When a woman says no sex, I'm not like that...


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
A woman I just started dating today told me this:

"We can go out and hang out together, but don't think that you're going to get any. I'm not like that ect... I know that guys think about it all the time."

I'm just wondering if you DJ's here have ever had a woman say this to you and had it be true or is this a way of making it seem like she's not easy? Also what would be a good reply to this? I honestly don't think anyone would stay around more than 3 dates if there was no sex.

In case you're wondering what I replied, I told her:

"You have a dirty mind and when we go out I'll make sure you keep your hands off me."

She's alot older than me by the way. She's I believe 39.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
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Just another women trying to control the sex.
Do you really want to be with a girl like that?
She sounds way to uptight.

If it were me I would just move on to another girl.


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
JDA70 said:
Just another women trying to control the sex.
Do you really want to be with a girl like that?
She sounds way to uptight.

If it were me I would just move on to another girl.

That could be true, but I've had friends tell me that women have said this to them and they still end up getting sex. Has anyone had this happen and how do you reply to when a woman says that?


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
Women say that all the time. You played it cool. Its a facade, believe nothing that comes out of her mouth and everything that comes out of her body language.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
darkjedi said:
A woman I just started dating today told me this:

"We can go out and hang out together, but don't think that you're going to get any. I'm not like that ect... I know that guys think about it all the time."

I'm just wondering if you DJ's here have ever had a woman say this to you and had it be true or is this a way of making it seem like she's not easy? Also what would be a good reply to this? I honestly don't think anyone would stay around more than 3 dates if there was no sex.

In case you're wondering what I replied, I told her:

"You have a dirty mind and when we go out I'll make sure you keep your hands off me."

She's alot older than me by the way. She's I believe 39.
Why do guys keep sarging women who have some underpinning issues with men?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
If this woman or any woman for that fact matter that brings up the topic of sex and teeters "ANY RULE" pertaining getting any sex from her, NOT WORTH THE TIME. Sure, you can go date her or hang out with her...but more than likely she isn't that good in the bed and would be the type that's reluctant to be the right person for sexual activities. I'm not saying you should find loose women, but you should find women that don't view sex as some firewall.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
betterthandead said:
If this woman or any woman for that fact matter that brings up the topic of sex and teeters "ANY RULE" pertaining getting any sex from her, NOT WORTH THE TIME. Sure, you can go date her or hang out with her...but more than likely she isn't that good in the bed and would be the type that's reluctant to be the right person for sexual activities. I'm not saying you should find loose women, but you should find women that don't view sex as some firewall.
Exactly. If sex or anything else is important to you and a woman is asserting rules that are obviously in conflict, why bother? There are other women in the world.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
New jersey
Usually for me, I LOVE hearing that line. It's almost a given that I'm going to bang her after that line comes out. :rockon:

She's already thinking of having sex with you but doesnt want to look slutty. And you answered perfectly.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
DonRaul said:
Women say that all the time...
:nono: No, not really; especially quite like that. This woman has some perspective about men which the guy she's with will possibly bump heads with on a consistent basis. Yes, most women are cautious but this one seems belligerent.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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darkjedi said:
A woman I just started dating today told me this:

"We can go out and hang out together, but don't think that you're going to get any. I'm not like that ect... I know that guys think about it all the time."

I'm just wondering if you DJ's here have ever had a woman say this to you and had it be true or is this a way of making it seem like she's not easy? Also what would be a good reply to this? I honestly don't think anyone would stay around more than 3 dates if there was no sex.

In case you're wondering what I replied, I told her:

"You have a dirty mind and when we go out I'll make sure you keep your hands off me."

She's alot older than me by the way. She's I believe 39.
Perfect response for the perfect situation. Now she knows you've figured out her intensions. She probably want to fvck you. Great response.


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2007
Reaction score
amoka said:
Perfect response for the perfect situation. Now she knows you've figured out her intensions. She probably want to fvck you. Great response.

Agreed, great comeback, nicely done. I'd go on a few dates and see how it goes, but don't get too attached and be prepared to move on quickly.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Did nobody else catch this?
darkjedi said:
She's alot older than me by the way. She's I believe 39.
He's 27. I'm not saying it's a bad thing but it definitely effects their "relationship."

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Maxtro said:
Did nobody else catch this?

He's 27. I'm not saying it's a bad thing but it definitely effects their "relationship."
What? That she's laying out the rules as if he were a little kid? :whistle:


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
"We can go out and hang out together, but don't think that you're going to get any. I'm not like that ect... I know that guys think about it all the time."

I already feel like a slvt for dating a younger man. My friends are going to think all I want from you is sex. The only way I can feel like less of a wh0re is to tell you that we are not having sex. Then when we do, which will happen because I'm easy, I can at least say that I tried to say no this time. That will make me feel better than all the other times I've put out too soon and felt cheap.

