Where is "the masturbation discussion"


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
Energy25 said:
Nice man I am now onto day 15. The benefits are there no doubt. I love not masturbating.
Day 15? The way you're talking about MB like it's the downfall of mankind, you'd think it was 15 years.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2009
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Iceberg said:
Day 15? The way you're talking about MB like it's the downfall of mankind, you'd think it was 15 years.
Why? Simply because I said there are numerous benefits to not masturbating? Simply stating a personal fact for myself. Others can try if they want to, but do I really care if you masturbate? No, in fact I'd rather other guys did. Only helps me.


New Member
Feb 6, 2010
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Glad to see the thread is trying to stay alive. I am dating someone now, have fantastic sex and I don't ejaculate most of the time. She orgasms. There you have it. It works in my world. Just don't do it and become better and better.

EA Gold

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
I believe the #1 reason why people mb is because of one thing.


Guys look at there life and see all the hard work they've done, the struggles and suffering they endured for years yet they are still not happy with the end result. There frustrated about the promotion they didn't get, not getting enough attention from girls, being alone at home on a friday night or generally life didn't turn out they way it was supposed to be.

Now if you look outside in the world, there are so many things that can frustrate you. Seeing all these young girls wearing skin tight clothing on tv, magazines, movies and in the general public. You see the news around the world, the stock market, the economy.

Mb, is just one outlet of frustration, many people use drugs, drink alcohol and smoke to numb the pain and frustration in life. The truth is once the high is gone, and sober again, all your problems and frustrations are still there and you fall into the trap of finding that next high, or next bottle. This trap can waste years from your life, day to day your not caring about anything else but to numb the pain.

The outside in procedure never works and often create more frustration in life. You take so much action with no direction where most of the time you go in circles and end up where you started. Only a change from the inside, the heart your life can change and I do believe that if your honest and sincere you will find the real truth that sets captives free and from the inside create a whole new life, a new person and a brand new start.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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Ive also heard it put this way , when you jizz by your hand or a girl , your body thinks your having sex , so it thinks that your body is fine and doesn't need any improvement , pretty much the theory is that your body reacts to the signals its given and if it thinks your getting laid by women , it doesn't need to give you more testosterone or anything else to make your personality or body more attractive to women so if you never get laid , your body will notice it , and try to make you more attractive in subtle ways maybe deeper voice , or more testosterone , ors something else idk , but it makes sense.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2007
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Mantis Toboggan said:
-Less hammerhead sharks around you.

-Increased Bestosterone (it's like testosterone, but better).

-Less intergalactic space wars

-Supermodels only date dudes who don't MB

I figured since we're just pulling facts out of our ass, we might as well go balls to the wall.

You guys are f**kin weirdos. Masturbation, in normal quantities, will not make you better or worse at life.

Hahahaha that's gold.

That energy25 dude actually gave me a negative rep for my first reply.

****ing freak.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
snowdog said:
Glad they got rid of it. It was ridiculous to begin with. Guys who would do crazy BS like holding off for weeks and sh*t... not realizing that they were looking for a magic pill in there.

For those who missed this abortion of a thread, the bottom line was: Jerking off is fine, just don't turn into a chronic porn monkey.
Lots of good came out of that thread, man! Decent point about the magic pill, it may be true for some, but the last part is the bottom line... That's it, basically.

I once went 6 months with NO MB, also because I didn't have internet at the time. But I would have to agree that not doing it for too long isn't the best choice.

herballove said:
If a man has never had sex or has yet to discharge for a long time (sometimes six to ten days are long enough), he will temporarily lose his ability to power his penis to an extreme.
Source: http://herballove.com/article.asp?Art=11

Masturbation... Good in moderation! :D I totally agree with the 6-10 days part.

I am also curious to see why was the thread removed...


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
snowdog said:
Hahahaha that's gold.

That energy25 dude actually gave me a negative rep for my first reply.

****ing freak.
Maybe because it was a dumb post? :confused:


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
The fact that you clearly can't deal with the fact that others aren't on the same page with you is something you should take a good, hard look at. Seriously. It's probably a part of your problems.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
snowdog said:
The fact that you clearly can't deal with the fact that others aren't on the same page with you is something you should take a good, hard look at. Seriously. It's probably a part of your problems.
Others aren't on the same page? I believe you were a pretty big contributer to the original thread, in which many, many people believed not masturbating to be beneficial. Maybe you have memory problems. Regardless, stop masturbating kids. It's only going to help you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
Energy25 said:
Others aren't on the same page? I believe you were a pretty big contributer to the original thread, in which many, many people believed not masturbating to be beneficial. Maybe you have memory problems. Regardless, stop masturbating kids. It's only going to help you.
I wasn't a big contributor at all, I made the same point in that thread as I did here; this isn't a cause or solution to your problems. It's the same with everything, it's okay in moderation.

Regardless, don't listen to this Energy25 guy, kids. He's weird and will probably try to lure you into his van.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
snowdog said:
I wasn't a big contributor at all, I made the same point in that thread as I did here; this isn't a cause or solution to your problems. It's the same with everything, it's okay in moderation.

Regardless, don't listen to this Energy25 guy, kids. He's weird and will probably try to lure you into his van.
You're right, you failed to contribute anything to that thread regardless of the countless posts you made. Pretty sad on your part. For many people, not masturbating has proven to be a very beneficial tool in self-improvement. For you to argue with people's own personal accounts of this is pure stupidity.

