Wyldfire, I disagree. I know almost all women I've called a day or two after getting the number, seemed less interested and dumped me not long after. Granted, I may have done other things to have lost their interest, but I know now from experience that calling too soon was a turnoff. I've seen my friends make this same mistake. Girls who were initially interested, got put off by a guy who seemed too interested and too available.
Contrast this to waiting at least 4 days, like I now do. The past few girls I've dated all reacted the same, when I waited at least 4 or 5 days to call. They were clearly more interested in seeing me. It was like they were just waiting for me to call. I know when you meet a great guy, you hate sitting by the phone waiting for him to call, but you do anyway. I was compared to certain movie stars by a few girls, and even told by friends that I should consider modeling. So, I see the point that Poosy Marauder is making. (Besides, Jean Claude is a chump. I can do the splits, and so can many other martial artists.) I guess my looks give me an edge, but it just proves that if a woman is truly interested, she'll only gain interest if the guy waits to call. Obviously there is a limit to every woman's patience. But, you know how you would really respond to Prince Charming waiting longer to call you, instead of appearing desperate by calling in a day or two.
Take the girl I'm currently seeing as an example. I waited 7 days after getting her # to call her. That's right - SEVEN. At first, I thought, "Wow, she's so hot. She'll never put up with me waiting that long to call. Other guys will be calling her, and I'll miss out." But, I took my chances. Guess what happened? She was so glad to hear from me, I could tell she couldn't wait to see me. On our first date, she showed more interest than any other girl I've ever gone out with. We both had a great time. So, what did I do then? I waited another five days to call. Again, she is obviously interested and said she can't wait to see me again. Tommorrow night is our second date. Her interest seems to be growing every day. But, I only called her twice, and I didn't talk long on the phone. I save the conversation for our dates.
Is this girl one in a million? Someone who will put up with my crap just because I'm good looking, or she can't find anyone else? I don't think so. Although, I'm not a stickler for rules anymore, I think a guy has to be aware of when it's too soon to call, rather than when it's too late. Most guys err in the direction of calling too soon. I think my own experience, and the experiences of my friends proves me right. I seriously doubt any experienced DJs on this board will disagree with me unless they're from a different planet.
Ultimately, you have to go with your gut feeling. However, you have to have a bit of an understanding of how these things work, first. Then, you'll know when to call her, without adhering to strict rules. Wylfire, I believe, that if you honestly think of how you feel, you'll agree with most of us on this matter. If not, you're truly rare. I know most girls deny this fact, because they hate playing the games. And, I agree with one of your earlier posts, that if a girl is acting strangely, she's giving you a taste of your own medicine. But, I don't think that applies here.
In conclusion:
Think of a guy who looks really good. (Whomever your favorite guy is) Imagine him approaching you. He's charming, smart, and appears to be everything you could want in a guy. After about a half an hour to an hour of the most witty bantering and great conversation you've ever had with a guy, he asks for your phone #. By this point, you're crazy about him. He's had you laughing and even swooning. He's swept you off your feet like no man ever has. Perhaps you've even done a little fantasizing about him. So, of course you give your # to this man of your dreams. But, he doesn't call you for 9 days. (Maybe he had a good reason, but didn't want to tell you. After all, you just met) Would you honestly reject him, and refuse to go out with him? Would you forget who he was? I seriously doubt any woman would.
If I'm wrong, we might as well disband this board, because that would prove there are no guidlines. There is no good advice. Nice guys and chumps are as likely to succeed as great guys and jerks. We might as well all leave this board, because we're all wasting our time. I don't believe that's the case.
message has been edited by Dr_Feelgood (edited 11-16-2001).]