who heres hooked up with or dated a HB 9.5 and up?


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Yes... the thing is the 2 girls I would regard as my best pulls at the 9.5 scale because nobody is perfect, lol, were both handed to me on a plate...

1st one it was simple... we were out one night I was meetin up with mates at a bar cos I was busy with another girl earlier in the night so I didn't head down with them... in the queue I bump into my boy's GF and she has 2 friends with her and one is lookin that good, every bouncer and guy in the club is checkin this girl, then I step inside and 5 minutes later, my boy's GF tells me that her friend wants me and that was that... 5 minutes after meetin girl and only exchangin names and an introductory kiss on the cheek and the usual eye contact and smile, I was gettin tongue before movin onto somethin serious later in the night...

2nd... been in the VIP of the club at an End of Year Ball... stepped down to the club room, and was on the floor with a mate, just groovin before 6'2" blonde, Brittany Smith lookin girl strolls up to me and trys to break me down on a "Do you not think it's kinda gay 2 guys dancin together?" tip... now I know how lame that **** is but she looked good so I let it pass and told her that me and my boy are that comfortable with our heterosexuality that it ain't a thing... next thing I know it's like the above scenario on replay

First girl really had no personality tho and as much as I intended to run with her as a trophy GF, her attitude really pissed me off and we got 2 or 3 nights out from that... other girl we vibed, she was educated (rather than the hairdresser and beautician the other girl was) havin just finished a 4 year Uni degree, but she was 24, and leavin Uni goin back home, whereas I'd just finished my 1st year and was still a boy at 19, lol... as much as bein with this girl for more than the 2 months woulda been that good, it just wasn't plausible so that was that...

Genghis Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Boston, MA
sheeet, she is ffffine.....

give us more details....what went on with this chick?


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score

first of all, thx to everyone that actually posted a story rather that the guys who think people care what kind of girl they think is hot...

bishop-please post the story dealing with that chick, she looks like she has a nice body but im not sure about the face since i cant get a clear view but she looks to be more of a hb7.5 (8.5 body 7 face) but id have to see the face

kineticharm- not to sound gay or anythign but can you post a picture of yourself? ive read a bunch of your posts and it seems that you get a lot of hot chicks and you say that you sometimes get them soley on your looks... just want to see where i stack up

i wanted more of stories on how you guys got the hot chick at the party (or you saw in class/the mall/wherever) that everyone wants and you werent introduced to (being introduced by friends makes things SO MUCH easier)... like the chicks that you will only see once (not ones you run into all the time and eventually picked her up), but if you dont have a story like that, any with a hb9.5+ will do

myself i have only gotten what id consider to be a hb9.5+ 2 times (i have REALLY high standards) but ive gotten quite a few hb 8's etc

at a partyi saw a, girl i went to high school with that i never really talked to b/c she wasnt in many classes/hung out with other people (i was in the popular crowd and she was in another clique that was average i guess). This all happend the fall after graduation. I see her and she has gotten even HOTTER (natural DD"s, very tight body no fat (played vollyeball), long blondish/brown hair, blue eyes, 5'8)

i go up to her solo and start tlaking with her/her friend (who had a crush on me in HS but wasnt that hot). i just say stuff like "how was youre summer; how do you like college; what have you been up too; and tell her a few funny stories"

... right before this i had gone up to a really ugly/fat chick and told her "my friend over there thinks youre really cute but hes shy and you have to approach him" and he got stuck talking to her for like 10 mins before he could bail... so its payback for him and he tries to get a whale to come up to me... i see this... wall has been located... i FREAK and grab the hb9.5 and say you have to come with me in which i grab her wrist and take her to the dancefloor (it was a foam party with like 400 people at a sweet frat) from there she was all over me and we made out for like 2 hrs until her friend (one who had a crush) got jealous and made her go home with her.. didnt get number b/c neither had phone (foam) and i havent talked to her since :(


going out to hit 2 parties with a big group from my dorm in summer school (at UT).. in which me/5 freinds had become the popular bunch and EVERYONE followed us (one time we left a party cause it sucked to go to another one and like 40 people followed behind us.. it was hilarious casue basically everyone left the party with us) and one of my girlfriends brought 4-5 friends from outta town to party with us. One of the girls is a hb9.5 and very very cool (i would be dating her now if she didnt go to another college, im still kinda pissed about this one but o well).

so we go to a party and its just me/one of my best friends and our girlfriend with her outta town friends... i dont pay that much attention to the hb9.5 and just tell funny stories/jokes in which i get the whole group laughing about and make some wisecracks at hb9.5 in a non hurtful way... my friend is trying to hook up with her and tells me "i call her" and im like "bullsh1t, whoever gets her gets her" he agrees (we are really good friends and dont let girls come btwn us) and he goes off to shoot his game (which is not very strong even though hes a male model)...

i leave the 2 of them alone b/c i am confident he wont get her and i can easily come in and shell be all over me... so like 5 mins into them being alone she calls me over saying "what are you doing over there? come and talk with us" and we chat some more

that was basically that night and they all go back home (which im pissed about casue i didnt htink id see her again but i never had the chance since her 5 friends were ALWAYS around)... but as luck would have it, they all came back in town 2 weeks later in which we did the same thing...but i ignored her for like 1.5hrs then i talked to her for like 5 mins, got her to dance with me, then sealed the deal


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Genghis Juan

Your my F'ing hero. Even though other dudes may consider you average looking, you are total game. You're in your mid-30's and are you always haning out with mid-20's chicks?

