jophil28 said:
I am not setting out to be deliberately insulting here but this all sounds like Buddhist BS to me. The concept of having NO desire, NO expectations and NO emotions is monumental crap. I know that it is popular amonst the "all things from the East are all things wise" community but the psych does not fly.
Just expressing DESIRE for a woman does NOT automatically lower her IL at all. It is HOW you show your desire that matters. AFC type fawning worship screams desperation but cool and manly passion sends quite a powerful and very different message. Same desire - different delivery.
It is not DESIRE that is the problem . How it is packaged and delivered is the essential point .
First let us look at the definition of desire.
de·sire (d-zr)
tr.v. de·sired, de·sir·ing, de·sires
1. To wish or long for
2. To express a wish for; request.
1. A wish or longing.
2. A request or petition.
3. The object of longing:.
4. To be in need of; require
"I desire this girl."
Does a DJ need, require, long or wish for one girl?
An AFC desires greatly . A DJ values or appreciates a woman's companionship but could care less if he doesn't get HER. Why doesn't he care? At the snap of a finger, he can have another. He is the PRIZE, not her. A PRIZE does not need, require , long or wish for 1 girl. He might for many, but would never truly give that amount of emotional intensity to only one. After a track record of good behavior( an LTR) he may. That is called LOVE.
If you need, require, long or wish for 1 girl after a date or two, you lost the battle. You put her on the pedestal. Does a man with many options, a DJ, care if a girl after a few dates flaked? Only if he needed, required, longed or wished for her.
I know this. When I have a harem of girls like I have now. I could care less about any of them. If one flakes, F*k Em'. I dont desire any of them. I value and appreciate them but I dont need, require, long or wish (desire) them.
One of them last night said to me" I didn't like you on the first date." I ask why. "Because you were too confident like your **** don't stink". LOL.
She was hot but I never needed, required , longed or wished for her. My actions with her were of complete confidence and not a pinch of desperation.
I appreciate her but I dont need her.
One of my plates 2 weeks ago stopped calling me. She called me every day. Out of the blue. POOF! No reason, no logic. Ask me, if I cared? I never desired her , only because I made a conscience effort not to. She slipped my mind the next day. 2 weeks later, tonight, she called. LOL.
When I was younger , in my early twenties I desired a LAMBORGINI and a MILLION DOLLAR HOUSE. I worked SO HARD. I desired so GREATLY. I wanted so much for these material items to come to me. I stressed so greatly. I acted in sheer DESPERATION to make sure I did everything so right to achieve these STRONG DESIRES. It never came. One day I was tired of desiring and not achieving. My success was minimal. I said to myself , I DESIRE NOTHING. I will have my daily and monthly goals and act on them, but I don't DESIRE A SPECIFIC OUTCOME. POOF! My life changed, overnight. Why? I acted without hesitation, fear and desperation. Most important, I PUT FORTH ACTION WITHOUT CARING FOR THE OUTCOME.
Ok so what does that have to do with women?
When you require, long or wish for one girl, you create a frame of desperation. Does this attract or repel?
"I value but I don't need this girl. If she leaves tomorrow, have a nice day." DJ
"I want this girl. I desire her greatly . She is HOT. I need her! I long for her. I really hope it works out." AFC
When you eliminate requiring, longing or wishing for one girl, then you just eliminated desire.