P.S. Have fun playing with yourself.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Masturbated 3 times in 3 hours last night...to porn of course :(

It totally fvcked me for today. I had to meet with a financial adviser, boy could I not think straight..I was fine for talking specifics about my planning, but when we just shot the sh!t talking about non-finance related things, I could not function. My speech was all stilted and cluttered about simple things like guns, survivalism, cycling, my job, my house, vacation plans, the weather. I just could not speak without being RELAXED or anal about everything. He could tell that I was fvcked up too, probably didn't even want to shake my hand. My eyes and face must look all blitzed from the wackathon I had last night. Not cool. Day 1.

Don't know about pvssy prospects as a result of my uncharacteristic binge last night. I'll know by tomorrow. It's sad.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2010
Reaction score
Masturbation tires you so why not just let those tires be filled? If you catch my "drift".


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
Poonani Maker said:
Masturbated 3 times in 3 hours last night...to porn of course :(

It totally fvcked me for today. I had to meet with a financial adviser, boy could I not think straight..I was fine for talking specifics about my planning, but when we just shot the sh!t talking about non-finance related things, I could not function. My speech was all stilted and cluttered about simple things like guns, survivalism, cycling, my job, my house, vacation plans, the weather. I just could not speak without being RELAXED or anal about everything. He could tell that I was fvcked up too, probably didn't even want to shake my hand. My eyes and face must look all blitzed from the wackathon I had last night. Not cool. Day 1.

Don't know about pvssy prospects as a result of my uncharacteristic binge last night. I'll know by tomorrow. It's sad.
In my opinion masturbation may be indirectly causing this. I think if you ate well, slept early and enough and did an normal amount of exercise (Not too much or too little) you would be more then fine. Try some of these: a banana, drink orange juice, an apple, a pear, a kiwi, some nuts, goji berry's... I like those, if I was nervous that is what I would take to calm me down.

If you guys browse that website a little bit, herballove.com, you would maybe change your opinion. Masturbation is good in moderation. It is relaxing. :cool:

Poonani you masturbate only sometimes... So I doubt very much that masturbation alone is your problem. Sure, you did it three times, but even so, you hadn't done it in like ages I bet. You are masturbating too little if anything! 3-4 times a week you should be able to handle that IMO, if you can't, altough it is true that you are older then me, I guess you are lacking in some other part... GL! Keep us updated!
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
this whole masterbation topic is a bit pointless, i mean we masterbate because we are horny right? well if you with hold on the masterbation thats going to make you more horny and when your more horny you will want to go out and get a girl to release the horniness, but if you know that your going to go home and wack it off then your not going to be bothered to approach girls because you know you're gonna go and take care of yourself.

when i MB i cant be bothered to take the steps neccessasery to get a girl to **** me because im already tapped out.... but if i dont do it for a few days somehow my phone ends up with phone numbers :D

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Masturbated 3 times in 3 hours 2 nights ago...to porn of course :(

It totally fvcked me for yesterday. I had to meet with a financial adviser, boy could I not think straight..I was fine for talking specifics about my plans, but when we just shot the sh!t talking about non-finance related things, I could not function. My speech was all stilted and cluttered about simple things like guns, survivalism, cycling, my job, my house, vacation plans, the weather. I just could not speak without being RELAXED or anal about everything. He could tell that I was fvcked up too, probably didn't even want to shake my hand. My eyes and face must have looked all blitzed from the wackathon I had the night before. Not cool. Day 2.

Don't know about pvssy prospects as a result of my uncharacteristic binge 2 evenings ago. I'll know in a couple of hours. It's sad.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2002
Reaction score
Taking a moratorium from masturbation is not pointless, and neither is discussing it. Especially considering all the garbage that has been posted here in recent years. Hey, why don't we talk about Charlie Sheen instead of something that might actually improve our lives and interactions with women? Duh.

Six months ago I couldn't imagine giving up masturbation and looking at porn. I figured there was nothing wrong with it. I still don't think there's anything wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with a bag of Doritos either, once in awhile. But if you're eating them all the time, you're not doing yourself much good.

I kept reading stuff by guys who had quit watching porn and were abstaining from masturbation, and I was giving them crap about it. But then I read something detailed about it, and what it had done for this one guy. So I decided to go hands-off for 60 days. It was amazing. I'm not going to go into detail here, but things really improved for me. It did wonders for my inner game. It didn't get me laid, but that's because it's not a magic pill. But it made me realize what I have to do to turn things around.

After 60 days, I figured that was enough. I started spanking it like a fiend again, for about a month. It didn't take that long for me to realize how my life was getting out of control again. I was a slave to my sexual urges, no longer in charge of my life.

Now I'm holding off again, for at least another 60 days. I miss the way my sexuality woke up before, and made me feel like a man. If you're jerking off frequently, you're not being a man, you're being a spoiled kid who surrenders to his urges. I'm not saying it doesn't work for you, maybe it does. But it doesn't work for me, and I'm sure it doesn't work for a lot of guys who never thought to give themselves a break. When you keep your hands off your dong for awhile, you'll start feeling the testosterone surging back, and you'll be a man again, in control of his life.