Where are these slvts?

Young Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Ahwatukee, AZ
DoItAgain - In reading this more and more it seems to me you may be well ahead of yourself. You gotta change the attitude first. Honestly, whenever I get into a "I gotta..." mindset about women, I retire for a while and focus on other sh!t and the next thing I know I'm getting an award, a new position, a pay bonus, etc. Other things that naturally increase my power profile and consequently strenthen my inner game, and take my confidence to super swagger level cuz I know I'm the man, can't nobody tell me nuthin, etc. Next thing I know, women start making more eye contact, leaving notes and phone numbers on my desk, inviting me to lunch AND volunteering to pay for it when I tell her I brought my own, basically finding a bunch of BS reasons to do things for me or be around me.

Don't chase, gravitate. Inner game is the root of everything. In true retrospect, the only first dates that have ever led to pvssy for me are movie dates. This was before I even CONSIDERED dinner/coffee dates. Not dinner and a movie, just straight up "I'm gonna go see XYZ @ 1230, wanna roll?" Dinner and/or drinks (coffee included) has (in my memory) NEVER led to sex for me. Personally, I get the "itis" after I eat. Too tired to fvck and not being in the mood is 100% true for me. Actually, Sushi and Saki lead to pvssy once, but only ONCE! And honestly, I was already fvcking that chick so not really.

In a nutshell, make working on your inner game an everyday thing. Make women a couple days a week thing. Once your inner game is strong, don't be hesitant nor tentative around women. Do a search for FRAME and focus on developing your FRAME. Chicks can see and smell a confident man's swagger from a mile away. Next thing you know you'll notice other chicks eyeballin you at the mall, grocery store, Walmart, etc. WHILE holding thier boyfriends hands! That confidence and swagger will eventually allow you to do other things like walk up to a chick in the club, ON the dance floor, and simply say "you look like you should be dancing with me" with a slight smirk. I did that this weekend as a matter of fact. She looked me in the eyes for a few seconds, while I maintained unwavering eye contact (establish dominance) and next thing you know she turned around and put her booty firmly on my crotch and pretty much gave me a standing lap dance. I didn't say anything other than that to her so obviously I didn't get her # (already had a girl waiting for me in my bed @ home...whole nother story, lol) but the point is, I had scratched up crooked glasses on, needed a haircut, hadn't shaved in 3 or 4 days, and still could've pulled simply on swagger alone. The power of inner game. Check my post history and look for a post I made last year (maybe earlier this year) about when inner game becomes swag.

Once your Inner Game is good, your alpha instincts will turn on and your gut instincts will lead you to success. Also, you room for error will be MUCH larger. I don't know why, I haven't figured this one out yet, but I've consistently observed it.

Now, go out there and get em daddy! (no homo)

EDIT: After reading this again I realized I forgot something. These AFCs and fake pimps fvcked up the game. Nowadays, even ugg 4s - 6s can scoop a couple cash trickin AFC chumps and/or pretty boys that feel lucky just to be getting a girl, e.g. Ugg arm candy. This often inflates these broads egos as well as broads similar to you lookswise on the scale. So a 6/7 with an inflated ego (8 in her mind) meets a 7/8 without inner game, she knows (in her mind at least) that she can do better than that. On the other hand, a 6/7 with inner game often boosts to an 8 in the conscious of women simply due to scarcity. There are no absolutes, but this is often what I see

Also, here's the post I mentioned: http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=155939&highlight=game+swagger


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Young Juan said:
The issue isn't you go out to coffee with women on a first date (or is it?). But it doesn't seem like you're leading the convo and making it something other than an interview. Be a smart ass, be witty, use sexual innuendos, etc. Be a lil ****y, use your surroundings to your advantage.

You have to lead the conversation. I use a lot innuendo and double entendres... e.g. Do you like cats? Yes! I bet you do like kitty ;) . Make fun of things they do and relate it back to sex. When they tell me my mind is in the gutter, well, it takes one to know one ;)

If you feel like things are slowing down, take a walk, go to Barnes, change the location to get different stimuli but keep it witty, funny, etc. The entendre's lead to them physically hitting me (don't break your hand now!), which leads to more hitting, me catching the hand, "Keep it up and I'll be forced to man handle you....but then again, you'd probably like that ;)"

****y, funny, sexual.

She works at a call center? The 900 numbers cost $2 a min, so what you make like $100 bucks an hour? Ballllinnnn!

Basically, flip the script on half the **** she says in jest...but don't say just kidding/just joking or anything else like that.

EDIT: Hand on the thigh squeeze is always a good heat check for me.
THis is all you need to know. This is it dude. Read it remember it do it!!

I went to a stripclub 3 times. talked up the same girl doing these exact things and hit later. she was easily a 9.2. Nobody will ever resist a ****y/funny playful guy who turns on the sexuality. Never be scared to keep pushing the envelopewhen you gauge how shes responding. and just dont smother her with attention and you're golden. like shes not a big deal.