Why do Girls Date *******s?

Apr 3, 2003
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Why do Girls Date *******s? by Special Ed

taken from www.girlspoop.com

1. Because they're stupid.
- Mary

2. I don't know.
- Morgan

3. Because usually those guys seem strong and confident and that they can take care of a girl, and that is what is appealing.
- Evelyn

4. All guys are *******s, and all girls are *****es. It's just the amount of ******* in them.
- Shannon

5. Nice guys have no game and whether people want to admit it or not *******s give drama and people like drama.
- Angelle

6. It's more fun to date an *******. *******s give you a run for everything and keep it alive.
- Bridget

7. Cause they're good looking. Usually the *******s are the cute ones and that's why they are *******s.

8. It's a challenge, *******s don't let me get my way.
- Dawn

9. Some girls just do it for the challenge. You don't want someone that's gonna kiss your ass the whole time. Some girls just want someone to take control.
- Megan

10. It's all about the chase. Nice guys just aren't fun.
- Emily

11. They're a challenge. They have a mystery to them.
- Tatiana

12. Subconsciously girls want drama. But it's like you find a guy that isn't overly nice and connect with him. It does not matter if he is an *******.
- Gabby

13. Physical attraction. *******s give more of a masculine image. They look more like a rough guy.
* While talking she was breaking up with him. Because she can't take it anymore. Sick of fighting with him cause he is an *******.
(MORE) It's the psychology behind it. You're in college, you don't want to think about marriage and commitment so if you're with an ******* you know you're gonna eventually break up with him. If you're with a nice guy there's no reason to break up so you're gonna be with him forever.
- Jennifer

14. They're more attractive. I guess you don't realize they're *******s until you're in a relationship with them.
- Maranda

15. For the balance in the relationship because I'm not a *****.
- Amanda

16. Really nice guys are overbearing and lots of girls are turned off by that so they go for the other extreme. Girls like to compete for attention and they have to compete for *******s.
- Emily

17. Girls don't know guys are *******s when they meet them, but they keep dating them because they think they're gonna change.
- Holly

18. Girls don't know better.
- Emily

19. I don't think they're is a reason. *******s are more confident so they're more likely to come up.
- Maggie

20. To try to improve them. Also, for the challenge. Some girls like to be treated bad or they stay with them to try and change them.
- Kawanda and Ashley

21. A lot of girls lack self esteem or haven't matured enough yet. Some girls need drama in their lives. Other girls want to try and change guys, its like a project for them.
- Becky

22. They didn't seem like *******s at the time. Then you stay with them because maybe the *******ness would wear off.
- Katie

23. Girls think they can change the *******, but it will never happen. Once and assshole always an *******. However, the majority of the *******s are found in the Tiger Band bone section, except for Sean of course. He's a hottie.
- Ashly

24. It's the whole ups and downs thing. Girls like the emotional roller coaster.
- Stacey

25. Because we're stupid *****es.

26. Because they are our type. *******s are hot and girls want to be seen with hot guys. If an ******* does one nice thing girls will think that he is special.
-Jordan / Casey

27. They're not *******s when you meet them.

28. Most girls are stupid, except for me.

29. Everybody wants a challenge. We're glutton for punishment. Because boys that are too nice come off as if they don't respect themselves.

30. For attention purposes. So they can have something to ***** about. Lack of self esteem.

31. By mistake or boredom. (Note to Reader: This girl was a *****)

32. I, personally, have never really been attracted to *******s. I, unlike most girls, am attracted to decent guys. However, I think that girls may date *******s because they give girls something to work for. Girls like a challenge and get kind of sick when guys are overly nice..that's just not masculine, you know?

33. It's cause girls want what they can't have/what other girls have, and guys that are *******s tend to act unatainable/have had a lot of girls

34. I think girls date *******s because we're always looking for things to ***** about. if we dated a nice guy, then things would get boring. -or- girls date the *******s because they think they can change the guy for the better and he'll love her for it. it's rather humorous, He'll only end up resenting her anyway..giving us something to ***** about later -Theresa

35. Because we are masochists.

36. Because they are confident and ****y, survival of the best. They come across as "the best" with their self assurance.

37. One reason is the *******s are bolder and approach the women first, they act differently when they are trying to get you - baiting you - after they have you then all those qualities that you liked go into hiding.

38. I just moved down here from Memphis, and my sister dated this guy up there. He was a total ass, but she dated him for the sex.

39. Women also date *******s because they are bored, want some kind of excitement in their life, *******s are always active when they are trying to get your attention, or coming up with a new line, then you also think you can keep the situation under control, but then they lower the boom and SOME HOW make you feel like it is your fault, we are such sympathetic dummies that we give it consideration and try harder to fix him,we always want to fix, take care of, mother, love, etc. If the good ones would start approaching like they used to a long time ago the *******s would stick out right away.

40. Because their insecure about themselves and they think that those guys are the only ones who will accept them.

41. I think that it's kind of about the chase. The nice guys are no competition for a girl so they go to the mean ones. Once a girl has a guy a lot of times she doesn't like him anymore.

42. Cause its awesome when we're the one thing an ******* will treat nicely. It's like a conquest.

43. The *******s act like the nice guy when trying to get to you and then they turn into the ******* that they really are. And you know girls - by then they're too attached to let go and they just put up with their ****.

44. They like adventure and mystery. When a guy is "bad" girls are attracted to him for some reason, maybe because they believe that they can change him in some way? Girls try to find something good about that particular guy,thinking there is something underlying there.

45. For some reason girls date *******s because it is more exciting being treated like crap. I always date *******s. I keep trying to figure it out, maybe it's because I always go for the drop dead gorgeous ones and they are *******s because they get all the girls, they are hot and they know it. It's fun to do things to try and keep a guy that gets a lot of girls interested.I like catching the guys that everybody wants. I like a challenge.

46. I think that it's kind of about the chase. The nice guys are no competition for a girl so they go to the mean ones. Once a girl has a guy a lot of times she doesn't like him anymore.

47. Cause its awesome when we're the one thing an ******* will treat nicely. It's like a conquest.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
48. The *******s act like the nice guy when trying to get to you and then they turn into the ******* that they really are. And you know girls - by then they're too attached to let go and they just put up with their ****.

49. They like adventure and mystery. When a guy is "bad" girls are attracted to him for some reason, maybe because they believe that they can change him in some way? Girls try to find something good about that particular guy,thinking there is something underlying there.

50. At first they don't act like *******s. They only turn into *******s after about 2 months.

51. Because they lie. You don't realize they're *******s.

52. Girls date *******s because it's a challenge. They can get the nice guy but they want the guys they have to work for.

53. Insecurity and lack of self respect play a part. They're settling and lowing their standards. They don't know if they can get better, or they don't care, or they're just horny.
-Lisa, Chelsea, Megan

54. Cause they're hottt (with 3 t's). They drive really loud cars and we find that attractive.

55. They tend to be the suave, smooth, talking kind and then you meet them and they turn out to be *******s.

56. Because the nice guys are to scared to ask girls out. The *******s aren't scared so they get the girls.

57. To make the nice guys jealous.

58. *******s are more fun. Nice guys are boring. They [Nice guys] don't take charge and are timid. Girls don't really want to be told what to do but they like decisiveness.

59. Because they have really hott fake tans and they go to Poets and are muscular with tight shirts and gold chains and they wear versace belts and drive trucks that say, "low riders can get it up."

60. Girls don't like *******s, but for some reason girls fall for them and just put up with their crap. Most of the girls I know stay with their guys until they cheat or beat them. Girls expect guys to be jerks.

61. You don't really want a super nice guy because then you might think they are gay and you don't want to date a gay guy do you?

62. *******s are really charming at first. They sweet talk you and then you're hooked. Girls like a chase.
-Tiffany & Amanda

63. The first impression makes it seem like they aren't *******s. They try to impress you to get you and then after they have you they're hooked. Girls don't have much common sense.
-Michelle & Jennifer

64. They just have something about them that draws you to them. They have a "don't care" attitude and its cute.

65. Its hard to find a good decent gay to date. Guys only want to date for sex.

66. The best ones are always gay.

67. We always want what we cant have. If they don't give us enough attention we want more.

68. For a huge ****.
-Gingi Leigh

69. Because they try to change them. It's more of a challenge.

70. Because they don't have high self esteem or they don't like commitment. *******s smell like flowers at first.
-Bubba & Maranda

71. I like the nice guys. No matter how hot you are if you're an ******* it means nothing.

72. Because the guy is romantic at first and it gets the girl hooked. Because when you see a guy being an ass to someone else its cool and then when it starts happening to you its not cool anymore.

73. Because we like the chase better than the catch and you're always gonna be chasing the *******.

74. So they will buy our drinks. Girls are desparate.

75. Usually its because they need a controlling, almost father-like, figure. Its because girls think that they need someone to make decisions for them.

76. We date them for a challenge and because they are more attractive.

77. We don't know they're *******s in the beginning because they use lies. Guys can be just as fake as girls sometimes and it takes a while to see through them.

78. We date them for the idea that you'll change them. *******s seem to have more fun on the ******d appearance.

79. Because its a challenge or the girl has self confidence issues. Some girls try to rationalize it and say, "He's not like that all of the time."

80. Because they are in Frats -Alyson

Dapper Swindler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
Just as I always thought. Women have no idea why they like *******s. Some of them were close though in figuring it out. Women act on emotion rather than reason. The ******* knows how they respond more than the women do.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
My favorites:

3. Because usually those guys seem strong and confident and that they can take care of a girl, and that is what is appealing.
- Evelyn

5. Nice guys have no game and whether people want to admit it or not *******s give drama and people like drama.
- Angelle

6. It's more fun to date an *******. *******s give you a run for everything and keep it alive.
- Bridget

8. It's a challenge, *******s don't let me get my way.
- Dawn

9. Some girls just do it for the challenge. You don't want someone that's gonna kiss your ass the whole time. Some girls just want someone to take control.
- Megan

10. It's all about the chase. Nice guys just aren't fun.
- Emily

11. They're a challenge. They have a mystery to them.
- Tatiana

13. Physical attraction. *******s give more of a masculine image. They look more like a rough guy.

15. For the balance in the relationship because I'm not a *****.
- Amanda

17. Girls don't know guys are *******s when they meet them, but they keep dating them because they think they're gonna change.
- Holly

19. I don't think they're is a reason. *******s are more confident so they're more likely to come up.
- Maggie

20. To try to improve them. Also, for the challenge. Some girls like to be treated bad or they stay with them to try and change them.
- Kawanda and Ashley

24. It's the whole ups and downs thing. Girls like the emotional roller coaster.
- Stacey

29. Everybody wants a challenge. We're glutton for punishment. Because boys that are too nice come off as if they don't respect themselves.

33. It's cause girls want what they can't have/what other girls have, and guys that are *******s tend to act unatainable/have had a lot of girls

34. I think girls date *******s because we're always looking for things to ***** about. if we dated a nice guy, then things would get boring. -or- girls date the *******s because they think they can change the guy for the better and he'll love her for it. it's rather humorous, He'll only end up resenting her anyway..giving us something to ***** about later –Theresa

36. Because they are confident and ****y, survival of the best. They come across as "the best" with their self assurance.

37. One reason is the *******s are bolder and approach the women first, they act differently when they are trying to get you - baiting you - after they have you then all those qualities that you liked go into hiding.

39. Women also date *******s because they are bored, want some kind of excitement in their life, *******s are always active when they are trying to get your attention, or coming up with a new line, then you also think you can keep the situation under control, but then they lower the boom and SOME HOW make you feel like it is your fault, we are such sympathetic dummies that we give it consideration and try harder to fix him,we always want to fix, take care of, mother, love, etc. If the good ones would start approaching like they used to a long time ago the *******s would stick out right away.

41. I think that it's kind of about the chase. The nice guys are no competition for a girl so they go to the mean ones. Once a girl has a guy a lot of times she doesn't like him anymore.

44. They like adventure and mystery. When a guy is "bad" girls are attracted to him for some reason, maybe because they believe that they can change him in some way? Girls try to find something good about that particular guy,thinking there is something underlying there.

45. For some reason girls date *******s because it is more exciting being treated like crap. I always date *******s. I keep trying to figure it out, maybe it's because I always go for the drop dead gorgeous ones and they are *******s because they get all the girls, they are hot and they know it. It's fun to do things to try and keep a guy that gets a lot of girls interested.I like catching the guys that everybody wants. I like a challenge.

55. They tend to be the suave, smooth, talking kind and then you meet them and they turn out to be *******s.

56. Because the nice guys are to scared to ask girls out. The *******s aren't scared so they get the girls.

58. *******s are more fun. Nice guys are boring. They [Nice guys] don't take charge and are timid. Girls don't really want to be told what to do but they like decisiveness.

61. You don't really want a super nice guy because then you might think they are gay and you don't want to date a gay guy do you?

75. Usually its because they need a controlling, almost father-like, figure. Its because girls think that they need someone to make decisions for them.

76. We date them for a challenge and because they are more attractive.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Apr 3, 2003
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Basically according to women/girls if your a nice guy they thing your gay and not a challenge. So that myth about treating women good some of you need to throw out the window.

