white_hype...alright, here's a story...perhaps another one will follow...
a while back there was this one chick that i had an experience with. in my book an HB9, smokin' hot and very close to my "ideal". white, 26, 5'8, probably 140lbs, long straight black hair, perfect face and skin, wore stylish glasses, really smart, and REAL DD's. i like chicks that are just a bit "overweight", so long as it's equally distributed.
there was some chemistry from the beginning, no doubt. and it escalated over the course of three months. but due to a "professional conflict", i wasn't going to ask her out. i could have, but thought it inappropriate. although nothing was said about it, we both knew it. i got a lot of respect from her by NOT doing this because every other dope WAS hitting on her and drooling over those DD's. (actually i was, but didn't lead on).
this went on for three months--talking after meetings; she was kino'ing ME; personal emails here and there; some phone calls. clearly both of us were waiting to see each other on a personal basis. after the "professional conflict" was over, i asked her out. she was totally excited about it.
long story short...we set the date & i show up on time. i look at my cell and there's a VM from 10 minutes ago. (ringer was off so i didn't answer). got a bad feeling about this...
yep! you guess it! "sorry TooCold, i can't make it tonight, i'm at KINKOS printing my resume becuase my printer is broken and i have to get it out tomorrow morning...blah, blah, blah...i'm so sorry, blah, blah, blah...can we do it another time..."
i knew about this resume situation some time before. i knew she had a deadline to get it in. but she waited until the last fvcking second to get it in--and I paid for it.
i'm pretty sure she actually WAS at kinkos. but basically her excuse was equivalent to "i'm washing my cat" (see my email below).
i was fvcking LIVID! i just deleted the message instantly, got back in the car, drove back home 20 miles in traffic, with smoke coming out of my ears. bye...later...you lose...
get home, and there's an email from her (that she sent from Kinkos) stating the same thing as on the VM, AND a request for a make up--you know, the old counteroffer situation. **** THAT!!! but i kept my cool and replied with something to this effect,
You know that I work 80 hours per week. I know that you have plenty of free time on your hands. I planned for the date because I was looking forward to it. You clearly did not.
You burned a Friday night for me. I don't appreciate being treated like this and I did nothing to deserve it.
End of story? nope! over the course of a month, she's going sort of AFC on me--but i don't give in--i hold my line for ONE MONTH! she knew damn well i was "punishing" her, but i never said a word to this effect.
so THEN we finally go out. i told her that i expect to be treated like a king--YOU pick me up; YOU buy the wine; YOU pay for the evening.
we went out, had a great time, went back to her place, dilly dallied on the couch for a couple of hours watching TV, teasing, kino, making out, heavy petting, on my lap with those DD's, then fvcked her brains out on the couch. then fvcked again later that evening, and for the next 4 months (she moved to No. Cal.)
Morale of the Story:
I didn't take any of her manipulative shiat that she spews onto loser AFCs. The Kinko incident was clearly a test on her part, i passed it with flying colors, and she got moist. In addition, i made her PAY for this little test, without ever saying a word. I was very willing to walk away with my head held high--as far as i was concerned it was OVER when she blew me out. this obviously gave her the impression that i didn't NEED her.
"uh oh, i blew it with TooCold", i am positive that's what she was thinking. HA!
TooCold is an average looking guy (but well groomed) with an average body, but very smart, interesting, funny, arrogant in the correct doses, and charming when i need/want to be.
with HB9's, i really don't do much neg hitting. i just don't take any of their ****--and call them out when they spew it. i certainly do not gawk at them or compliment them or hit on them. i try to get them to come to me. if they don't, so be it, they're ususally high-maintenance anyway. this is an attractive attitude.
i think landing an HB9 is pretty easy, provided that you have regular contact with them, you are patient, and you STICK TO YOUR GAME. that's the key. these chicks know how to sniff out AFCs. they also know how to sniff out pretender DJs. they've seen it 100 times--a guy appears to be a "real man", but then when he gets the goods, he goes totally AFC on her. chicks hate that and with the HB9s even moreso--you just wasted a bunch of their time because you're a fraud.
get into the mindset that HB9s are a waste of time, high-maint, primmadonnas, and guilty until proven innocent. who needs this shiat? again, this attitude is attractive to them--provided that is it GENUINE, you have regular contact with them AND you are very pleasant company.
your looks don't matter at the end of the day. nor does your wallet. like everyone else, you have to be going somewhere in life.
BTW, i am going out with an HB9 later this week--our "first date". our contact so far has been numerous brief meetings, a few phone calls, and a few emails. she's 25, half mexican, petite, and a cutie-pie. i never hit on her, never complimented her but on her work, made her laugh (a lot actually), and was just cool with her. i really had no intention of pursuing her.
i plan on AT LEAST three dates with her (if she's game) before any kissing or petting. i'm just not going to let it happen unless i know her pretty well. i don't need the aggrivation of a high-maint chick. period. NEVER say this, just give the impression of this, and you'll start landing them.
will try to give an update on mexi HB9 over the weekend.