The issue isn't you go out to coffee with women on a first date (or is it?). But it doesn't seem like you're leading the convo and making it something other than an interview. Be a smart ass, be witty, use sexual innuendos, etc. Be a lil ****y, use your surroundings to your advantage.
You have to lead the conversation. I use a lot innuendo and double entendres... e.g. Do you like cats? Yes! I bet you do like kitty

. Make fun of things they do and relate it back to sex. When they tell me my mind is in the gutter, well, it takes one to know one
If you feel like things are slowing down, take a walk, go to Barnes, change the location to get different stimuli but keep it witty, funny, etc. The entendre's lead to them physically hitting me (don't break your hand now!), which leads to more hitting, me catching the hand, "Keep it up and I'll be forced to man handle you....but then again, you'd probably like that

****y, funny, sexual.
She works at a call center? The 900 numbers cost $2 a min, so what you make like $100 bucks an hour? Ballllinnnn!
Basically, flip the script on half the **** she says in jest...but don't say just kidding/just joking or anything else like that.
EDIT: Hand on the thigh squeeze is always a good heat check for me.