That is if you want to get laid. That myth about equality in realtionships will only get you ASSED OUT! Women seem to want a man to take control. It seems by this poll they are not looking for a sissy boy to symp to them.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2004
Reaction score

i am sure i've read this before on the board though?

James Olmstead

Don Juan
Sep 19, 2004
Reaction score
Auckland New Zealand
Im going to have to disagree a little with you here.

To start, I think a lot of it has to do with the maturity of the girl and everything on your list sounds like it came from a 16 year old, not a grown woman. When they mature they realize that they can get what they are looking for without having to date an a$$hole.

3. Because usually those guys seem strong and confident and that they can take care of a girl, and that is what is appealing.
75. Usually its because they need a controlling, almost father-like, figure. Its because girls think that they need someone to make decisions for them.
58. *******s are more fun. Nice guys are boring. They [Nice guys] don't take charge and are timid. Girls don't really want to be told what to do but they like decisiveness.
19. I don't think they're is a reason. *******s are more confident so they're more likely to come up.
32. I, personally, have never really been attracted to *******s. I, unlike most girls, am attracted to decent guys. However, I think that girls may date *******s because they give girls something to work for. Girls like a challenge and get kind of sick when guys are overly nice..that's just not masculine, you know?
36. Because they are confident and ****y, survival of the best. They come across as "the best" with their self assurance.
I think that being an a$$hole is only a side effect of the guys confidance, and its not a$$hole that they are after, but they are only after his confidance and dominance. You can still have all the attributes they are looking for (being a challenge, confidant, dominant, in charge, take control, leader etc.) without being an a$$hole and still get the women in the end. You just have to find the right balance.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Women DO live the qualities an azzhole exudes, but I don't believe they specifically like azzholes. I don't even like friends who act like azzholes, they piss me off, and I have those friends who qualify as azzholes, not afraid to say whatever they want to a girl, be care free, hell they even ride hardley's, steal shyt, forge social security cards to garner fake ids, and they still fail.

To me that appears TOO out of control of oneself.

IMAO, the maturity factor only differs in the "definition" of what they want. A young girl, college and younger, generally only identifies a guy as 'nice/friend' or 'azzhole' (they guy they'd go for). At that stage, men are finding themselves as much as women are trying to find themselves. As they age, women still want the qualities of an 'azzhole' without the azzhole personality. Being a 'man' is the key.

Personally, guys know what this is like, but when you daily activities consist of school/classes, work, driving around, and munching in front of a tv, very little aggression/testosterone flows through your body, so you're quite out of touch with who you truly are. Factor in Vesti's great post on T Theory and you realize how very important competition/activity is to being a man. Take that away, and we're no better off than a caged beast, becoming docile at the hands of the hunter.

I kind of put it in perspective to myself. Would I want to a date girl who's fairly lazy, cares nothing of her looks, and doesn't do womanly things?

We date women because they aren't male, so why date a female who's quasi-male? Who cares nothing for what she looks like, how she dresses, or what's going on in her life? The librarian reserved type bores me, as does the super-freaky, out-in-left-field pornstar types.

To me, any person that wants to be around what I consider abusive, negative, destructive behavior is not my type to begin with. That's drama.

I believe to put it in concrete terms, the traits/qualities that attract women have already been found. If you did into DYD and Advanced Dating Series you can see the tangible, hardcore stuff, rather than try to recreate the wheel. It's already been done before. That, and there are other places to up your game.




Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Old news, but good reminder

This has been beaten to death, but it's a good reminder.

Women like *******s because they like men who are independent, come across as strong (young gals can't tell real from front strength anyway), and don't take crap.

Usually they only guys like that who aren't taken are *******s.

James Olmstead

Don Juan
Sep 19, 2004
Reaction score
Auckland New Zealand
Re: Intro.

Originally posted by A-Unit
Women DO live the qualities an azzhole exudes, but I don't believe they specifically like azzholes. I don't even like friends who act like azzholes, they piss me off, and I have those friends who qualify as azzholes, not afraid to say whatever they want to a girl, be care free, hell they even ride hardley's, steal shyt, forge social security cards to garner fake ids, and they still fail.

To me that appears TOO out of control of oneself.

