there are many people in the world who married, and are happily married, without learning game.
good for them.
there are also people who learned game, slept with many women, and eventually found someone they are now happy with.
good for them too.
it depends what it's going to take to satisfy you. all that matters is your own personal satisfaction. do you look at beautiful women and think, "if only I could date her....."?
if not, then don't worry about it.
whatever makes you happy.
HOWEVER, you sound like you're saying you're not going to attempt to date at all until after college. By waiting to deal with women, you're not going to have any idea at all what you want. That's probably going to make things harder on you in the long run.
I'd suggest, if you don't want to date, at least socialize with women. Then you'll get to know them, and get to know what you may be looking for.