The only guys I have ever known who have gotten laid off Tinder are 7/10+ white guys. No exceptions. I'm sure exceptions do occur. If I used it long enough and swiped enough girls maybe even I would get laid. But as it is, I've only had a few matches that reply once or twice and then no further. <1/100 match rate per swipe. Most guys are averaging around 1/100 match rate from swiping as well.
Most guys will tell you that you might get one date for every 10-30 matches you get. So to get any significant dates or regular sex from it you need 100+ matches without too much effort. As I said, the only guys I know who have done that are 7+/10 white guys.
Someone posted some data from an experiment they supposedly did, questioning 300 guys and girls about whether they had ever had sex on Tinder.
Bottom line:
Unlike I thought, 240 of the 300 girls actually had sex through tinder! Only less than 50 of the 300 men, which is remarkable.
This was never published in a peer-reviewed study so it could be bull****. But I believe it from everything I've seen from myself and my friends.
Girls have absolutely no problem with taking turns for the top guys, and that's what Tinder encourages. Girls get laid like crazy from Tinder if they want. While most guys can get nothing at all.