IMAO, the maturity factor only differs in the "definition" of what they want. A young girl, college and younger, generally only identifies a guy as 'nice/friend' or 'azzhole' (they guy they'd go for). At that stage, men are finding themselves as much as women are trying to find themselves. As they age, women still want the qualities of an 'azzhole' without the azzhole personality. Being a 'man' is the key.
Spot on. I couldnt agree more. Go ask 100 women if they like a$$holes and I promise you they will all say no. (Hell they already did in half of what was on that list.) The only reason they date the a$$hole in the first place is for his confidance, dominance etc and they have to put up with the a$$hole to get it.

I believe to put it in concrete terms, the traits/qualities that attract women have already been found. If you did into DYD and Advanced Dating Series you can see the tangible, hardcore stuff, rather than try to recreate the wheel. It's already been done before. That, and there are other places to up your game.

David did a great job of explaining it in his advanced series and I totally agree with what he says. You take the traits that the jerk has and remove all of the undesirable qualities, leave in the aggressiveness, testosterone, confidance, dominance, etc and your left with a very attractive guy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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A Return

I find this humorous in that, my boss/mentor is what you would call a 'master of c&f' at his ripe age of 48 (looks 30, remarried a 35 year old). He's dated girls I WOULD date, prior to his marriage.
On some occasions, I've presented my problems, questions, concerns, insights, etc for his feedback.

One thing that makes a guy a great catch later on in life is...having a job.

Laugh, but it's true. Working in an office with over 4,500 clients...where my business is largely financial/tax/legal, I see the OTHER side of the coin. I see the divorces, I see the poverty, the families living in squaller, and I even see the affluent families who are STILL unhappy with money. There's no guidepost to happiness but what you pursue that fulfills your own SELFISH interests (that being key).

The biggest impression I get is to just be your own person. Don't follow the fancy of what your age gap does, or generation, or even what the latest hottie commented on, because it will change with the next girl, the next progression in age, or even at different landmarks in life. What's attractive at certain ages changes because we get bored. You get tired of the rollercoaster, just like you can get tired of the lifestyle of living out of night clubs.

Many guys who were, in the estimation of those I work with, were the studs of yesteryear. Some turned out ok, but some didn't put any time in NOT drifting, so they got what they wanted: NOTHING. Washed up at 30, 40 etc. Yet, on the flipside, the guys who stayed the path, came through ok at 30, 40, are making above $150,000 and are single, or have found themselves happily married to younger women. Doesn't that sound nice?

Making good money/Living a good life.
Marrying a younger woman (because they want older men).
And achieving all that you desire.

That's what I desire, because a woman can up and leave at any fancy she has, but me, the hobbies, habits, desires, achievements, loves, you have are permanent fixtures of your core-self. It gives you the ability to 'fish', and not be given 'fish' (i.e meeting women regularly vs 'getting lucky').

I own both the Advanced Techniques and the Sexual Communication sets (both are quite similar; 11 disc vs 4 disc). He really dials it down for you. Why reinvent the wheel? Not to mention, he gives you a glimpse of what got him to where he is. Not everybody here is armed with the same talents. Some are better @ meeting girls, but not keeping them, and some at keeping them, but not meeting them. Take what he gives you as skills/charateristics/traits, indoctrinate them into your personality, and push the PRINT button to get your individual results. Presto!




Master Don Juan
Jan 13, 2003
Reaction score
MY reality
B1tch is just another word for a confident woman who always wants to have her way.

A$$hole is just another word for a confident man who won't take sh!t from a b1tch.

Why do you think the majority of hot girls are reffered to as 'b1tches' and the guys who get laid all the time are reffered to as 'a$$holes'?

This is how I see it: the two words were made up as weapons to use against the opposite sex, and they're supposed to be insulting, but all they really do is compliment on the sexual prowess of that person.

In other words, it pays to be an 'a$$hole'. Imho, you can be an 'a$$hole' and still be a decent person. When you get around the negative connontation the word has, you will see the positive traits that these men exhibit which are attractive to women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
I agree.

The times I got called a$$hole, were times I least expected it by girls I didn't really like. So yes, a$$hole happens by just not taking $hit.

Here's a pointer.

Is 'mean' on the same level as a$$hole.

I intimate, it isn't. But I want perspective from other suavers.




Don Juan
Oct 11, 2001
Reaction score
Re: I agree.

Originally posted by A-Unit
The times I got called a$$hole, were times I least expected it by girls I didn't really like. So yes, a$$hole happens by just not taking $hit.
Yea, you will hear a woman calling even a really 'nice guy' an a$$hole when she can't browbeat, control, boss, manipulate, etc. him...and he is not even remotely an a$$hole....he just doesn't take their crap.

But, sometimes, if you get called an a$$hole, your right on track to thong removal lol.

