What I was before I came here
Before Sosuave, I was a chubby AFC
I had no style, had no respectable game, and rare success with girls. Had confidence but only that "I dont care what people think about me" confidence. I would rarely do approaches, but when I did they were cool at the beginning, but my AFC side started coming out big time. I had on g/f in 8th grade, lasted about a week. Had some hardcore oneitis with a girl that treated me like crap for about a year. I actually told her I loved her online.
I did have a pretty good social life with dudes from school, but the chick department not too good.
My Journey
My journey slowly started about a year before knowing of Sosuave. Although still an AFC, some friends I made during summer school gave me the truth: I had no style whatsover. So I took their advice and got a completely new wardrobe. That was one big change.
7 months later, I was at my cousins party and was way too afraid to even approach a HB, she's about a 9. Turned out the girl wanted me to approach her. I was kicking myself for not approaching. I made a vow to myself here to always take a chance and not let opportunities pass me up. Big change #2
The month later, I completely NEXTED the girl who I had oneitis for, I told her off and didnt talk to her after. Big change #3
That same month I shaved my goofy ass mustache I had growing, this gave me more confidence, funny thing about that was that same day I made a cold approach to this HB 8 on the street. The day after, 2 girls at Six Flags approached me and some friends and decided to join us. Although I still had minimal game, I made the best of it by chatting up the better looking one, about a 7.5. All the dudes in my class were straight up hating the next day.
Same month I met my girlfriend of 6 months at a dance. She basically approached me and we got to talking. Talked on the phone for about a month, then got a date. My first real date. On the date, I was sooo calm and confident that I didnt even know I was doing that. I got my first kiss and makeout session that day. I was so proud of myself
. By that time it was summer and I had lost about 20 pounds. My confidence was skyrocketing. About 3 months into my relationship with my g/f, I had been receiving the David DeAngelo emails. With ****y and Funny I was able to save my relationship for another 3 months. While downloading his book of K aZaa, The dude I was downloading it from IM'd me and gave me a link to the Bible. Looked it over and was instantly hooked.
Kept reading the message boards and the HS Bible and was amazed at the stuff in it. I saw that what I had been doing for the past months was actually pretty good.
When I got back to school from the summer, I was ****y as hell, leaner, funnier, and just so motivated about life. I felt like I was on top of the world.
It was not until a month after school started that an incident occured in my life that snapped me into reality. I was walking home from school, when about 8 black guys jumped me and f*cked me up. That was hell for me, mostly emotionally. My confidence was still burning, but it was slowly fading. Success continued, but I saw my relationship with my on and off g/f dying away. Me and her broke up about 3 months ago, completely NEXTed her, is not until now I got completely back into the dating game
What I have become
I have become and am becoming a better man. I consider myself a DJ that is constantly improving and seeking ways to improve. Although I have been in somewhat of a minor slump, mainly in the social life area. I continue to pull myself together and laugh in the face of adversity. I am a Don Juan, I am the MAN
My comments
Thank you so much all you guys in the forum. Many of us will not have gotten out of our dilemmas without some of the great posts some of us post in the forums. Thanks so much. This journey we continue walking it and it only gets better. Whether in its Ups or Downs, its always one hell of a ride
Solo Vive