Analytic said:
Resilient, doent it drives you crazy learning all those methods and they contradict each other. Sometimes a certain guru will go out of their way to put down another technique. Some do it because they think a technique doent work or some do it because of competition.
Seduction is a business. Many will strive to market their own technique with WBAFCs they've trained into aPUAs, but what does it all matter anyway? We're in this for self-improvement, after a while of trying things out we'll find out what suits our personalities best, and use these "techniques" traits to examplify our authentic confidence - which is what women are looking for in the first place.
You can use your observing ego (analytical mind) to find where you are in the interaction like playing a game of chess (particularly using the M3 model), or can you step back from the interaction, enjoy yourself, enjoy the person you're talking to, and let go of the outcome. I used to always sarge with the mindset of wanting to get laid, now I go out because I enjoy the company I'm with and curious to see who I'll meet or what my conversations with random women will be about.
I used negs heavily when I started out on the Mystery Method, now I seldomly feel I need to use them against women.
Women will become attracted to you once they can pick up that you're not desperate to get laid and that you don't need women for validation. Silent confidence is a DJ concept I'm beginning to grasp with age.
Mixed gender sets aren't impossible, they just take a certain level of tact and high energy as well social calibration to master. If you reach the SHP (social hook point) you're in. In my mind they are the most rewarding as often enough the hottest 9s,10s are already bored with 3 other tall dudes and are looking for an Alpha Male to entertain and befriend them all. Mystery Method is perfect for mixed sets in this resolve.
When I get an AMOG crash my set with a silly opener or high energy, I'll befriend him first, introduce him to my target, then include him in the conversation. If he begins to get annoying or insults me, I can ignore him or have him removed from the set since I opened up him first. If his game is weak, he'll naturally make stupid mistakes that will get him ejected out of set. Half the time these guys are drunk anyway, and are just looking to tool others.
My old instructor from the Charisma Arts charm school earlier this year told me that I would leave from the bootcamp with a lot of theories and practice, but in time I would not be using the Juggler Method, but the Resilient Method and I'm beginning to believe it as I become more comfortable with myself.