What was your breaking point from nice guy to dj?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 9, 2014
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I got thanked for being lovely by a girl I was seeing and then finished 2 weeks later. Never again.


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
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I didn't used to get on the internet much. I was out playing footy, bodybuilding, watching footy & drinking hanging out with my friends so..

I suppose it really kicked of for me when I started my my current job hence I have time here for the internet & read books/study/chat to girls online.

I was always curious about how to seduce a woman. I mainly saw it happen on movies. Unfaithful amongst others. That intrigued me & started googling. I found De Angelos website & began reading his newsletters. Honestly his advice in those newsletters were the first & most important information I have learned (don't be a wuss)


New Member
Jul 9, 2014
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I didn't really realize my change until my close friends had pointed it out. My bestfriend had asked out the girl i liked for 2 years back in 9th grade... which got me deppressed and caused me to lose 10 kg or so... ( It's good in a way... i was very chubby :p ) But then i started going to the gym, hanging with friends more and got over it... When i changed schools, i met this wonderful girl... I had a crush on her for a year i guess... We got really close ( AS FRIENDS ) But her best friend liked me, which i didnt know..... It's a lot deeper then that, but event after event, the conclusion was that i was brutally friendzoned and even after that friendzone we hadn't talked for 3 months or so.... And today i still like her a bit, but after all that happened with her i turned into a dj... Biggest thing i learned.. Go for it !


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2016
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I always thought its all about the cash, cars, and all the attention they could get. I revolved my life around women till i had to give up my college (i know its pathetic). I tryna act tough around my friends. Bragging about ive dated few high quality women but really is i was just lying to myself, since none of them means anything aside from making myself feel better.. Im such a terrible person.. And one day a girl that i fond of called me irresponsible which kinda gave me wake up calls. After i found this site i realized it really is much simpler than i thought. Its about your inner game and keep on improving yourself. Women will follow..


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
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When my marriage was ****, my wife was a *****, and I couldn't understand what I was doing wrong. Someone suggested I read 'the red pill', I then started reading the rational male, no more Mr nice guy, models, and how to win friends and influence people.
Made a huge difference in how I view myself and women. I have learned that I have the power in relationships and never to give it up. If you can mix strength with affection you are king of the world. Honesty from the start works best and it is OK and necessary to put your own needs first.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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I used to be one of the worst AFC's you would ever come across, I was hopeless. I used to drift through life getting the odd case of oneitis every now and then, always getting friendzoned, any time a girl liked me I would blow it and never know why.

I used to ask people around me why I was always single and couldn't get a girl because it didn't make sense to me because I knew I was a reasonably good looking guy but yet I'd see guys who looked like losers with girls all the time.

People would say to me that I was "such a nice guy, and good looking and funny and that I just hadn't met the one yet".

Its crazy to think how people blindly give you blue pill bull****.

Anyway eventually I met my BPD girl who was way hotter than any girl I ever had, I worshiped her and she idealized me. A couple of months later that come crashing down and she left me for one of her " friends" and tried to friendzoned me, then push-pulled me into a nervous breakdown.

I end up going into counselling, finding out that my own mother has borderline and then from that and all the research I ended up here and mind=blown at how wrong I'd been doing life.

Its been a long old road, but slowly I'm getting there.


Feb 17, 2017
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im nice when i get laid?


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2016
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Spokane, Wa
@inferno funny how you litearly do everything wrong and have to learn the right way to handle people from square one, definently a mindfudge


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2017
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lol.. the pain led me to becoming a dj. I remember telling my sister that I was going to become a jerk and I haven't looked back since then


Senior Don Juan
Sep 6, 2014
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Manchester, England
Having my 'soul mate' move out whilst I was at work. Just 2 hours before she was e-mailing me that "she loved me always and would never do anything to hurt me"

Realising I have never actually put myself first in a relationship

Realising a crazy bee-hatch who had been dumped by everyone in the past, dumped me.

Realising at aged 32 I was a soft-azz sack of chit who would eventually end up a suicide or committed to a mental institution unless I changed

Accepting I can never 100% rely upon anyone but myself.

Taking ownership of myself

Digesting the fact that sex, women, relationships are not the most important things in life

Realising I never actually want to get married. Ever

Coming to believe in and love myself!


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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After letting myself get destroyed by a HPD for two years. Learned more in the past 6 months about myself, life, psychology, women and a bunch other chit than I have in 10+ years. I'm still broken AF, but trying to stay positive.