Wow, did you find, that as you got older and your game improved, that the girls in mid-20's became even more attracted to you?

That just gives so much to look forward to, coming from a dude in his late 20's still working on my game and career, thinking its only going to get better as I get older.

indeed, i am total game :)

i've thought about this shyt a lot over the last couple of years. if you work on yourself and your game, it will get better, trust me. THEY WILL COME TO YOU.

indeed, girls in mid-twenties are more attracted to me than any other age group. i also happen to be in a position of being surrounded by them on a regular basis, because i worked my ass off to put myself in that position. not for the chicks, but for me. consider it a fantastic side-effect.

these chicks are also smart and on their way up, so the quality is top notch--especially character.

the reason why they go for me? easy---confidence, command respect, very smart, fair, funny, honest, successful, and a couple of other things i can't remember :)

but deeper things that are important, because chicks have told me so....

--i'm a damn mo fo smart dude. i have a Phd in Economics.

--i give very good advice, for a living. people come to me for advice and chicks know it. so i get even more respect.

--by profession, i am the center of attention. after a conference or whatever, everyone's around me waiting to get a piece. people actually wait in line. so, the hot chicks? stand in line babe, ur not special. i love it! sometimes they'll try to butt in and interrupt. "hang on, i'll get to you in a minute..."

--i'm sophisticated. the music, wine, amateur chef, art, history, and a lot of other things. when chicks come to my pad, they are utterly taken aback. just a 2/2.5 condo, but very tastefully decorated--not IKEA shyt either. plus i did it myself. BIG BIG BIG points on this one because how is your typical 25 (or older) male's place "decorated"?

the point: they want to come back to my pad.

--even though i COULD easily take "advantage" of my position, i don't. and chicks KNOW that i could, but i don't. so i get major respect, in the sense that other things (like my reputation) are far more important than their pvssies.

--i make bank and they know it. BUT, they generally are not golddiggers. the fact that i make bank is merely an effect of the other things. they are attracted to the those qualities.

chicks in their mid-twenties are at a crossroad. they've seen and heard all of the AFC shyt known to man. they've hooked with loser after loser after loser. by loser, i mean a "decent" guy, but where she has or will outgrow him in every respect--income, emotionally, sophistication, etc.

at the same time, they are thinking about their age and their relative attractiveness. they are thinking if they will EVER hook up with the right guy. by this age, they know that the "right guy" is few and far between.

many of them are also looking for someone that they can look up to--a confidant, a mentor, an advisor, of sorts. they might not even know this is the case, but i think it is. i foot the bill perfectly, because that's what i do for a living and i'm very good at it, AND they know it.

if a chick doesn't "get it" by her mid-twenties, she never will. these are the ones that continually hook with losers, or the brad pitt wannabe, or whatever. TooCold ain't interested, even if you ARE an HB9. sorry, take a powder babe.

in short, there are very, very, few 25ish males that can offer what i can, flat out. they know this and they cometh to me. if ur a 25 year old female, who's getting a bit insecure and the clock is ticking, are u going to take a chance on a guy that MIGHT have all of these qualities? or, will you go for the dude who ALREADY has them? there you have it.

YES, keep working on your career and your education and your game. as long as you're reasonably non-AFC, you will have a HUGE advantage over your mid-twenties guy. i'm the living proof. sometimes i laugh at these dudes--even the ones that have something to offer. i have many instances where i've seen a mid-twenties pretty boy trying to work a chick--and she ain't biting on it. then she's talking to ME afterwords (waiting in line).

all of this braggin of mine does have alot to do with hooking with your HB9, although most dudes want such a person only as a trophy or as an ego boost. put yourself in the right position.

as to chicks my age? not interested in the least. WAY too much baggage usually, demanding, kid(s), negativity, and they tend to drag me down. FVCK THAT!

werd up: work on yourself--work hard. honestly, very few people on these boards really knows what that means. working on yourself, is itself a very, very, attractive quality. but only for chicks that realize how much it takes and respect you for it. these are the ones you are going to want when you're my age.

alright, enough.

PS: i'm not arrogant and don't brag, except on anonymous boards.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by white_hype
Originally posted by TooColdUlrick
indeed, i am total game :)

mind telling us what your job is? lol
management consulting company, p/t professor (finance) exec management, corp training, professional mind-reader.