When a woman says no sex, I'm not like that...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2007
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it's not a test. or maybe it is. you've started this relationship the same way she's had countless guys start relationships in the past. you need to work on your seduction skills. truly expert seducers never hear lines like that, because girls can't wait to get them home.

no offense meant. i'm just saying that this relationship is no different for her than any other. you ain't special son. i'd be looking for another girl right away.

Play the Game

Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2007
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darkjedi said:

Ok, so here is the conclusion to this. Should not be a surprise for many...

So since the last update I've been talking to her over the phone, but I would never setup anything (this is due to other women I've been working on). I finally decided that I would meet up with her for dinner last night which was Sunday. Well, on Saturday night I had went to a big Halloween party and had waaaay too much to drink and was pretty hung over the next day. I honestly did not feel like driving out to meet her for dinner, so I then talked her into heading to my place.

She came by and had brought a movie with her. We talked for a little bit then went into my room to watch the movie. We got on my bed to watch the movie and I purposely did not do anything more than light kino and dish out some c/f till the movie was over. After the movie we had a very short conversation about the movie then I grabbed her and we started making out (kissing her is no big deal at this point).


So, we're making out and it's about 11:30 pm at night. She tells me that she has to go soon because of getting up early for work. I'm basically like ok and keep kissing her. I then start kissing the upper part of her cleavage and can tell she's really felling it. After about 10 minutes of this I take off my shirt and attempt to take her's off. She stops me and moves my hands away basically telling me no. I keep kissing her and try again... still no. We get back to making out and I subtly undue her bra. She stops once I do this and tells me to fix it, but at this point I keep kissing her and finally get the shirt off and head back to kissing her. She then tells me that this is the only thing that is coming off and that she was leaving in about 15 minues (12:30 am at this point). I basically say ok and we continue kissing.

It does not take me too much longer to get her primed as I can hear it in her voice while we are making out and soon enough I was able to easily and without any objection from her get the rest of her clothes off. The rest is history... She left at 4 am.

Bottom line, I guess when women say they are not like that know that getting laid is in the very near future :up:
Nice work dude... see i told ya. :rockon:

Don't let the "i ain't like that" line put you off. It's meant to throw of players, so she doesn't get hurt and feel like a cheap slut. It might also be a way of making herself feel in control of the situation, when in reality she really wants to bang you.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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darkjedi said:

Ok, so here is the conclusion to this. Should not be a surprise for many...

So since the last update I've been talking to her over the phone, but I would never setup anything (this is due to other women I've been working on). I finally decided that I would meet up with her for dinner last night which was Sunday. Well, on Saturday night I had went to a big Halloween party and had waaaay too much to drink and was pretty hung over the next day. I honestly did not feel like driving out to meet her for dinner, so I then talked her into heading to my place.

She came by and had brought a movie with her. We talked for a little bit then went into my room to watch the movie. We got on my bed to watch the movie and I purposely did not do anything more than light kino and dish out some c/f till the movie was over. After the movie we had a very short conversation about the movie then I grabbed her and we started making out (kissing her is no big deal at this point).


So, we're making out and it's about 11:30 pm at night. She tells me that she has to go soon because of getting up early for work. I'm basically like ok and keep kissing her. I then start kissing the upper part of her cleavage and can tell she's really felling it. After about 10 minutes of this I take off my shirt and attempt to take her's off. She stops me and moves my hands away basically telling me no. I keep kissing her and try again... still no. We get back to making out and I subtly undue her bra. She stops once I do this and tells me to fix it, but at this point I keep kissing her and finally get the shirt off and head back to kissing her. She then tells me that this is the only thing that is coming off and that she was leaving in about 15 minues (12:30 am at this point). I basically say ok and we continue kissing.

It does not take me too much longer to get her primed as I can hear it in her voice while we are making out and soon enough I was able to easily and without any objection from her get the rest of her clothes off. The rest is history... She left at 4 am.

Bottom line, I guess when women say they are not like that know that getting laid is in the very near future :up:
Classic persistance, and you weren't pushy with her. You just agreed to whatever she said and kept making out with her until she got too horny to say no. Thats game for ya fellas.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
darkjedi said:
My thoughts about this date are basically this. I believe everyone who mentioned that she was putting up some ASD or filtering out the players or ONS were correct. I believe that if she did not have work in the morning (she drives an hour each day to work) I could have took her home with me and had sex. If we go out this weekend, I am going to try and pursue sex. Now I am more curious on how this will play out as you all remember she told me "she was not like that". I will post again with the results of the field test.
Bingo - called this all out a mile away in post #19.

Women are often predictable as programmed robots... :crackup:

NICE JOB. :up: