When a woman says no sex, I'm not like that...

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
darkjedi said:
You've never had a woman say this to you and still ended up having sex with her? ...
Women typically want to have sex with me. ;) Now I have had women who claim that they "typically take a while to get to know a guy" but my view is "why don't you get to know me now?" So the ones who say that it'll take months to get comfortable with a guy get comfortable with me in days. She gets to know me and doesn't feel as if she's slept with some random guy off the street.

Now in your example, the chick was saying as if she had something to prove. It wasn't that she was trying to convince herself that she wouldn't be easy if she slept with you, she's treating you like every other guy; guy's that she doesn't trust.

There's a big difference between what she's doing and what women in my example do. In my example, they want to sleep with me but they don't want to be considered a slut and dropped. Your girl sounds almost like a man hating femenazi.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
I like the answer.



Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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darkjedi said:
A woman I just started dating today told me this:

"We can go out and hang out together, but don't think that you're going to get any. I'm not like that ect... I know that guys think about it all the time."

She's alot older than me by the way. She's I believe 39.

Is a 39 year old woman allowed to say that?

Unless she looks like Angelina Jolie, I would tell her not to flatter herself.

Play the Game

Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2007
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The sluttiest girl i know told me this: "i'm a good girl."

Week later she proceeded to beg me to take her to the hotel and fvck her brains out.

I think it's their way of protecting themselves from players. They know some guys just want a one night stand and they want to weed
them out. I guess they don't like it when a guy doesn't call them the next day. I know how could they not? :whistle:

She sounds kinda controlling but my bet is she's just testing your ass to see if you're a player. I'd fly under the radar, but i wouldn't limit myself to that girl, that would just be cruel.

Like Valley said.... Alcohol always shows you what kind of girl she REALLY is.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
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Los Angeles, SFV
Perfect example of a hor not even knowing with certainty that she's a hor - even though she's a porn star:

Duke: "What's it like trying to have a relationship while you are working in the industry?"

Keri Sable: "Impossible. You can never explain to anybody. No one will understand unless they are in it. Everyone has their own opinion about the business. It hurts me. They think I'm like a slut. I guess I am kind of. I don't care."


I guess I am kind of? Whatever!

The point is: you can't take what women say at face value. Just assume it's some b.s. she's saying to either test you or feel better about her guilty pleasures.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
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Bible_Belt said:
"We can go out and hang out together, but don't think that you're going to get any. I'm not like that ect... I know that guys think about it all the time."

I already feel like a slvt for dating a younger man. My friends are going to think all I want from you is sex. The only way I can feel like less of a wh0re is to tell you that we are not having sex. Then when we do, which will happen because I'm easy, I can at least say that I tried to say no this time. That will make me feel better than all the other times I've put out too soon and felt cheap.

Darkjedi, women say bs like this all the time. Just ignore it! Actions tell you how she really feels, and why would she be dating you if sex were not on the horizon? Actions trump words. If you take a woman's words literally, you will never get anywhere. I got laid on a first date last weekend from a girl who told me several times that I had to leave, or that we couldn't go in the bedroom, and then as we were going into the bedroom, that we couldn't have sex. It didn't matter, because I just said 'ok' like it was no big deal and did not take her words literally. Her actions told me she wanted sex, and that was what mattered.

I once worked at a door-to-door sales job selling to businesses. My boss was good at what he did; his dad had worked for the same company, and both of them made a six-figure income with no education. The signs that you see on business front doors that say "no soliciting" and "no sales calls," when I asked if we should not solicit those places, he said that we should pick them out as prime targets. The reason that those signs were there was that those people in the past had a hard time saying no to a persuasive sales pitch. It's the same with women. When they say "we're not having sex," you should hear, "I usually have a hard time saying no, so let me try saying it now, before I lose control of myself again." So, you see, it is actually a green light, not a red one!
+1 rep.

The only reason she brought it up is because she already had sex with you on her mind, and she's just trying to justify (to herself, mostly) that "if" (when) sexytime happens between you two, that its up to you, and not her fault. Kind of like pre-emptive anti-slut defense.

Play the Game

Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2007
Reaction score
Serialized3 said:
Kind of like pre-emptive anti-slut defense.
You think she might have Karl Rove as her advisor? :crackup:

[in meeting]

Karl - What we have here is an evil doer with weapons of mass seduction! We have to disarm him by any means necessary or otherwise look like a slut infront of everyone. I recommend we use our pre-emptive asd capability to send him a direct message.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Thanks, serialized. I was laughing at the 'preemptive asd' term, too, but only because it is so accurate. That's exactly what it is, a preemptive strike.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
Play the Game said:
You think she might have Karl Rove as her advisor? :crackup:

[in meeting]

Karl - What we have here is an evil doer with weapons of mass seduction! We have to disarm him by any means necessary or otherwise look like a slut infront of everyone. I recommend we use our pre-emptive asd capabilities.
Weapons of Mass Seduction! Long live the Fingerizer! :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
It's pretty simple. a woman that is attracted to you and wants to keep you around, take you off the market, will fvck your brains out at the first opprotunity, if for antyhing else, out of fear of loosing you.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
Play the Game said:
You think she might have Karl Rove as her advisor? :crackup:

[in meeting]

Karl - What we have here is an evil doer with weapons of mass seduction! We have to disarm him by any means necessary or otherwise look like a slut infront of everyone. I recommend we use our pre-emptive asd capability to send him a direct message.

I hope YOU have an exit strategy...


Senior Don Juan
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
Darkjedi, women say bs like this all the time. Just ignore it! Actions tell you how she really feels, and why would she be dating you if sex were not on the horizon? Actions trump words. If you take a woman's words literally, you will never get anywhere. I got laid on a first date last weekend from a girl who told me several times that I had to leave, or that we couldn't go in the bedroom, and then as we were going into the bedroom, that we couldn't have sex. It didn't matter, because I just said 'ok' like it was no big deal and did not take her words literally. Her actions told me she wanted sex, and that was what mattered.
It almost sounds like you raped her, did she ever say yes?:nono:


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
movistar said:
It almost sounds like you raped her, did she ever say yes?:nono:
Oh she said, "yes!" a lot, but it was all during sex, not before. :rockon:

Do you actually ask a girl before you stick your d!ck in her? That's worse than asking to kiss her.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
East Chicago
MooseGod said:
I've done the deed with chicks who said "we can't do this"... even during the act... then a minute later she was like "aww, f--- it, let's go." I wouldn't worry about it, man.
Cheers to that...lol.


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA

So I went out with her last night. I figured I would just be chill throw in a little c/f and kino escalate throughout the night and not bring up sex. I also did not plan on taking her back to my place if that became an option. Here's the play by play:

We met up at a bar I chose. She came in and I gave her a hug (early kino) and we sat down for a drink. We talked a for a while (I was being c/f) and I then decided that we should go play some pool. We got up to play pool and it was basically more c/f throughout the game with other subtle demonstrations of kino (showing her how to use the stick, bumping into her, grabbing her hand, ect...) and she even returned the kino. Definitely a good sign. After a few games we went outside to take a break and talk for a little bit. Pretty much same thing, more c/f and kept her smiling. We then went back in for another drink and played more pool and some basketball in which I really got to put c/f to good use because she was really bad at making baskets. She even called me a smarta$$ and a few other things, but I could tell she like it.

We went back outside and this time I had her sit on my lap and wrap her arms around me (again kino escalation). She seemed pretty comfortable at this point with me and we just continued conversation until we decided it was about time to go as we both had work early in the morning. I walked her to her car where she turned it on and turned on the heater to let it warm up before getting in. I gave her a hug and could tell she did not want to let go. So, I did what felt natural... kissed her. It then became a 15 minute make out session and I could tell she still slightly did not want to leave and I could have possibly persuaded her to come home with me, but I figured I had nothing to lose by waiting and also the fact that I still had to be a work in a few hours stood out. Also I figured it would increase her comfort level with me if I didn't bring up taking her home with me, but I can't say I won't try next time... I asked her about getting together this weekend (I probably should not have asked then and there) and it's a possibility.

I told her to send me a text when she got home to let me know she got home ok. She did and basically told me she had a really good time tonight.

My thoughts about this date are basically this. I believe everyone who mentioned that she was putting up some ASD or filtering out the players or ONS were correct. I believe that if she did not have work in the morning (she drives an hour each day to work) I could have took her home with me and had sex. If we go out this weekend, I am going to try and pursue sex. Now I am more curious on how this will play out as you all remember she told me "she was not like that". I will post again with the results of the field test.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
"We can go out and hang out together, but don't think that you're going to get any. I'm not like that ect... I know that guys think about it all the time."
....The number of times I've heard that bullsh!t. The same girl will be banging some dude after a night out because he "did it for her" Typical response to a nice guy.

The correct response is "You bought it up, must be on both out minds......"


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA

Ok, so here is the conclusion to this. Should not be a surprise for many...

So since the last update I've been talking to her over the phone, but I would never setup anything (this is due to other women I've been working on). I finally decided that I would meet up with her for dinner last night which was Sunday. Well, on Saturday night I had went to a big Halloween party and had waaaay too much to drink and was pretty hung over the next day. I honestly did not feel like driving out to meet her for dinner, so I then talked her into heading to my place.

She came by and had brought a movie with her. We talked for a little bit then went into my room to watch the movie. We got on my bed to watch the movie and I purposely did not do anything more than light kino and dish out some c/f till the movie was over. After the movie we had a very short conversation about the movie then I grabbed her and we started making out (kissing her is no big deal at this point).


So, we're making out and it's about 11:30 pm at night. She tells me that she has to go soon because of getting up early for work. I'm basically like ok and keep kissing her. I then start kissing the upper part of her cleavage and can tell she's really felling it. After about 10 minutes of this I take off my shirt and attempt to take her's off. She stops me and moves my hands away basically telling me no. I keep kissing her and try again... still no. We get back to making out and I subtly undue her bra. She stops once I do this and tells me to fix it, but at this point I keep kissing her and finally get the shirt off and head back to kissing her. She then tells me that this is the only thing that is coming off and that she was leaving in about 15 minues (12:30 am at this point). I basically say ok and we continue kissing.

It does not take me too much longer to get her primed as I can hear it in her voice while we are making out and soon enough I was able to easily and without any objection from her get the rest of her clothes off. The rest is history... She left at 4 am.

Bottom line, I guess when women say they are not like that know that getting laid is in the very near future :up: