What to do if you're good-looking (no flamers)

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Well, talk is cheap

Here's the pictures of me. I need y'all to believe me when I say I'm good looking. I can see why y'all have to make sure, so go ahead and take a look right there. Just promise me that if you recognize me, don't tell anyone I've ever come to this website. I can imagine girls would find that a little tacky, lol.



Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
Well it takes nuts to post pics of yourself here, I give ya that much. Your not ugly by any means but you ain knockin em dead either. Just my personal opinion. Then again Im not a chic and I dont go after guys.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2007
Reaction score
The Deacon said:
Here's the pictures of me. I need y'all to believe me when I say I'm good looking. I can see why y'all have to make sure, so go ahead and take a look right there. Just promise me that if you recognize me, don't tell anyone I've ever come to this website. I can imagine girls would find that a little tacky, lol.

Those black girls were right. You actually do look a bit like Ashton Kutcher.

I don't see what the problem is though. If you're good looking, most of the time, chicks will come to you and make it easy, but then again there are those selected few that will intentionally make it difficult for you.

I consider myself average because I don't have the body I want yet. Girls do approach me, and I have been told numerous times by girls that I look like I could be a model (uhh yeah...sure). My problem isn't getting girls attracted to me. My problem is holding attraction. I may attract them with my appearance and how I dress, but I seriously wish I had what it takes to make the girl more comfortable around me. Yeah, how I look can help me get laid at parties and stuff, but that's really not what I'm looking for right now. Some women think I'm gay, which used to bother me, but after thinking about it I guess it's not necessarily a terrible thing. I do come across as a nice guy, which I am and I hope to find a girl that respects that. I don't feel the need to play a fake bad boy role when I'm far from it lol.

And just to back it up since you did:

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Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
This conversation is taking a turn for the homosexual.


To OP:

What makes you any different from your "ugly counterparts" in what you have to do to attract ladies?

If you do your best to look good, then that is enough for that side of YOU. Now move on and improve every aspect of your conversational skills, your flirting skills, your sense of humour, your confidence, and your social dominance. You say that "ugly" people have to work more and develop ridiculous confidence, and that they are compensating? Look at it this way: They are doing their best to play the hand they're delt.

You should do the same. Put in the same amount of work on yourself that they do, and theoretically shouldn't you have an advantage over them?

Honestly, the reason we get so fed up with looks threads is because everybody tries to act special and believes they play a different field than the rest of us, when in reality the methods of attraction are pretty much the same: Look your best, talk your best, and believe in yourself. Period.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2007
Reaction score
Quiksilver said:
Honestly, the reason we get so fed up with looks threads is because everybody tries to act special and believes they play a different field than the rest of us, when in reality the methods of attraction are pretty much the same: Look your best, talk your best, and believe in yourself. Period.
You put it perfectly!

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Well, I can't necessarily disagree with what you guys are saying... I guess it's just time for me to get some balls then so I don't become another keyboard jockey. Being good-looking is never a disadvantage when you're trying to attract a girl anyway. Sh*t, you're right. Seduction really isn't as complicated as what Mystery makes it seem like. I still think some techniques are pretty genius in terms of kino escalation, social dominance, etc. It doesn't mean Mystery Method or any other pick-up method is the only tried and true way of success with women. It's better to default to action than inaction (thanks, Pook).

I'll just get myself psyched up by watching Leonidas's speech from 300 over and over (the whole "THIS IS WHERE WE FIGHT, THIS IS WHERE THEY DIE") to get a nice rush of testosterone before I do anything out of my comfort zone. Haha, if that doesn't get you psyched for something, I don't know what would.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Isn't it bizarre how these "good-looking" guys need to proclaim it on an anonymous internet forum? I'm convinced that So Suave has many, many attractive individuals. But come on guy, I have a narcissistic disorder and you're exasperating me. You can say you're handsome all you want but it won’t mask your other problems.

Supremo said:
Isn't it funny, how often times "good-looking" guys like ourselves are the one who come to these sites?

Supremo said:
Honestly, I'm good looking. I have NO doubt in that. But for some reason I find myself not being social enough or having that high energy that really makes me the center of things at a party.

Supremo said:
Whereas for attractive guys its harder to do because they already got this good thing (looks) going for them.
Yeah, good looking guys develop confidence and ugly guys develop inferiority issues. Don't baffle yourself with blatant denial.

The Deacon said:
I already hit the gym and man, I get bullsh*t all the time for being good looking (I know, I know, I should quit my whining but it seriously gets annoying sometimes).

The Deacon said:
Girls think that I'm a filthy womanizer or something just cause of the way I look, and they try to find kinks in my armor. They're just ignorant, cause I'm really not some kind of stereotypical womanizing bad@$$.
...Does anyone else see how hopelessly erroneous that is?

The Deacon said:
Yeah, I am good-looking. I have women approach me a lot. 9s and 10s never really approach guys though.
I guess you just aren't as good looking as me then, huh?

The Deacon said:
For some reason, black girls think I look like Ashton Kutcher or Channing Tatum, while white girls dont think I look anything of the sort (they still think Im good-looking).
I don't see a point to this?

The Deacon said:
Being good-looking is a huge advantage.

The Deacon said:
Yeah, well I’m evidently not flabbergasted. I'll confess you’re a handsome kid. So are a lot of people. However, in actuality, you're probably a smidge below average in a room full of attractive people. I can’t say I’m better looking than you (even if I’d like to.) But despite it all, you have to look at some of the things you said and realize that you have inferiority issues far, far more severe than even I did. Maybe it’s a symptom of being as gorgeous as we are.

Yes, that was a joke.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Skepsis, I gotta be real with you here, you're just beating a dead horse right now. Can some mod close this thread? It has fulfilled its purpose. You're blunt, but pretty much right about what you said. I think what I posted right before you posted addressed the same idea that you did.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
potato said:
You know, your mother probably still has fantasies about me when she masturbates.
And you're how old?

Seriously, you must get where I'm coming from. This is a site filled with young guys that are/were bad with women, trying to imrove. You come on the site, and basically every time you write on here, your message can be summed up as;

"I'm a very, very good looking man. I've slept with many beautiful women due solely to these looks. The things this site teaches will not help you with beautiful women, only the genetically gifted men, such as me, can get them, so don't even bother trying."

Even if this was true, which I doubt, why would you say it on a site like this? Its the equivelant of going on an overweight support site and going, "MY PARENTS ARE SKINNY AND I'M SKINNY AS WELL!! YOU GUYS ARE GONNA BE FAT FOREVER SO WHY DON'T YOU JUST EAT SOME MORE??" Why would you ever do that? The only type of person that would bother to do what you do would be a really, really insecure kid, highly bitter adult or something along those lines. With you countless anecdotes of the beauties you've taken off of us mere mortals, surely you have better things to do than to shoot down the hopes of the guys on here?

Take your last contribution to this thread, "Neil Strauss doesn't have beautiful women approaching him all the time." Why would you do that? Instead, why don't you praise a guy who didn't win the 'gentiic lotterey' like you did, but worked his way into the lifestyle he now enjoys? Same with Johnny Soporno. He gets laid with more and better women than even you do....but instead of praising him (a man respected by all the most prominent members of this community, including some people I know personally who would not lie), you rubbish him as well....like the second best footballer in a high school rubbishing the first due to jealousy!! Why??

Something doesn't add up. You're either
a) Simply not who/what you say you are. No-one as good-looking and successful as your character would bother to say the things you do. The fact that you claim you have hot women approaching you all the time makes me think this is most likely, as I know some a couple of seriously goodlooking guys, and they don't get women actually approaching them.

or b) Bitter. Maybe you are good looking (but probably not as you say you are...I mean why boast? Why come to this site? Why belittle others?) but hold some sort of grudge ir resentment. Been dumped by a girl you loved, been cheated on, not been able to get a girl you wanted....you might even have a really small d.ick, who knows?

I'm not stupid man, so please don't just blow me off with another juvenile comeback. The things you say on this site about women are HIGHLY counter-productive, and largely untrue. The things you say about yourself are arrogant, egotistical, unneccessary, narcissistic and again, I suspect false.

Just STOP...or contribute something worth hearing. Oh, and grow up.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Just ignore potato. He's just a troll.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
L777 said:
And you're how old?
I’m 48 and have been actively involved with girls/women since I was 10, that’s 38 years of experience with women. Plus, I’ve raised 2 daughters and a niece to adulthood. I understand women very well. To me they are not mysterious at all. At 48, I can still attract 20-somethings with ease. You’d think my knowledge might be useful to someone.

Seriously, you must get where I'm coming from. This is a site filled with young guys that are/were bad with women, trying to imrove. You come on the site, and basically every time you write on here, your message can be summed up as;

"I'm a very, very good looking man. I've slept with many beautiful women due solely to these looks. The things this site teaches will not help you with beautiful women, only the genetically gifted men, such as me, can get them, so don't even bother trying."
Absolutely. My current favorite girlfriend is a 33 year old beauty. I see guys hitting on her all the time. I don’t get jealous at all; I just sit back and laugh. I just can’t see a bunch of social misfits learning some game and then coming around and stealing her away. It’s been like this forever. You are just deluded if you think otherwise. Why would a very beautiful woman go for an average man with little going for him beyond some “game” when she can have a good looking man with lots of charms whose presence compliments her?

You’d do much better pursuing those on your level rather than trying futilely for a woman that is clearly out of your league.

When the women in my life sing my praises they go on and on about my cheerfulness, my intelligence, all the skills and talents I have, how I make them feel, and all kinds of things. Only at the end do they get to, “and he’s so cute”.

Even if this was true, which I doubt, why would you say it on a site like this? Its the equivelant of going on an overweight support site and going, "MY PARENTS ARE SKINNY AND I'M SKINNY AS WELL!! YOU GUYS ARE GONNA BE FAT FOREVER SO WHY DON'T YOU JUST EAT SOME MORE??" Why would you ever do that? The only type of person that would bother to do what you do would be a really, really insecure kid, highly bitter adult or something along those lines. With you countless anecdotes of the beauties you've taken off of us mere mortals, surely you have better things to do than to shoot down the hopes of the guys on here?
Actually I don’t like fat people either, they tend to be on the lazy side, which is why they are fat in the first place. Fat people don’t care enough about themselves to stay healthy.

Take your last contribution to this thread, "Neil Strauss doesn't have beautiful women approaching him all the time." Why would you do that? Instead, why don't you praise a guy who didn't win the 'gentiic lotterey' like you did, but worked his way into the lifestyle he now enjoys?
If you’d have stopped hating me long enough to have actually read what was going on, you’d see it fell in with exactly what was being said. It began with
Yeah, I am good-looking. I have women approach me a lot. 9s and 10s never really approach guys though. They always give you that look from across the room and see if you have the balls to do anything
and followed with
Neil Strauss is straight up fugly, before and after his makeover.
Same with Johnny Soporno. He gets laid with more and better women than even you do....but instead of praising him (a man respected by all the most prominent members of this community, including some people I know personally who would not lie), you rubbish him as well....like the second best footballer in a high school rubbishing the first due to jealousy!! Why??
You are obviously too young and naïve to recognize a fabricated image when you see one.

Something doesn't add up. You're either
a) Simply not who/what you say you are. No-one as good-looking and successful as your character would bother to say the things you do. The fact that you claim you have hot women approaching you all the time makes me think this is most likely, as I know some a couple of seriously goodlooking guys, and they don't get women actually approaching them.
I’ll bet those seriously goodlooking guys you know are about as good looking as Deacon.

or b) Bitter. Maybe you are good looking (but probably not as you say you are...I mean why boast? Why come to this site? Why belittle others?) but hold some sort of grudge ir resentment. Been dumped by a girl you loved, been cheated on, not been able to get a girl you wanted....you might even have a really small d.ick, who knows?
And who is bitter here, who has a track record of complaining bitterly about what others post? I’m sure that you are not understanding this but if this conversation also included women, the women would be jumping all over you. You may think that you somehow have the upper hand here, but your complaints sound as if they are coming from a lesser man. You’ve laid out your hatred of good looking men repeatedly, it doesn’t speak well of you.

I'm not stupid man, so please don't just blow me off with another juvenile comeback. The things you say on this site about women are HIGHLY counter-productive, and largely untrue. The things you say about yourself are arrogant, egotistical, unneccessary, narcissistic and again, I suspect false.
Didn’t you come here to learn about being better with women? Yet you have no interest in hearing from a guy who truly is good with women. Have you ever heard the song, “You’re so Vain” by Carly Simon. That song could of easily been written about me. She isn’t complaining about the guy being vain even though he dumped her, she’s singing his praises.

You know those guys that everyone is always complaining about, the “jerk” that the girls fell for rather than your niceness. There is a good chance that I’m that jerk, but it is only the guys calling me a jerk, the women call me sweetheart.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
To Potato, you're beyond redemption. I've slept with a 9.5 and a a few 9s...and I'm nothing above an 8, which instantly disproves your theory. Johnny Soporno's primary g/f is an amazingly attractive pornstar, and he's well liked by so many ppl in this community that its clearly not a 'false image'.

Then there's yourself; no picture, no field reports, no advice, no truth to your theories about women. Hell, I think I've probably been with more than you, I'm sure I remember you telling us your number a while ago but whatever. I'm also sure I heard you tell us how you were no good with girls until your late teens, something which you contradicted in your penultimate post. The same post in which you imply that a seemingly genuine guy (Deacon) who has the nads to post his pics on this site is not attractive....seriously man....you're almost 50.

Seriously, the facade is becomg less and believeable, the claims more ridiculous, the viewpoints more juvenile, and your supporters less and less by each post. You're a has-been, probably pissed off that you have no son and two daughters (I know I would be), and no discernible game, hence your reason for being on this site. Your time has come and has long passed, men can learn game now, despite your loyalty to this ridiculous theory of some sort of genetic hierarchy.

Let it go man...go sort your pension out or something.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Would some delete this thread right now before it gets to be a full-on flame war?

If no one's gonna close it, just please don't acknowledge a troll's presence. They feed off of attention. Talk is cheap anyway.:yawn: :yawn:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
L777 said:
To Potato, you're beyond redemption. I've slept with a 9.5 and a a few 9s...and I'm nothing above an 8, which instantly disproves your theory.
Stutter much? Funny how on all the PUA forums average guys who previously couldn’t get a woman to talk to them suddenly are sleeping with 9’s and 10’s - really funny considering that I don’t see it in real life.

I'm sure I remember you telling us your number a while ago but whatever.
I’m sure I didn’t tell. I don’t know. I lost count a long time ago, stopped caring about numbers. I don’t know why you think numbers are so important. You are just counting sex. You might as well just be jacking off.

Love is far more important, far more satisfying. I bopped a few girls when I was like 16 or 17 just for sex, just because they were so willing. Since then I’ve only had sex with girls that I genuinely love. You should try it sometime. Love is the best high. I’m very happy with the women in my life and they keep coming back for more.

I'm also sure I heard you tell us how you were no good with girls until your late teens, something which you contradicted in your penultimate post.
I’m also sure I never said that. At most, I said that I was shy as a kid. That’s the point, I was shy and it didn’t matter because the girls came to me, even the girls who were to become homecoming and prom queen respectively.

probably pissed off that you have no son
Actually I do have a son. And, as genes matter much more than someone of your limited knowledge will admit, he doesn’t have problems getting women. He is also very intelligent, another genetic trait, and makes ten times of what the average family makes, and at the tender age of 22.

He is always making a big deal about the fact that he is the one with the cool dad, that I hang out with hot chicks, that I live such a carefree life, and am so happy all the time.

no discernible game
This is where you misunderstand the whole concept of attraction. If you’re good looking, a great guy, and have a million dollar smile; women will be attracted. No game required.

men can learn game now
Sure they can, but it won’t enable them to get any woman they want. It’s ludicrous.

What do you think are the chances that David DeAngleo, Mystery, or Johnny Soporno could steal Angelina Jolie away from Brad Pitt?

Somewhere around 0.

Looks trump game every time. Case closed.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
^^^ I believe they call that hitting the nail on the head...The main problem with most of the guys on here is they are too immature to understand the way attraction really works.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
potato, with all due respect (none), looks don't trump game. That's like saying, in the game of basketball, height trumps skill every time. Sure, when you're taller you have an advantage, but it doesn't mean you can play the game well. I've seen pretty boys who haven't even kissed a girl, thus disproving your entire philosophy. The funny thing about game is that, if you really have it, you're good with women.

I don't know if you're all you've hyped yourself up to be. Either way, instead of being a douchebag, why don't you start acting your age and give us some advice that we can actually use. Oh, I'm sorry, we're just not as good looking, successful, sexy, or intelligent as you.

Talk is cheap.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
I agree with what the article says, but what I feel like you guys are saying is that if you don't look like Brad Pitt you're SOL. Even the article says that:

Some of the sexiest people I have ever met are not physically attractive but they are immensely funny. Comedians are often not the best looking people you have met but are very attractive. This in some way comes from their inner confidence and stage presence. It is often said that men who are not too tall exude character and personality to make up for it.
Neil Strauss is one of those types of people. You can't deny that guy makes women attracted to him, and on a good day he would look half as good as Brad Pitt. What one can infer from what you guys are saying is that if you aren't the traditional definition of handsome or good-looking, you can't get any women. That is just untrue.

You do have to like the way they look, but attraction is a little more complex than what you guys are making it out to be. What potato is basically saying is that if you don't look like Colin Farrell you can never date a 9 or a 10. There's just too much proof against this theory for me to ever actually adopt it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Good god. If youre good looking, its much easier. If you have a personality on top of that then...you get it. I swear, some of you people are f*ckin retarded.