Whats the strategy? triggering attraction! part I

Oct 6, 2002
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in order to be truly successful with women, you have to have the correct objective.

and that objective is to make her want you, make her attracted to you. most guys have a "well how do you like me?" approach. Or they assume if she aint interested in you already, dont bother. This is the incorrect mindset. the proper mindset is, "shes not interested, ill make her interested in me".
and you can do this by triggering attraction.

now in order to do that, you must first understand what exactly is attraction?

then you must figure out the very things that can trigger it.

what is it?

well it is actually, beleive it or not, a device developed over millions of years of evolution. you have many devices that surve a survival purpose that were developed via evolution. these devices are emotional
instinctual things. some of these devices, to name a few, are fear(yep this is one), another is jealousy, and even yes the big one ATTRACTION.

to understand it first, lets look at our emotions/instincts, whatever you want to call them.

take fear for example. this was a device developed over years of evolution. its purpose? a danger evasion device. it would ensure that you would do all you can to evade danger, and prevent death.

to understand how it works, you must understand that emotions override logic. they are more powerful than logic. This is natures insurance that they will surve its purpose.

lets look at an example with fear. the emotion of fear overides logic. IT IS NOT CHOICE. say for example, your at sixflags(an amusment park) and you get on a roller coaster. and your strapted in your seat really well. You know your safe, and you know theres no way you can fall out. but then the ride starts, and your at the top where the coaster starts(you know, the coaster goes to thetop, and just sits there for like 10 seconds before it luanches down full speed, and its always really high up) and your at the top, and its very high, ver very high up. all of a sudden, the emotion of fear runs through your body. you feel like your going to fall. even though the reality, and logica says your strapped in, you cant fall. This is the emotion of fear taking over, it is overiding logic. remember, your logical mind says "you cant fall, its impossible, your strapped in". but your supreme powerful emotion says "your gonna fall, watch out!"

and in order for this danger evasion device(fear) to surve its purpose, it has to be more powerful than logic. it has to override logic. otherwise, if you were faced with a threat or danger, your logic could talk you out of the reality. and then you could actually die. so the emotion of fear is ensurance youll evade the threat.

Now attraction is an emotion no different than fear. It too is NOT A CHOICE. And it too has a purpose. And it also overrides logic, making it a very powerful thing.

attraction is a mate selection device. Becuase mate selecting was so important to survival, natural selection developed this in order for our ancestors to select the correct mate. And this device is still in our genes today!

the reason it was so important to select the correct mate was becuase if you picked a mate with unhealthy genes, or carried traits that hindered survival, your off spring would not survive, they would inherit these bad genes, and survival hindering traits. so what mate you chose was played a roll in survival.

So nature made it an emotion, that when you found the "correct mate". it would trigger your attraction mechanism. and you woul want this mate really badly. it would overwhelm you, and logic couldnt talk you out of it. (this is why women stay with abusive men. logic says "hes bad for you" but the emotion overide logic and says "hes the correct mate, you want him")

now, im gonna take a quick break on this. in the second post to this one. i will talk about what cue trigger the attraction mechanism in men. and what triggeres the attraction mechanism in women.

and youll learn why triggering this emotion is the only thing important in being succesful with women.

i hope you people actually like this post.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
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chicago,il , usa
pretty good post...being a naturalist background..I have to ask, If Attraction is an emotion like FEAR, what exactly seperates in a womans mind the nice guy from the jerk (saying "Ive got to have hiM!" , "I dont want him!"

Are you saying its hormonal? some inexplicable gene?


