Who's the oldest virgin on here?


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
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Exp said:
Where did you get the hooker Spider and how much did you pay for her?
Just asking....I'm not going to get one.
In the bad part of town. Just make eye contact with every gurl that walks down the street as you drive by, and you'll know which one is working. Here in my city, the price is usually $80 CND. for full service.....anyway, enought about that, it's counter productive, your here to learn how to do it the "RIGHT" way.

4 (or so) years x 56 weeks (one a week) x ($80 + $20 for a room) = $22 400 that i could have had in my bank account right now.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2005
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I'm 17! Haharr!

I'm Christian too, that doesn't say much about sex for love.


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2006
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I'm 16 here. Am I the youngest virgin here? Hell, I don't even have my license yet! It's hard to have a game when you can't drive and your parents hound you wherever you go. It's not that I haven't tried to get in my driving hours, it's just that my parents never have the time or motivation to take me out to practice.:mad:


New Member
Jun 29, 2006
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This is probably the weirdest thing you will ever read. I recently lost it - about 10 months ago. I was 29.

But here's the best bit, it was with two lesbians. One an ex-stripper and the other was a masuese, both where very sexually promiscious and real bad girls plus gorgeous. Both where 23.

How did that happen? Well I met them at a friends apartment, they had just moved in across the hall and the masuese girl came in to ask where to buy Ecstasy, so me being a bit of a druggie :) - I was able to give her all the info, well we hit it off and I really fell in love. I have a thing for bad girls, probably because I'm soooo not. She became my oneitus.

Anyway after a few weeks of flirting, one night we where chatting and she said that I should come into their room before I go home. I sort of chickened out (I knew they had done a threesome before) and avoided going home until they left, anyway they didn't and at around 3am she dragged me into her room and stripped in front of me and tried to get me on their bed. I wasn't having any of it, and when she asked me why "I said that I really fancied her and it would be like cheating in front of her girlfriend" - who was apparantly freaking out because she and my mates could see the connection between us. After that we just had a really long talk and shared alot of stuff.

Ironically they REALLY liked me because of that because quite frankly the guys they had ****ed, they just used and then kicked them out. They don't really like men except for physically - both had been raped. I continued seeing them for a while, one night they even tried to bring back another girl when we where out who was only 18. That would have been an even weirder way to loose it. Anyway eventually we did sleep togeather.

What stopped me before hand? ****ing Catholic upbringing, then my life went a bit **** and I sort of just went a bit buck daft. BTW - The bible says nothing about drugs ;-)

What happened next - well we all moved in to the same apartment togeather but we didn't sleep togeather as her gf had really only done it to apease her and they said that it would be like you being apart of OUR relationship which was fair enough. That actually pleased me as it was a bit weird (having the other girl there) and I slept that night with one of their mates just to show that I was cool with that. I didn't feel too good about myself after that. It still was weird because the masuese (my oneitus) still snuck in to my room to snuggle naked in the morning and we where still allowed to kiss, and she still thought of me as her bf, one time we where goofing on her in a shop and she goes "You two can just go find another gf" - it just slipped out, her gf didn't look too happy and the whole shop just stared at us.

How did it end? - When her gf was away, she wanted to sleep with me and phoned her gf up to ask permission, they had a "open" relationship when I met them. Her gf freaked out and said that she didn't want her doing anything and she was really hurt. Anway things went downhill from there and they moved out soon after. They also don't have an "open" relationship now and aren't going to do any more guys. I tried to stay friends but my oneitus started getting a bit nasty one moment and then really jealous the next, in the end I had to move on because the one thing I always tried not to do was to break them up.

I know what you're thinking - I was a bit of an innocent boy toy. True - I always knew that but **** it. It was fun and I sort of needed them to get me over that hurdle. And No - They didn't get any money or anything else off me.

And yes I still love her :-(


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
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South Bend
whoo i thought it would be me i'm 20 years old and still ain't lost it but i haven't found the right girl a lot a girls are stupid or nasty i hope to lose it before i ship out


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
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Big Ole apple
Fash said:
Honestly dude, do what feels RIGHT for you! Not what some guy is preaching out of a 2000 year old book!
Zero, ur beliefs are your beliefs and if anyone doesn't like it f*ck them.

Wow, 38 yrs old? Kudos to you guys for being able to admit that. Get to work though guys, maybe right now you could skip trying to bang a HB and bang a UG just to get it out of the way.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
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The emergency room
I think i might have mentioned this in another thread, but I didnt lose my virginity til I was 30. From the time I was in my late teens til I was 28 I was on medications that totally inhibited my sex drive. I should say though that I did have my first sexual experience at 15 (oral only though), and that I had a chance to lose it at 19 (chickened out).

So what else stopped me from losing it sooner? Well I was brought up in a strict religious home where sex before marriage was taboo. I also had rediculous views on sex, how I wanted my first time to be in a loving relationship and all that crap. Besides, I was a very, very, VERY desperate and bad afc. Seriously, think of the worst afc moves a guy can do, and I guarantee I could do worse. I did have girls who liked me, not a ton but quite a few and I was either too scared to act or oblivious.

