Who cares that you dont get girls?


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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Hood Hopping...
a teenager and a grown man are different sexually. But i know i was never afc, but my life was chickless, and i was pretty madd. If everybody around was getting girls (as in high school) then i guarantee youd be mad. Adults are not in their sexual prime so they will probably get annoyed slower. But this whole thing is how you get afcs.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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I don't know where your hearing paranoia from any of our responses... I said it, because there is no reason she would bring THAT up out of the blue. YOU were the precursor, YOU are the guy that ACTED(Just the way you said it RIGHT?) and she was SIMPLY reacting to your actions. Your questions and her answers, lead to your discussion with her. Our answers to your question stem from the fact that, WE ENJOY SEX. We can be happy in every way, we're not AFC's who are teased with it everyday, we can get it when we need it, so SEX IS A TREAT. Some people get greedy(PUA) and want the treat all the time, without actually being happy...

From the sounds of it, your trying to prove something to us... women testing your boundaries, thanks for the insight, but it's irrelevant to the question at hand(stay on the topic).

I understand you are friends with them, so everybody responding that you should be havbing sex with her sounds like an attack on your character. It's not, so that's something you should work on. We're just being regular guys, answering the way a regular guy would... Should we be standing and joining in, saying "No, we don't need sex, we are men, we can entertain ourselves. Come on guys, let's go have fun" Oh, wait, we've all been saying that already.

Unless I took everything out of context... where you can go back and quote a few people's answers and show me how my mind is working in the wrong direction:) If you could do that, I'd genuinely respect, appreciate, and work on fixing that problem.



Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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JHeights83rd said:
I was talking to one of my female friends and she asked me this. Why is getting girls so important?... if girls dont like you, its not the end of the World... Why are guys always trying to get with somebody? ... if i didnt get any attention from guys i would still be happy.

Rich people say the same thing. "i'd still be happy without money." Whatever dude you have no idea what it's like to never have to scratch your itch. You never know what you have until it's gone and all that?

She sounds like she sucks. Does she have no sex drive? I hope she stays single so no poor guy has to deal with that.

how about rephrasing the question? "Man why do you have to eat pie all the time? *point to her gut* Stop eating pie; it's obvious it doesn't like you.. it's not the end of the world; you should still be happy."


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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Hood Hopping...
IM sorry flippin, i wasnt specifically talking about that post mostly. I see a lot of posts on here, where a women will say or do something, and people jump on it by saying "uh oh, ish test"
Not really yours too much, im talking about where the girl says "ive always seen you like more as a friend" and the replies: "oh oh shes testing you, hit her off with a c+f line" "oh sorry, i dont do friends"

see this is not a test, its her indicating how she sees you. as a friend. a c+f isnt going to change how she stuck you in her mind. you see

and like i said, we started talking about me and where i came from, and she wanted to know more, because my life is always very interesting and full of experiences. Then the subject came up. She is kind of tired of guys wanting sex. She kind of expects a guy to give her everything a bf would,but not expect to get sex. i had to call her on that, and explain that men dont just go out and invest all that time an money, they expect something.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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JHeights83rd said:
we started talking about me and where i came from, and she wanted to know more, because my life is always very interesting and full of experiences. Then the subject came up. She is kind of tired of guys wanting sex. She kind of expects a guy to give her everything a bf would,but not expect to get sex. i had to call her on that, and explain that men dont just go out and invest all that time an money, they expect something.
That says so much more than your original post:D

I have a problem accepting compliments, even if they aren't. I am a modest guy, but I'll drive the situation AWAY from anything if I think it would make me the center of attention. I really am NOT that happy, so I hate it when people tell me I am... I start to go emo on their asses and change the subject ASAP.

It has been said for a long time that "a man that can keep himself happy without women, can only make himself happier with one by his side." I agree totally with that, but unless I'm really feeling a good vibe between us, I can't like her that much.

Once she starts showing me how much she enjoys sex though, and we can have fun, I HATE to be on the end that recieves nothing in the end. Like myself having fun, than being c0ckblocked used to make me want to blow the set and go have fun with other people.

I guess it boils down to patience, some guys won't get anything from some girls, if they aren't willing to wait. Some girls see the willing to wait trait, and consider it a turn off, cause they just want sex...

I'd say, because guys don't like to waste their own time if its not going to lead anywhere. Why can't a guy enjoy having sex as a bf/gf should, and be happy at the same time?


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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Hood Hopping...
She was asking me that for two reasons. She was madd that she hasnt found a guy that would just give her devotion and commitment, with out wanting sex ever. And she wanted to question the way i viewed getting girls. Changing perception of stuff. That being the loser that gets jumped and made fun of in high school and getting no girls, is not bad unless i percieve it as bad. Same thing with getting girls, that being at the state where you cant get azz to save your life, is not frustrating at all, unless you let it frustrating.

But i think that is one of girl's bull**** nurturing advice. The consequences of man's actions are direct and immediate. I f with the wrong women, im paying childsupport. I walk down my street with submissive body language, gangs approach and f with you, pull a gun on you. Women's consequences arent direct so they give advice like "if you dont have time, make time... dont let people walk all over you" see these advice are part of solution, or desired outcome. But anyway she was making a general statement that guys who have no game and cant get any, when they try, shouldnt let it frustrate them, its not that big a deal to get no girls.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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Okay, this is another pointed in the direction of an AFC advice:(

Yeah, this is one of those things that fvck with your head though. One of those things some girls are EXPERTS at. They can screw with your head if you think for a second about what they are asking. Like real down to earth questions that make you question yourself, and you can't prove anything wrong, and you can't prove anything right, so you write it all off as wrong... Screwed up mind manipulation tactics...

Different from a "sh!t test" though... it's not little, it's not major, it's not TRYING to gain anything except to know that you actually thought about it...

lol, I still think she wanted you though.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
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JHeights83rd said:
She was asking me that for two reasons. She was madd that she hasnt found a guy that would just give her devotion and commitment, with out wanting sex ever.
Sounds like the usual BS. She gets played by the guys she hooks up with and complains about the outcome. What guy with a healthy sex drive would want to devote himself to a woman without getting any sex? If it weren't for sex we would have nothing to do with women.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2006
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amen Tazman...if i can't even have the possiblity of having sex with a woman..then why would i waste my time with her?? I mean yeah i understand that she might make a really good friend and all but then when the situation came up that she wanted to go do some other guy it would bother me because (at least for me) i would wonder then why not me?? I realize not all women are going to want to have sex with me..that's a given..but i sure as hell don't want to sit back and witness her going off and having sex with some other guy...it's clear to me that she probably gets her pick of the litter of men that probably constantly want to hook up with her..so for her it's probably no big deal because she can take her pick from all the men that wanna bang her...either that or she is asexual..hell i don't know...i think most attractive women don't understand it because they don't know what it is like to have to work to get it...it is just presented to them everyday..so they get sick of it...lol...what the hell?? don't listen to me..i'm rambling...anyway..i agree with Tazman