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2002
Reaction score
this is a good post

I am looking foward to your second one.
Oct 6, 2002
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now, im an analytical type of person.i like think about things, and figure outhow they work.

i apply this to women as well. most guys on here want to know a way that works. when they get an idea or peice of advice, they automaticlly assume it will work. theydont take the time to ask "why should this work?"

the way i see it is you must understand EXACTLY how they(women) work in order to be successfull.

you cant make a nuclear bomb unless you know how it works. you must understand the exact science of it.

just like with women, you must uderstand their science.

alot of guys buy the concept of "women like it when your intrested in them, and undestand them" and then they make it their goal to angage in conversation without thinking "will this trigger their attraction mechanism?" and to be blunt, no it wont.

you must understand the science of the woman's attraction mechanism in order to trigger it.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2002
Reaction score
Semi-interesting psychobabble so far, EW.

Now tell us your magical secret...
Oct 6, 2002
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ill answer all your questions in my next post. i just want to let a bunch of questons collect that way i can cover them in the 2nd post.

so ask as many as you want.

and i have already thought about this a millin times, so im sure i can answer them. i have asked my self the same questions.
Oct 6, 2002
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just lketo point out somethin really quick.

about how attraction overides logic, in a way many of you can relate to.

i see alot of posts on here that go along the lines of "i really like this girl, i cant get my mind off her, shes ignoring me thuogh, how do i get her?"

this is a classic case of attraction emotion over riding logic.

logic says "shes ignoring you, shell make a horrble lover or partner, shes insensitive, shes not the kind of girl you want to be with. bah blah"

but your attraction machanism says "shes the correct mate, you want her"

and of cours wich one always wins? thats right, the attractio mechanism, it overrides logic. and thats when the guys find him self thinking abouther all thetime, and has a horribl problem gettingovr her. even tothe point of asking advice "how do i get over her?"

the point is, the attraction mechanism is very powerful. And it has to be, nature has to have a way to GUARANTEE YOU PICK THE CORRECT MATE.

now, when i speak of attraction as an emotion, thats the best wordi can use to escribe its process. as i cant find ayother word that fits it better(hesnt been invented yet).

the best way to describe it is tha it is a super-emotion. it lasts alot loner than oher emotions do. fear only lasts as long asyour around the threat for exaple. but even whn your o arund the girl, yur still thinking about her and feeling it.

i noticed that srvival for humans are based on this:

and staying alive

fo each one, nature has its own way of guaranteeing you fufill it. and they always overide logic.

for example, you feel that pain in your stomach when your starvng, its overwhelming, you haveto get somethig to eat.

when yoursleepy, you feel has over welming feelin of drowseyness.

and for women,you feel the overwelming superemotion of attraction which is riggered when a mate is found.

once you find the mate, you feel the overwelming feeling of hornyness natures way to enure you follow thorugh with the big act)

imonly gonna dicuss the attraction process and how it works. im not gonna get into the sleep process, or hungar process, i dont thik you ppl care for that.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2002
Reaction score
Any century now, EW.

Thug Intellect

Senior Don Juan
May 28, 2002
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NYC /Maryland
Thats a really good theory. Makes me wanna create some attraction right now.

"Why Must I Question Love ,When Im Sure Hatred Exists"
Oct 6, 2002
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doesnt any one have any questions about this to ask besides starman?


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
Reaction score
I've been seducing women for a year now, so I'm more interested in hearing what you have to say than ask any questions...

You'll find that a lot of Dj's already know a bit of what you're talking about so you probably won't get a few questions until you start talking about something of interest...not saying your topic is boring, but if we've all done our homework and read the DJ Bible, this topic had already been talked about quite a bit...

My reaction to your post wasn't "ohhhh, please tell me more i MUST know", it was more like, "yeah...okay, we all know that, let's get to the good stuff..."

I totally agree with what you are saying, but if you're looking for questions, get on to your main discussion point.

peace out

[This message has been edited by Tantric (edited 10-10-2002).]
Oct 6, 2002
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okay then. no question.

i guess i need to move on to part II of this topic. which im typing up right now, is kinda long, but intereting!!!

however, i have read the dj bible, i havent seen any topics about attraction being a biological process, a genetic thing that must be triggered for sucess. i mean, i thoaght i was the first one on here to get indepth on how and why this phenomenon happens..the actual science of it. but oh well...moving along now.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2002
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I don't appreciate how you imply that natural selection (or 'nature') has a goal in mind, a purpose, or is in any way a sentient, rational, or 'human' force.

