Everyone pack your bags we are moving to India! What's the matter? Why are you still living here in the United States?
With the country imploding you would think it would be a good idea to leave before it happens. Every country in the world has its problems. The United States actually will the the highest number of young people working in the job market within the next several years. Tell that to China who will have MILLIONS of elderly leaving the job market who will need to be taken care by the young population that doesn't exist. Not to mention the huge disparity between the number of males and females. Hundreds of thousand of babies are being aborted every year just to keep population under wraps so there wouldn't be massive food and water shortages. Not to mention the year of 1980 where 800,000 female babies were killed. Bet they regret that now.
India suffers from really high levels of illiteracy. The country that sterotypically is deemed one of the smartest in the world can't even get 36% of its population to read when in the United States only 1% of the population can't read give or take. Only 3 Indian Universities made the list of top 200 universities in the world. The United States has at LEAST 50. Inida and Pakistan are at eachothers throat. Don't be suprised if there were to be a big conflict involving those two. Corrput political leaders (Much more massive than the problems Americans face...at least to my knowledge) and a TERRIBLE infustructure will be a problem for years to come. Many Indian families must grow their own food to even survive.
There is a recession now and have been before. In 1850 the United States was offically recognized to have the best economy in the world when the country was only around for 100 years. Britan and France have been around for much longer. China has existed since the freaking stone age. Why aren't they doing as well since they had head starts. Granted China has a rapid growing economy but that really didn't develop until the 1980's. Poverty has drastically been reduced but there is a huge gap between the poor and middle class. Much larger than the US. The Chinese government will even admit that their rapid econimic development has a negavtive impact on the country that must be resolved. Even after the great depression the US was able to attain superpower status. The Soviet Union fell when the United States was growing rapidly during the 1990's. Today, during this "end of the United States as we know it" recession, the United States are testing freaking
LASERS ON JETS. What other country can say that?
So give me a break with all this doom and gloom sh!t. To me it seems people want America to fail. People who live here want to make predicitions that it will fail and then say "I told you so." So shut up, go to work, focus on YOUR life and let the people who you voted into office deal with that problems the are brought up. If you don't like it here and the direction things are going then leave. A lot of other great countries in the world to go live in. This forum just loves Eastern Europe. I hear those women from Ukraine are really something.
I guess we will never see a thread that you know...might...even praise America? You know a thread like "Even after all the problems this country has it is still a great fvcking place to live" kind of thing.