Heheheh good quotes...an interesting look into 'As Women Thinketh'.....or kinda Tries To Thinketh hehehe.

You Know It's Sad But True

James Olmstead

Don Juan
Sep 19, 2004
Reaction score
Auckland New Zealand
Re: I agree.

Originally posted by A-Unit

Is 'mean' on the same level as a$$hole.
I really dont see it as being relevant to the point. It shouldnt matter, you shouldnt want to be either, because you dont have to be.

The point, as I see it, is that being, rude, mean, a jerk or an a$$hole are only the negative side affects of a guy with the traits women are attracted to. Women dont like to be abused or mistreated. They dont sit up nights dreaming about finding the perfect a$$hole. Thats not what they want.

For example, look at Denzel Washington. He's extremely masculine, supremely confidant, aggressive, but polite, courteous, friendly and at the end of the day he's still a "nice guy" and women go insane over him. So you dont have to be an a$$hole to be attractive, you just have the traits women are attracted to. (The masculine, confidant, powerful, testosterone charged male.)

I think the original poster is way off base in suggesting that we should ever try to be an a$$hole or a jerk to pull women. It's terrible advice and reeks of immaturity. Instead we should be focusing on developing the positive traits the jerk and a$$hole have that we didnt or dont have yet i.e. Pook's The Secret of the Jerk.


Master Don Juan
Jan 13, 2003
Reaction score
MY reality
Somebody needs to sticky the T Theory post. Seriously. It's the best post I've ever read on this site. I mean, it makes so much damn sense, it's just insane.

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
thankyou for posting this thread Player_Supreme

Quote - il_duce
B1tch is just another word for a confident woman who always wants to have her way.

A$$hole is just another word for a confident man who won't take sh!t from a b1tch.

Why do you think the majority of hot girls are reffered to as 'b1tches' and the guys who get laid all the time are reffered to as 'a$$holes'?

This is how I see it: the two words were made up as weapons to use against the opposite sex, and they're supposed to be insulting, but all they really do is compliment on the sexual prowess of that person.

In other words, it pays to be an 'a$$hole'. Imho, you can be an 'a$$hole' and still be a decent person. When you get around the negative connontation the word has, you will see the positive traits that these men exhibit which are attractive to women.

i agree with you 100% here il_duce

you would think most of the guys on this site would be smart enough to realise that in most cases when a woman says a$$hole she means Don Juan.

but nooo.......

lol :D

i can't tell a chick here in Australian i am a Don Juan cause the dumb b*tches have never heard of him so i use the next closest word in their limited english vocabulary....


Lost In Translation


Quote: Don Juanabbe
“ What are you Vanilla-bloody-Ice? “

Quote: Player_Supreme
“ But if a ho wants to just be friends then don't waste your time. And I'm a debase character so your hooking up with her friend in front of her was sweet to my ears. “

Quote: Player_Supreme
“I've taken a fat chick and put her on a diet and training program and created my own super ho. “

Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“First off - she is just another hor who has opened her legs to another man - you are no one special - and there are no "Greatest" to hors - you are just the next pimp in line!!! “

Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“ the 'pimp' mentality works today because you are living in a time such that there are an overabundance if hors - this is the Pimps playground!! Pimps and hors go together like bread and butter - they are complementary natures!!! Pimps need hors like hors need pimps!! “

Quote: squirrels
“ You NEVER pay as a supplicative or bargaining measure, though. The reward that she gets for her affection is YOUR affection. The reward she gets for her sex is YOUR sex. The second you start buying her stuff to keep her around, keep her entertained in your presence, etc...you're compensating for not having what it takes to seduce the woman, and that's totally unacceptable. “
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by James Olmstead
Im going to have to disagree a little with you here.

To start, I think a lot of it has to do with the maturity of the girl and everything on your list sounds like it came from a 16 year old, not a grown woman. When they mature they realize that they can get what they are looking for without having to date an a$$hole.

I think that being an a$$hole is only a side effect of the guys confidance, and its not a$$hole that they are after, but they are only after his confidance and dominance. You can still have all the attributes they are looking for (being a challenge, confidant, dominant, in charge, take control, leader etc.) without being an a$$hole and still get the women in the end. You just have to find the right balance.
The list is from young college kids. We all know that when women get into their 30's if they aren't settled down by then they will start to look for a much calmer versiion of the azzhole.

The survey isn't mine I listed the source in the first post. My message is that nice guys do finish last!!!

Peace and Quiet

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