew I went out with her for $100 and only that.

I mean she seems cool and all, and could I like her? I dont know, I haven't thought about it too much, so if I didnt want to ruin my chances, I may not do it.

Of course I could do it cause I end up liking her, then still make my $100. I probably watch too many movies too.

What ever the case, I still have to wonder why some guys see a face and then think she is unattainable. Guy knows NOTHING about her besides she is pretty. He doesn't even know her name. I just need to set the kid straight. Oh well, that's what you get when you are talking to a high school drop out.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
You didn't accept her order for the pizza. A good move on your part. And your description of your tone and attitude show her that you're not her pawn, and not really interested in her. Good job. The chick is 18. basically, a little kid. A girl who is just now exploring her femeninity, her sexuality and its power, and her overall effect and piower over men.

And you want to ask her out?

Don't you think this is now a little incongruent?

What does this ego inflated, air head mean to you?

You're going to stoop down and show her that you ARE interested now?

No, dude. You've got to find a way to get her interested in you. Have her want to chase you. And put her in the position where she wants you to ask her out.

Actually no, i've never even thought about asking her out. In fact I was kind of headed in the direction of another girl, but prob not now.

I mean she was all nice about the asking for pizza deal. She was like.. I'm hungry, you want to order me pizza? Or you could run across the street to McDonalds and get me something. Uh... No I said.

Truth is, she's prob the least girl I talk to at work yet one of the prettier ones. Guess I haven't been around her enough to see more than just a face.

My biggest thing was to show idiot boy it can be done. He thinks she'll reject everyone in a heart beat. In fact she is prob nice truth be told. At least she isn't stuck up with me.

When I first met her she goes... Your the one i've heard about, so you are ____. She even put her arm out and goes....My name is..... I was like holy cow, a woman put her arm out and she introduced herself to ME.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2007
Reaction score
Omen said:
Now you're talking :up:

I took this girl out once and spent like $14 and it was a blind date and I go... Damn, I could have spent that on a box of protein bars. lol

Yeah, truth is, I dont think that would make my reputation look crappy, and then people would go... I never knew you would do something like that. Then i'd have all the girls upset if they knew I went out with her for $100 and only that.

I mean she seems cool and all, and could I like her? I dont know, I haven't thought about it too much, so if I didnt want to ruin my chances, I may not do it.

Of course I could do it cause I end up liking her, then still make my $100. I probably watch too many movies too.

What ever the case, I still have to wonder why some guys see a face and then think she is unattainable. Guy knows NOTHING about her besides she is pretty. He doesn't even know her name. I just need to set the kid straight. Oh well, that's what you get when you are talking to a high school drop out.
for me money is more important than pu$$y,so yea I would go out with her and I wont care if the date dont go well because I will be getting a 100$, plus if the date go well you will gain the girl plus the 100$ and if you are afraid that your friend will tell her do a premptive move and tell her something about this guy to difuse the card he is holding against you(I have bo ideas now), it always work.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2004
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
Trying to act like the sh1t and play down the pizza thing doens't make you look any better in her eyes. Be PLAYFUL in reponse - saying "you want ME to buy YOU pizza?" is a boring attempt to gain control of the frame and isn't going to get you anywhere. Surely you can come up with something better than that. Twist it around and try to get her to buy you pizza - now your in the exact same position but reversed.

Men drool over women's looks because their DNA tells them to. WHen I see a HB walk past I LOOK out of instinct; hot girls turn me on, it's natural.

When a guy says "bet you can't get with that chick for $100" clearly he is insecure of his own abilities and wants to validate himself via your failure. Instead of both of you adopting such a negative attitude, why not make a game out of it and bet $20 on who can get the furthest with her.


Edit: You are talking about this too much. Get out there and actually do it already. Prove you're better than your AFC friend. Take ACTION

Edit2: When asking you for pizza she is testing your manliness. You attempted to display high value, you failed the test. Talking down on someone for this reason is not a trait of a real MAN.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
unnamed04 said:
Trying to act like the sh1t and play down the pizza thing doens't make you look any better in her eyes. Be PLAYFUL in reponse - saying "you want ME to buy YOU pizza?" is a boring attempt to gain control of the frame and isn't going to get you anywhere. Surely you can come up with something better than that. Twist it around and try to get her to buy you pizza - now your in the exact same position but reversed.

Men drool over women's looks because their DNA tells them to. WHen I see a HB walk past I LOOK out of instinct; hot girls turn me on, it's natural.

When a guy says "bet you can't get with that chick for $100" clearly he is insecure of his own abilities and wants to validate himself via your failure. Instead of both of you adopting such a negative attitude, why not make a game out of it and bet $20 on who can get the furthest with her.


Edit: You are talking about this too much. Get out there and actually do it already. Prove you're better than your AFC friend. Take ACTION

Edit2: When asking you for pizza she is testing your manliness. You attempted to display high value, you failed the test. Talking down on someone for this reason is not a trait of a real MAN.

Well, for one it really isn't that big of a deal I get with her. The post was merely to state what they hell is wrong with some guys and thinking that just cause she has a pretty face means no one can touch her.

I've literally spoken to the girl like maybe 3 times, and that last time was the food convo. I dont see her much, and I dont see anything yet in her that interests me. Could I? I dont know, I'd have to get a feel for her more.

The test I did not fail, and she knows there is high value anyway from probably what her friend told her. She already had known something about me, before I even met her, and it was something of VERY high value relating to a business. I beg to differ on your statement. stating what I did in the way I did it was not a real talking down. Being a pvssy is not being a real man. And it wasn't really harsh either. It was just a mere... you want me to order you pizza? Cant you order it yourself? And it was in the relaxed tone, and kind of funny. We work in a relaxed and fun setting and not so serious. It was by no means rude or harsh. I just wasnt going to kiss her feet.

i promise you, that a woman like this is use to people eating out of her hands. She says jump, you say how high. I dont operate like this, and I see no reason to. I played it in a way where she thought to herself... Hmm,,, most the time guys dont say no. Again, she is 18 and I have 10yrs on her, so I dont do what the 18-20yr olds do at work when they see her. No offense since you are 20.

You have to remember that some women that are normally never around older guys dont know what to expect. Same thing with another girl at work who is 16. She obviously doesn't talk to guys my age at school cause there are none, so when she talks to me or interacts with me, its all new to her.
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
Im new in here and am an ultimate afc. Anywho this is what i would have said if she would have asked me to order her a pizza.

Her. Im hungry can you order me a pizza .

Me. Dang woman we havent even gone out yet and your already ordering me around. Then i would do a sly smirk.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
mostwantedbabyfather said:
Im new in here and am an ultimate afc. Anywho this is what i would have said if she would have asked me to order her a pizza.

Her. Im hungry can you order me a pizza .

Me. Dang woman we havent even gone out yet and your already ordering me around. Then i would do a sly smirk.
See, i'll slip something like that in on occasion. I may tomorrow when I see her. That night wasn't the best of nights, so I wasn't really in the mood to be my funny self. I may say... So... If I order you pizza, you have to take me to dinner or something. She'll get a kick out of it.

But like I said... my mere post was more of a rant about guys and how so caught up they are on a womans face they get all retarded.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2004
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
Your buddy wasn't trying to say that because she's got a pretty face she's untouchable; like I said before, he's trying to validate his own short commings by projecting them onto you.

Regardless, playful > * when testing is involved.


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2007
Reaction score
could you post a picture of the so call HB.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
Hero said:
could you post a picture of the so call HB.
Well, I dont have one, but I might be able to get one.

I mean personally she isn't anything spectacular. I mean yeah, she looks good, but what I noticed too, is that she wears a hair more make-up than she probably should. I can tell anyway, and maybe i'm the only one who actually sees this since some are blind. lol.

I mean i've been attracted to other girls at work who are pretty, and could compete with her. I think we each have our own definition of who looks the best. And for me it goes beyond that. If she is funny, we get along, have a few things in common, she can be less good looking than the other one (to an extent) and i'll go after her.

So far this new one hasn't really jolted my interest. Maybe its cause I dont work with her much, or I just dont sense anything beyond her looks. Kind of hard to say seeing how I see her once a week.

Yeah, he would prob make some excuse or raise the bar and go...you have to sleep with her now, or who knows what. He's a tool anyway. He thinks peeling out of the parking lot everytime we work is cool ****.

And i'm not slamming all 18yr old dudes, but this one is just a moron. He has no skills what so ever, and he does the weirdest things to try and pick up women. Hey... How about we go on a pic-nic during the night. This was his first approach to a girl at work, and I cant believe she even went out with the dude. She's not ugly, but she's not the first one you would approach. I think he just wants some ass. Oh well, maybe he is thinking he doesn't have to look at her that much if she is in the dark. :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
Dirty $outh
shoot go for it! For $100 who cares if she finds out.....it would make a good opener actually if you fail with her....Just game her and if she really is that hard just back up with my friend bet me $100 that I couldn't get a date w/ you..and if you get rejected then oh well...its not like you did it cause you wanted to, it was for the bill....


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Omen said:
So I am at work, and one of my co-workers go... Dude, I bet no one in here can get with her. I was like with who? He was like new girl over there. I bet only like 1-3 guys in this whole place can get with her. I'll bet $30 you cant get with her. Better yet... I'll bet $100

I was like... What ever dude, your a moron.

Kid is 18 and thinks he's Gods gift to women yet he goes... Dude I wouldn't even try asking her. He said last week... Yeah, the offer still stands cause I just want to see someone get rejected real quick.

Let me remind you this kid wouldn't know how to pick up a woman if he had a manual in front of him

Anyway this girl is 18, good body and pretty face. I was told she does some modeling, but its what I heard.

I've spoken to her before but I dont talk to her often. One night she wanted me to order her pizza cause she was hungry, and I was like YOU want ME to order you pizza? ME? Kind of a... Do you realize who you are talking too tone as in I am too good for you and you want me to waste my time ordering YOU pizza.

While other guys drool over her, I dont, and I think she thinks her pretty face is going to get her what she wants. She doesn't say it, but she assumes it. Its not like she is stuck up, but she knows she looks good, so she waits for a guy to go... OK.... Yes I will do what you want. (maybe i'll get a date)

What I just dont get is why some guys are so hooked on a womans looks. I mean ok, she's pretty, but we know about the whole qualifying her deal, and what does she have to offer deal, but why is it that if she looks good, no one can get with her?

So i'm thinking about getting my $100 :up:

I could just go the easy route and go... Hey ____ want an easy way to make $50? Go on a date with me, and i'll give you $50. lol. Then i'll keep the other $50.

Or I could just keep the whole $100. The guy who made the bet goes... You would probably have to romance her a bit or sweet talk her a bit. :kick:
That's because 95% of guys are brainwashed by society. They don't have the balls to approach her because of social conditioning.

"Nah, I won't talk to her. She prolly has a bf"

"I will talk to her later"

"No, I'm not rich/muscular/handsome/tall/_____/ enough to ever be with her"

"I will try to impress her so that she will like me!"
