penkitten said:
these days, so many people do not want to improve themselves or make a change while standing in front of a mirror. they want to point a finger at someone else. they want a scapegoat. they want to manipulate the situation rather than take responsibility for their own actions or contributions.
you have no idea how much i have grown up since i found this site. you have no idea the wealth of information that i have learned here from other members.
i have learned about myself and i have learned to take responsibility for myself.
i have learned how to be a morally good person, how to react under pressure, how to choose what i wanted out of my life and how i wanted to raise my kids and what kind of man i wanted to be with.
and then i found that man here of all places.
what would i have found on a chick site? not any of that.
they have threads about how to get guys to buy you drinks all night at stupid clubs. that crap is crap.
even when i was single, i never let any guy buy me a drink, no matter if they asked or followed me around with a drink. nope. was never going to take anything from someone in the off chance that i was to owe someone something. i would always say that if i couldn't afford to buy myself a drink then i would be at home.
So how can the environment be changed so that other women follow the same road you took?
Send them to this site?
Make them become aware?
You know that we mostly focus o self improvement, and self acceptance. In addition, to the notion that we feel we can;t really change other people around us...we can only change our perspective, and be accepting of them as who they are. If we choose to still involve ourselves with them, then so be it. But if not, then we do so as educated Men.
We as Menm, do try to change our environment. Which can be changed to an stent, basically, to varying degrees.
This is how we feel as Men. We're born this way. "Men build Castles, and make Empires. Since we were little boyus many of us have that inner drive to do that.
So we see ourselves as being justified in trying to create our own environment.
Later, as we amture, and face life's harsh realities we being to see how we cannot really change people. Unless they have the desire to change.
This message doesn't seem to get across to women too much. Hence, the repetetive cycles of our male//female dyamics . These relationships which we have which from the get o are not healthy, and skewer our perceptions...often into cynicsm and contempt, not to mention resentment otwards the opposite xes.
With so much womne's infortmation geared to "How to change your man from a pig into a real man!" Instead of, "How to wake up and stop being a B*tch!"
You can see how pervasive this "movement" is, and how hard of a time Men are finding just to deal with Women.