Something to understand in ALL this is that society has come that way, full circle, through implementation and experimentation. Principles from other successful (in the eyes of social controllers) have been adopted, such as Prussia, Germany, and Europe.
TV is just ONE medium by which control is enforced and done. It's not some IMMEDIATE mandate, where drastic changes occur; social changes rarely are. More, it's a degradation OVER time that occurs through the institution of laws and rules and regulations the COAX society in a certain direction.
ONLY in the past 100 years or so has the idea of SOCIETY become a BUZZ word. That's because if SOCIETY wasn't focused upon, it was the INDIVIDUAL, which is anathema to Government, the State, and to Corporations in general. If INDIVIDUALS were raised according to the morals of families, and not what's OUT THERE, then we (the public) wouldn't be very easy to get to work in jobs independently. We wouldn't make good laborers. Or consumers.
Having millions of MINUTE social cliques or individuals FREE thinking is risky to a society the desires ORDER, and therefore puts emphasis on progress. Isn't that the buzz word? Society? Social order? Progress? But...where are we going?
In total, the individual is assumed to assuage their own desires for the benefit of the State and an overall larger goal. Occupations, jobs, careers, are ROMANTICIZED beyond mere survival. They're meant to fulfill people emotionally MORE than the family unit, personal relationships, and day to day life instead. Rather, the focus on disconnected parties, able to FREELY float through society, having only momentary relationships, and dislodging the child from the parental units via forced schooling, the media, video games, church, sports, and the like. As much effort as can be applied to break apart the family ASSURES corporations and the State that they can GIVE to the child the RIGHT feelings and thoughts, RATHER than letting the family teach morality, sexuality, religion, and a host of other important values.
It's not only a matter of PARENTS ARE NOT HOME ENOUGH, but, how can they be, when kids spend 6-9 hours at school, then do sports, then do homework, then to bed. Even if you get 1hour per day, IT IS NOT NEARLY enough to be the influence authority in their lives.
So does TV pass down values? No.
TV, technology, is just a PHYSICAL extension of activities and emotions of the mind.
TV is us seeing the vision of another person, telling a story, you could obviously just read in the book and envion on your own. Difference being, books FORCE you to come up with answers on your own and freely think, TV does not.
TV is but 1 medium DOING this and yes it does it. Problem is, people believe that what society speaks is truth, or is correct, so their lifelong search for meaning and what remains their "individual utopia" continues until they become wrought with frustrationg and just SETTLE. If they only KNEW from the get-go it's a false dream to begin with, they could deal effectively with the reality before them.
It's a controlled system, buy it or not, and TV, like radio, and newspaper, and even books, and hollywood or money machines spinning out controlling points of social order. But it's integrated. And it's deeper and darker than one can imagine. REALLY DARK. REALLY DEEP. And it should EXPLAIN why everything seems so fawked. NO, it's not your imagination. NO, it's not a bunch of EGO's gone crazy. And no, it's not JUST LIFE. Yes, it takes a HIPPIES' attitude to survive, but you almost engage caution and seriousness to realize the severity of such issues.
To me, the dealings with women are a crap shoot, the only ammunition you have are the dealings of this site and other's like it. The fact is, because it's SO unfathomable, gives it possibility to be real. And what I'm speaking on takes a leap of faith like Columbus had to cross the ocean and PROVE the world was round and wasn't the center of the universe. THAT required a deep leap of faith, this does too.
AFC's must KNOW that they are victims, on many levels, but they can't STAY that way. It was a designed experiment meant to bend social order just THAT way. A boy BORN into a life where his father has little or no influence is not his fault. Nor is it the fault of millions of kids today going through it. It isn't the fault of a bitter woman PISSED at the feminist society telling men to equalize women in their eyes and being less chivarlous. The bitter women then invoke their masculine/feminine will on boys carelessly, AFCizing young one's, and emasculating old one's.
To take back your power is to realize the designed system before MEANT to effect this, but once you have your eyes, USE them. Get out, get right, and helps other's. Help yourself.
I won't venture the conspiracy path of 9-11, nor politics, as that would lock a decent threat, but I would say, ALL of this is interwoven to such depth of levels, that for kids, it begins in FORCED schooling, which separates the kid from the greatest source they could possibly have: their parents. The greatest UNIT possible to raise and grow a good person is the family, whether the family is the Mansons' or the Brady Bunch, it doesn't matter. It's the UNIT, designed by nature, reinforced by nature, and ordained by God if you like.
All of this is really LIKE A SPLINTER in your mind, and you KNOW it's true, but because of social conditioning that says you're a conspiracy theorist, or a dissenter, or some malcontent worker, people are afraid to speak out. Funny, when the ForeFathers of the country were speaking against Great Britain on Liberty, it wasn't a big deal. Nor was it a big deal when the Boston Tea Party occurred. But now, we lose our Patriotic spirit, and replace it with this feeling of Superior Nationlism that has twisted the country into some Manifest destiny to acquire oil for supposedly GOOD country and good religion. Just, well, funny. It was ok then, but not now. Wring people dry of free passion and independence and this is what you get....