I never travel?? I have lived in 25 cities and 12 states. I have visited 46 US cities and 7 countries.
The whole world was made from low-value men??
Everyone who is not Tom Brady is not a low-value loser. If Tom Brady were on an island with 9 other men and there were 10 women, 8 of the women would sleep with Tom Brady and 8 men would die virgins. Only 2 of the men would reproduce, but all of the women would reproduce.
Dating is about the exchange of resources for eggs. This proves eggs are valuable.
Do you know what an example is? That's Tom Brady. Didn't say all men who are not Tom Brady level are losers. You seem to be stuck on one dimensional thinking and don't have the mental ability to see complexity. Its not all or nothing. Among low value men, there are still higher and lower men. Among high value men, there are still higher and lower men. You can't be this dumb.
I already told you a man's value is not all about reproduction. We have nothing left to discuss if you are going to keep repeating the same crap that we already moved past.
I travel plenty.
And do you know how many homeless I see in the streets? What do you reckon the percentage of those that are men?
I also have had many different jobs. One of which was in advocacy.
Can you guess whom we prioritized for assistance?
You aren't talking to an idiot here
Why are you so stuck focusing on losers and low value men? No one on this site is low value, so lets get off that. You think its some kind of crime against humanity that homeless men are not dating supermodels? You think its strange that society has winners and losers?
Yes, society has winners and losers. Everyone can't win. Get used to it.
Some countries look out more for women (U.S. and Canada) while other countries look out more for men (Middle east, parts of African, etc).
This one dimensional claim that all men have a disadvantage in life while all women have an advantage in life is totally absurd and can be proven with facts if you want to keep going. In general, men are both at the top and the bottom. Women are in the middle. The men at the bottom think women have it easier, while women look at men at the top and think men have it easier. The grass is always greener on the other side.