Darkjedi, women say bs like this all the time. Just ignore it! Actions tell you how she really feels, and why would she be dating you if sex were not on the horizon? Actions trump words. If you take a woman's words literally, you will never get anywhere. I got laid on a first date last weekend from a girl who told me several times that I had to leave, or that we couldn't go in the bedroom, and then as we were going into the bedroom, that we couldn't have sex. It didn't matter, because I just said 'ok' like it was no big deal and did not take her words literally. Her actions told me she wanted sex, and that was what mattered.

I once worked at a door-to-door sales job selling to businesses. My boss was good at what he did; his dad had worked for the same company, and both of them made a six-figure income with no education. The signs that you see on business front doors that say "no soliciting" and "no sales calls," when I asked if we should not solicit those places, he said that we should pick them out as prime targets. The reason that those signs were there was that those people in the past had a hard time saying no to a persuasive sales pitch. It's the same with women. When they say "we're not having sex," you should hear, "I usually have a hard time saying no, so let me try saying it now, before I lose control of myself again." So, you see, it is actually a green light, not a red one!


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Exactly. If sex or anything else is important to you and a woman is asserting rules that are obviously in conflict, why bother? There are other women in the world.
You've never had a woman say this to you and still ended up having sex with her?

Whitepimp said:
Usually for me, I LOVE hearing that line. It's almost a given that I'm going to bang her after that line comes out.

She's already thinking of having sex with you but doesnt want to look slutty. And you answered perfectly.
This is kind of what I was thinking, but was not really sure.

yowhatsup said:
Agreed, great comeback, nicely done. I'd go on a few dates and see how it goes, but don't get too attached and be prepared to move on quickly.
I think this is worth at least playing out and field testing as you mentioned. I plan on going on a few dates with her and seeing what will happen and as you stated move on if it's not going to happen.


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
Bible_Belt said:
"We can go out and hang out together, but don't think that you're going to get any. I'm not like that ect... I know that guys think about it all the time."

I already feel like a slvt for dating a younger man. My friends are going to think all I want from you is sex. The only way I can feel like less of a wh0re is to tell you that we are not having sex. Then when we do, which will happen because I'm easy, I can at least say that I tried to say no this time. That will make me feel better than all the other times I've put out too soon and felt cheap.

Darkjedi, women say bs like this all the time. Just ignore it! Actions tell you how she really feels, and why would she be dating you if sex were not on the horizon? Actions trump words. If you take a woman's words literally, you will never get anywhere. I got laid on a first date last weekend from a girl who told me several times that I had to leave, or that we couldn't go in the bedroom, and then as we were going into the bedroom, that we couldn't have sex. It didn't matter, because I just said 'ok' like it was no big deal and did not take her words literally. Her actions told me she wanted sex, and that was what mattered.

I once worked at a door-to-door sales job selling to businesses. My boss was good at what he did; his dad had worked for the same company, and both of them made a six-figure income with no education. The signs that you see on business front doors that say "no soliciting" and "no sales calls," when I asked if we should not solicit those places, he said that we should pick them out as prime targets. The reason that those signs were there was that those people in the past had a hard time saying no to a persuasive sales pitch. It's the same with women. When they say "we're not having sex," you should hear, "I usually have a hard time saying no, so let me try saying it now, before I lose control of myself again." So, you see, it is actually a green light, not a red one!
Bible_Belt, I was sort of worried about even to continue seeing this woman, but you have motivated me to see this out to the end. Everything you have mentioned in your post makes sense and goes back to something I should have known already; Actions speak louder than words. This is very good information and I thank you for reminding me of this.


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
There are many great replys on this thread to what I have encountered. I feel I owe it to everyone to see how far I can get and to keep you updated on this. Before I do, here is a little more information.

I have already been on one date with this woman where we went out for drinks at a restaurant. We had good conversation and there was some kino during the date. I ended the date as it was a worknight. No kiss, but a hug at the end.

I spoke to her last night and she did agree for another date, but mentioned what I started this thread with. I will see her again on tomorrow and I will post back how the date went.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
WhitePimp said:
Usually for me, I LOVE hearing that line. It's almost a given that I'm going to bang her after that line comes out. :rockon:

She's already thinking of having sex with you but doesnt want to look slutty. And you answered perfectly.

One thing I've noticed about girls is that they nearly ALWAYS give a statement about what they "don't want" upfront...and it always turns out to be the exact opposite.

"I'm not a gold-digger."
"I'm not into looks."
"I'm not a sloot."
"I'm not XYZ."

Etc, etc.

Well, who said they were? Obviously, those are exactly what they've already been guilty of...and so they are denying it to you (forgetting that you were never even aware of them yet).


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
darkjedi said:
A woman I just started dating today told me this:

"We can go out and hang out together, but don't think that you're going to get any. I'm not like that ect... I know that guys think about it all the time."

I'm just wondering if you DJ's here have ever had a woman say this to you and had it be true or is this a way of making it seem like she's not easy? Also what would be a good reply to this? I honestly don't think anyone would stay around more than 3 dates if there was no sex.

In case you're wondering what I replied, I told her:

"You have a dirty mind and when we go out I'll make sure you keep your hands off me."

She's alot older than me by the way. She's I believe 39.
Its just a **** test. Means she doesent want to feel like a ***** for sleeping with you.