The Deacon said:
potato, with all due respect (none), looks don't trump game. That's like saying, in the game of basketball, height trumps skill every time. Sure, when you're taller you have an advantage, but it doesn't mean you can play the game well. I've seen pretty boys who haven't even kissed a girl, thus disproving your entire philosophy. The funny thing about game is that, if you really have it, you're good with women.
I keep hearing this bit about all you need is game but the totality of my life disagrees with that.
There are girls/women with crushes. These are women who I have done nothing, most I haven’t even talked to, yet they will be more than attracted to me. They will think that they are in love or something. I’ve had them since at least 9th grade and they continue popping up even now. Whatever causes them to be attracted to me comes entirely by what they see. Having game doesn’t cause crushes.
When I’m out and about I regularly run into women who openly flirt with me. Sometimes I initiate it but more often it is the woman who does the initiating. I define flirting as only that non-verbal play that involves making eyes and faces, smiling and playing with your hair, possibly a little body language. I get everything from 12 year old girls to old ladies flirting with me. There is no game, as game is here described, being played. It is just something that happens spontaneously.
Let’s not forget those women who squirm. This doesn’t happen as often but often enough. I’ll go into some place like a sandwich shop and the girl behind the counter will get all goofy like. She’ll get all nervous, stumble in her words, and do this little squirm thing. Mostly this happens with women who are obviously attracted to me and find themselves in a situation where they have to deal with me. It forces it too fast and they squirm. Even my doctor has done this.
I get women approaching me all the time. Every girlfriend that I’ve ever had it started with a mutual attraction. It’s like you take the entirety of what you call game and then begin one step beyond that. I’ve never had to build attraction or comfort, they seem to be build in right up front.
When I’m out with my girlfriend and her friends, I never see average guys making any headway with them, regardless of game.
I've seen pretty boys who haven't even kissed a girl
Pretty boys tend to be sissies. An attractive man not only has a good face, a manly face, he also has an athletic body and good posture, and entirely comfortable being who he is.
I don't know if you're all you've hyped yourself up to be. Either way, instead of being a douchebag, why don't you start acting your age and give us some advice that we can actually use.
Ask a sensible question and I will give useful advice. It seems that everyone here just wants to get the hottest women and have sex with them. It seems to miss the whole point of having women in one’s life. I have several women in my life and sex accounts for no more than about 5% of my time with them. Thus, from my point of view, finding a woman who is compatible is more important than one that just turns you on.
I have this acquaintance and he is always complaining about his problem with women, how different they are then men, how he can’t understand them. After having met a couple of his women the problem was obvious to me. He was somewhat conservative and the two women who I met were highly liberal. It wasn’t that he didn’t understand women; it was that he didn’t understand liberals.
I used to have this girlfriend who was a stripper. I noticed a curious thing. Nearly all the guys that went in to see strippers had no chance, not because of looks or game. It was all about social compatibility. Most strippers tend to be ultra liberal, have little or no religious beliefs, regularly consume illicit drugs, and have little appreciation for the work-a-day lifestyle that most people lead. Guys would go in and just see hot broads and get all excited. The girls would be friendly and take their money but have little interest in the guys. Mostly it was only those guys, with the unconventional lifestyles that were most attractive to the girls, those guys who fit in easily with their own lifestyle.