Not afraid to say NO

Realizing that my view on life and relationships has been flawed my entire life

That giving a women your heart, trust and faithfulness means chit in todays world

To value myself and know I'm worth a lot more than I thought

Excepting responsibility

Not fearing rejection

Realizing I was a pu$$y and a doormat

I was giving up my life for women, rather than living my own

Only have one foot in a relationship, never two

Learning to love and believe in myself

Being alone is ok

To start being an as$hole
Last edited:


Don Juan
May 28, 2017
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Girls are afraid of nice men because it hurts more when a nice guy dumps you. If they go with a bad man they will expect to be treated badly and won't invest in him emotionally.

Generally, emotionally immature women go for bad men.

Don't be a made up version of yourself in order to be the correct person for the woman you happen to be attracted to.

Be you, if you are nice find yourself an emotionally mature woman who will be strong enough to jump into love with you.

Love is a wonderful game. The greatest roller coaster ride you will have. Enjoy the highs and the lows of it.


Don Juan
Sep 21, 2017
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Finding out sex doesnt mean anything to most women.
Food means more.
Finding out when women say I love you it only means for that moment.
Gone are the days of conviction in what you say. Many women I know do not own up to the words coming out of their mouths.
Digesting the fact that sex, women, relationships are not the most important things in life
Truth. The world is a big place.
Girls are afraid of nice men because it hurts more when a nice guy dumps you. If they go with a bad man they will expect to be treated badly and won't invest in him emotionally.

Generally, emotionally immature women go for bad men.

Don't be a made up version of yourself in order to be the correct person for the woman you happen to be attracted to.

Be you, if you are nice find yourself an emotionally mature woman who will be strong enough to jump into love with you.

Love is a wonderful game. The greatest roller coaster ride you will have. Enjoy the highs and the lows of it.
Damn, this was spot on.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2009
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Well I don't think I was ever a "nice guy"....I always thought it was a euphemism for being a wimpy guy, not "nice". Anyway, I was also very chicken at one point. I basically just got fed up one day because I accepted I was at fault for all my failures and stopped passing the blame. At the time there was a girl I really liked who was everything I was looking for - she was extremely attractive, smart, had goals, and she actually liked me. Of course it didn't work out and it was all my fault, my doubts/lack of confidence sabotaged the whole thing. I got so angry I vowed to never allow it to happen again and i've been off ever since.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 30, 2017
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What was everyone's breaking point, when they realized that being a nice guy was getting them no sex...? was it when u got dumped by a girl, or u just woke up one day and realized that jerks win or? i think my switch to DJ life occured when my last girl dumped me and it hurt like hell, and i guess i got a little bit cold and bitter (ok maybe a lot) in a good way, so im trying not to let my heart be hurt like that again, so i realized that i HAD to switch to avoid pain......or be sh$t upon as usual.....im just trying to find out what drove people to this lifestyle......?

Life is lost in dreaming, and dreaming is lost in becoming (Motto on the Hard Rock Cafe in Cancun, Mexico)

Ive failed over, and over, and over again in my life, and that is why i succeed..-Michael Jordan

"Success requires no explanations; Failure permits no alibis"

Square playaz get played, pimps get paid, macks persuade
After realizing every girl I talked to had a boyfriend, ghosted me, used me, or friendzoned me.

For instance, giving this girl all my biology notes in a 500 person lecture, where I was the note taker for the professor! I would spend 10 hours a day rewatching lectures and typing all these notes. This is the hardest course at my university. After her calling the police on me, and after me driving her places, I said enough is enough. I'm sick and tired of this bull**** of being he nice guy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Girls are afraid of nice men because it hurts more when a nice guy dumps you. If they go with a bad man they will expect to be treated badly and won't invest in him emotionally.

Generally, emotionally immature women go for bad men.

Don't be a made up version of yourself in order to be the correct person for the woman you happen to be attracted to.

Be you, if you are nice find yourself an emotionally mature woman who will be strong enough to jump into love with you.

Love is a wonderful game. The greatest roller coaster ride you will have. Enjoy the highs and the lows of it.
Girls are afraid of nice men because it hurts more when a nice guy dumps you. If they go with a bad man they will expect to be treated badly and won't invest in him emotionally.

Generally, emotionally immature women go for bad men.

Don't be a made up version of yourself in order to be the correct person for the woman you happen to be attracted to.

Be you, if you are nice find yourself an emotionally mature woman who will be strong enough to jump into love with you.

Love is a wonderful game. The greatest roller coaster ride you will have. Enjoy the highs and the lows of it.
Plums a female told me that she tended to play around and "date" guys who either were not physically attractive or who wer no good to be with because she didn't want to be hooked yet. The better choice men, she wouldnt' consider at that point in her life.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2017
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Wasn't a complete blue pill but was more of a natural red pill with blue pill beliefs and expectations. This website turned me deeper into TRP and thus, made my sex life even better although my expectations for anything serious have gone out the window