Natural selection does not happen with a "goal" in mind.

It happens because of a random genetic change (mutation?) that happens to have a desireable affect (increasing life/reporduction)

It does not say "oh I need to make sure humans select the perfect mates" otherwise Pam Anderson wouldn't be with Kid Rock.

"There are no such things as mixed signals when it comes to women, there is reality and what the guy wants to be reality." - Don Phenom
Oct 6, 2002
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the best way to put it is, it just 'naturaly' happened. and we wouldnt be here today if it didnt. just like we wouldnt be here if the first orgnism didnt just "natually" be able to reproduce. it just happened by chance, and it was beneficial. i mean, if we didnt have this "mate selection devIce" we wOuldnt be here today. picking the correct mateplayed jut as much a role in surviva as a squirell being abe to blend in to its environment from predators. natural selection has forced everysingl organism on the face of this earth to have this mate selection device". i mean even hunger is a natural thing developed from evolution by chance. its our "food eating ensuring device". NATURAL SELECTION FORCED IT TO BE MADE. I FORCED IT TO. IETHER IT DEELOPS THISGENETIC TRAIT, OR IT BECOMES EXTINCT.

people find it had to beleive that all the amazing things we are abe to do are by chance. people find it hard to beleive that we have 5 fingers, a tool graspig device, was developed by chance.

its all about genetic mutation that by chane was beneficial. and it jus keeps repeatin until itgets "better".
Oct 6, 2002
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i know what you saying when yudont like e rferng to it as "natures goal"

but its just such a "perfect by chance thing" that has happened(a miracle). that its almost as if nature wanted us to have it. its just the perfection that has resulted from the chance phenomenon of natural selection that thats what it seems like, a "intended device".


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
Reaction score
I disagree with Amlothi...

Natural Selection DOES have a goal in mind...to succeed, and perfect itself.

I think Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock fall into Darwin's theory of UNNATRAL SELECTION...which in turn, creates perfection. The theory is based on those who committ suicide, heavy drug users, and basically people who weak. They take THEMSELVES out of the gene pool, therefore creating perfection.

Natural Selection ot Unnatural selection for that matter, both end up with life PERFECTING itself.

Attraction has to be biological and emotional, otherwise it wouldn't exist.


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2002
Reaction score
I like this discussion, and it seems to be getting better. I've got a few questions for you:

1--I agree whole-heartedly that emotion overrides logic. But should we allow it to? I realize we shouldn't when we are in the situation where the girl isn't giving any positive signals to speak of, but we ponder whether or not to go on.

My first question: what about using logic when you think, "Hmm.... this girl is really into dancing, drinking, etc., and I am not; therefore, we're not right for each other," yet you feel you want to move forward anyway?

2--Besides creating "attraction," shouldn't it be left to the two individuals to let it happen naturally? Suppose I want an LTR and want something meaningful; I would want a more natural outcome, rather than a controlled effect to a conscious effort, right?

I hope you get around to the 2nd part, I can't wait!

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there! mrmystery14@yahoo.com
I do believe that the whole genetic/evolution thing has been covered before either here or in another discussion. At the same time I am impressed with your knowledge, I am not used to discussions like this outside of just between me and 2 close friends. It's refreshing to hear some intellectual conversations.

I think inquiring minds just somehow migrate to this site. And I'm all for it. Unfortunately all I would have said has already been said
. I will try and keep up with this topic and hope to help the discussion. Good post!

Mr. Mystery

"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around" Vanilla Sky

"The little things...theres nothing bigger is there?" Vanilla Sky

"Whats your favorite position? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you" Tenacious D-Fvck her gentley


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2002
Reaction score
OHHH I get it...Great post E-Dub =)

[This message has been edited by B.Love (edited 10-11-2002).]