Well Richard try having children without a woman & you'll see.
You can pay prostitutes for sex all your life if that is how you want to spend your family's money & if that is the risk you want to subject your health to....
But who is going to have your babies & more importantly who is going to mother them?
That's the sad irony. You have young men running around saying I'll never get married...I'll never have kids, etc., etc., and then those men get older and they see people all around them enjoying the benefits of family, of children. I know several men who studiously avoided marriage & children and now they are regretful.
Now obviously not all men are & that's fine. Some are perfectly happy doing the player thing for life. More power to them.
But if you want a family & to carry on your family line, eventually that is going to require a woman, a GOOD woman. Banging prostitutes and having the requisite "all women are worthless" mantra is completely the opposite of action that will teach you to screen for a future mother of your children.
My advice to Richard is to figure out what is most important to him long term & spend several hundred a week on therapists rather than h o o k e r s or you're never going to get anywhere.
You complain about women & then when somebody goes to give you some actual advice you get extremely defensive, belligerent and start insulting people & demanding pictures, etc.
The money isn't yours. It's your daddy's. Don't think he isn't observing your behavior. You don't understand the first thing yet about women OR money (as evidenced by your belief that money will solve all your problems - a commonly held delusion of the broke.)
Get into therapy. Seriously. If you were my kid I'd set up a spendthrift trust and never give you blanket access to any large sum of money.
Your attitudes & beliefs currently repel women AND money. THAT is what you need help with, and that is beyond the scope and expertise of this board.
This is fun. Calling Richard kid that depends on his dad because you dont agree with him. As far as I know (from Richard posts) then he has some business that bases on flippin houses but anyway I guess being dependant (or not) on dad isnt really related to this thread