Got into a minor altercation with my guy friend last night over this topic that he is currently dealing with.
He has been seeing a new woman for the past 2 months and opened up to me last night after a few shots of how he is falling for this chick but there is one thing really bothers him. Prior to last night he has not really talked much about this girl to me because he knows how red pilled my thinking is and we often views things differently about women.
Anyways, the thing that is getting to him is the fact that she can't stop talking about her ex husband and how much she hates him.
This chick has 2 kids it turns out... one with a man who passed away already from sepsis and another from her most recent ex husband who she always talks about to him because she "hates" him because he left her and the daughter that they had together after she had begged him not to. He also left her at a crucial moment when her first daughter who she had with the now deceased ex passed away from a blood clot during surgery.
My friend says she always has to mention this key event of him leaving her right after her first daughter passed.
The red flags here are just too many to literally count.
So i told him well you probably know what i think already...i would never consider a single mom for a relationship in the first place, period. They just have too much baggage.
My friend always gets very defensive easily so he says yeah that's why i don't really talk about her much to you because i know how biased you are about women. So i said biased? It's not being biased it's really just common sense.
To make matters worse, this woman still has to
text her ex and stay in communication with him because her children go stay with him every other weekend.
So after a few more drinks he is visibly very upset and tells me that she drove him to her house this on Saturday when going to starbucks together because she had mentioned that after he left her he kept the house and sold it for himself. So this woman has the nerve to actually take my friend to that very house for whatever reason to show him it.
I kind of went off on him at that point and told him to evacuate now and told him about a girl i literally just had to next this weekend myself because of BS drama and redflags.
After hearing me telling him to stop seeing her, he tells me, "see you always jump to harsh conclusions too soon. She made it a point to tell me after seeing the house that they shared together that the reason she talks so much about him is because she hates him not because she cant get over him."
I then said are you crazy? Hate means there are still STRONG feelings there. Indifference is what she should feel. And taking you that house was incredibly insensitive and selfish on her part. Clearly it is bothering you fir obvious reasons. Personally, Id be so annoyed by that unless she was just another plate which to him she is clearly not. Even a plate doing that would annoy me.
So my friend is a bit alcohol fueled at this point and says " always see everything as black and white. She tells me that she loves me every day and its more complicated than you think i just want her to stop mentioning him so much not to stop seeing her.
At this point im feeling annoyed at him. So I told him look, im just giving it to you straight you are in for a world of hurt if you keep taking this woman seriously. I would run not walk. Next time don't take single mothers seriously. I don't care if she is the hottest effing milf in the world. They are all damaged goods. ESPECIALLY this one.
So then he stands up and slams his chair back into place and says you know what forget i even told you anything. My sister gives me much better advice anyways. You are way too cynical. Yeah it bothers me but it doesnt mean i should up and stop seeing her out of the blue.
Lmfao. This guy never learns and seems to almost resent my rational way of thinking. I will never understand why so many guys are in total denial like this. He is still my friend, but i will remind him if the time i tried to talk sense into him if/when this really goes south for him which it obviously will.