Now that I am 32, I have had a few sexual partners, a gf and a f-buddy (ok they were the same girl, but you know). I am not the clumsy oaf I thought I would be in bed, and I actually feel a lot more confident around women. Being on this site has certainly helped, but what else has helped has been my weight loss. Two years ago, I weighed in at 260 lbs..all fat. Now I weigh in at below 180. I am in better shape now than when I was 18. I have been dressing better and am able to hold a conversation with girls better now. I am by no means a player, nor do I want to be. All I want, all I ever wanted was to talk to women, accurately guage their interest and escalate if I feel there is attraction.


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
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I'm 27 and a virgin. People always just say "do a fat chick" or something, but I don't know how, I simply can't seem to meet women.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.
Zerotwoonenine said:
17 here, cant lose it untill married because i am christian..:( . but i could easilly lose it, go to club, get drunk girls...
I'm not telling you to ditch your beliefs man, but don't do something because you have a particular label or status above you. Live your life the way you want to live it, not how anyone else tells you to. I used to be exactly like you man, then I sat down one day, really analyzed the Bible and whatnot, and just realized that all of that stuff dosn't make sense, and though I believe in God I can't say that its still a God in the traditional Christian sense.

What you really need to do man is get your own set of beliefs, if it IS Christian, and you actually BELIEVE it for yourself, then keep it that way, but if you are just doing it because you are taught not to do so than you are a sheep. I mean even einstein said its a waste of a mind if you joyously march to what you are just taught, and not what you comprehend, you might as well just have a spine, because its a waste of a mind.

To me zero, it doesn't sound like you really want to stay that way, but simply because you are tuaght. Had you simply said, "Well I don't WANT to lose it right now because I am Christian and its against my ethics than I could understand, but what you said was its because you are Christian taht you can't, an thtat doesn't seem like you, it seems like a book dictating your actions.
May 23, 2006
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spider_007 said:
been there done that (more then 150 times in last 3 years) but i still consider my self a virgin, since i never done it without paying for it.
150 times in the past three years. That would mean 50 times each year, or about once a week or something? How much time did you spend on average?

How so? If anyone has sex, then they are losing their virginity.

You know, I have heard it was said that a hooker experience is just one step up from masturbating on porn, or not that much of a difference, is that true?
There is no 'real' connections? Have you tried GFE's or any stuff like that?

I'm hooker-proof - no intentions of using one at this time so don't worr.
May 23, 2006
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dakota said:
Sorry luke,
the force is even stronger with me. At 38 I am still a virgin. The ironic thing is that, being a schoolteacher I have two reputations around town. Some believe that I am still a virgin and other believe I have slept with one or more of a whole series of reccent HS graduates who are all in the 8-10 range.
But have you kissed or fondled anyone - LESS than 30 years old?
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Zerotwoonenine said:
17 here, cant lose it untill married because i am christian..:( . but i could easilly lose it, go to club, get drunk girls...
Good for you. You should stick to what your beliefs are if you really believe them.

So, get married then, have you asked anyone to marry you yet? You are more likely to marry a virgin at that age then if you wait to 30?
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
Luke Skywalker said:
But have you kissed or fondled anyone - LESS than 30 years old?
Yo man Luke, first off you gotta toss off all those limiting beliefs. I find alot of older guys (28+), seem to find David DeAngelo really helpful, just focus on getting the mindsets and getting the most out of life, because he's the closest seduction guru that could be called a Don Juan, as far as I'm concerned. He even says things like, "I can give you the most techniques and the best lines, but without your attitude fixed noting can help you."
Combine that with parts of the DJ bible like authentic confidence and actually GETTING OUT THERE, and doing things to get you these mindsets and confidence, and then the puzzle pieces are gonna start going together. I'm telling you bro, the way to do things is to learn a bit, but then get out there and APPLY it. I can't tell you for how long I used learning as creative avoidance, always saying, "Well wait, just one more thing I can learn taht way I can't mess up". Trust me man, once you stat becoming a DJ and the mindsets and your beliefs are congruent with your actions, you won't need techniques. You'll be able to be yourself, because yourself will be a MAN, not a chump.

So in short, learning is great, but its only half the equation. Applying your knowledge is what really gets you moving.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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Im 20 and still "clean". I had 2 opportunities to lose it last year but I flaked on both chances. =(


New Member
Jun 29, 2006
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Zero, Listen to Fash - I waited because of religion and wanted it to be right too. Worst mistake off my life and quite frankly ruined my 20s. Once you do it, you'll realise it's no big deal and it will give you alot of confidence with girls. You'll no longer feel like a boy in a man's world but a man. I hate to be dramatic but for me it changed my personality almost over night.

It actually prevented me from getting into relationships because once you get to be over 20, sex isn't considered a big thing anymore (if it is even is before then) and girls EXPECT you to want to bed them very early on in the relationship (normally first or second date). You could be honest with the girl, I know and just tell her but it's embarrasing and that's difficult too. That expectation hangs over your head until eventually you don't actually want to put yourself in the situation.

Is the Bible wrong? I'm not sure. I certainly feel that MOST of the problems in society are caused by the disintegration of faith in western society and it's true that only by passing material world tests can WE show our faith in God however you only get one life.

Who knows?


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
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Luke Skywalker said:
150 times in the past three years. That would mean 50 times each year, or about once a week or something? How much time did you spend on average?.
how much time? you mean how long did it last? Untill you bust a nut (10-15 min)
you spend more time driving and finding a place then you do fvcking.

Luke Skywalker said:
How so? If anyone has sex, then they are losing their virginity.
You are thechnicly right. I however still think of my self as a virgin, after all i never done it by picking some gurl up in a bar, or with a reall girllfriend. When I get home, i don't sit there thinking about it for hours about how good it was. Most of the time i'll forget about it by the next morning.

Luke Skywalker said:
You know, I have heard it was said that a hooker experience is just one step up from masturbating on porn, or not that much of a difference, is that true?
There is no 'real' connections? Have you tried GFE's or any stuff like that?
Who ever told you that is right. There is a once in a while, that you get a girll who with proper handling will let loose and enjoye her self too, but that is rare, and far in between. You are right too, there is no real connection.....it's come to a point now, where they barly give me a bonner....don't get me wrong i'm horny, but.....it just doesn't feel right anymore.

What's GFE's ?


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
I'm 30 y/o, and already posted in the mature section (thread was locked). I'm likely the oldest virgin on here, and I'm for the record still a virgin, in fact, I've never kissed a girl. I've always failed with women as you can see and I'm very frustrated. I'm even memorising lines for priming dates reading this book "HOw to Succed with Women'.
Uh, I think I have you beat. I'm 40 and still waiting. There I said it. But I don't plan on being one much longer.

I found this site by entering the words "what women really want". And since I am a message board guy, I thought I would join you guys in searching for a mate.

I've kissed girls and fondled them, but...well...you know.

I do know this about women. They dig confident men. They want grown ups and not immature punks. The thing that kept me from getting any when I was younger was that I was so freaking immature that it was repulsive. So don't feel too bad, Luke.

It has to do with attitude.
May 23, 2006
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spider_007 said:
how much time? you mean how long did it last? Untill you bust a nut (10-15 min)
you spend more time driving and finding a place then you do fvcking.
10-15 minutes? There is no foreplay?

spider_007 said:
You are thechnicly right. I however still think of my self as a virgin, after all i never done it by picking some gurl up in a bar, or with a reall girllfriend. When I get home, i don't sit there thinking about it for hours about how good it was. Most of the time i'll forget about it by the next morning.
But you did this 150 times, if the experience is like that, how come you've done it so many times?

spider_007 said:
Who ever told you that is right. There is a once in a while, that you get a girll who with proper handling will let loose and enjoye her self too, but that is rare, and far in between.
That's a YMMV type of girl I guess. When you say 150 times, you mean 150 different people, or are you regulars for most of them, and you've been with them more than once? So, for example, you've done 5 good hookers 30 times each, as opposed to 150 different people?

spider_007 said:
You are right too, there is no real connection.....it's come to a point now, where they barly give me a bonner....don't get me wrong i'm horny, but.....it just doesn't feel right anymore.
Of course it wouldn't feel right. If you want to spend money, then try a holiday at Cancun Mexico or something, and go into the clubs and bars and f-close every night for free. You would only have to spend like a thousand dollars or so for airfare and accomidation, and then just go into the clubs or bars. People are all in an adventurous mood there so your likely to f-close rather easily.

Ok, I'm a KJ as far as that is concerned, but if I had money to blow towards sex, I'd likely invest it to go there rather than hire people because you know it's free.

spider_007 said:
What's GFE's ?
Girl Friend Experience. These are 'escorts' (euphamism for hookers), that claim to offer full-service, but also act as though they are your 'girlfriend', so you could also have other range of intimacy as though you were with an actual girlfriend, so to speak.

It seems that element is lacking in your experiences. Maybe it's an advertising gimic of some hookers and a fantasy concept - seems oxymoronic that a hooker will act like a girlfriend.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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spider what is stopping you from going out and getting a free root? I'm not insulting or being condescending, just very very curious. I mean you've got like 2000+ posts, surely you must have learnt some basic technique?
May 23, 2006
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CloneWolf said:
I've kissed girls and fondled them, but...well...you know.

I do know this about women. They dig confident men. They want grown ups and not immature punks. The thing that kept me from getting any when I was younger was that I was so freaking immature that it was repulsive. So don't feel too bad, Luke.

It has to do with attitude.
I want to see if I win the prize here. I bet I'm the only virgin on this board, who has never kissed or fondled a girl in 30 years. Nobody has beat this record yet.

Anyway, it's not the fact that I've never done any of this before that makes me feel bad, it just stings more when you get a C&B - that makes me feel bad - but then you learn something for the next time, so it's not a total loss.