What to do if you're good-looking (no flamers)

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
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My name's Mike, but you can call me Deacon. I don't have a problem getting girls in general, but I have problems getting the girls that I want. I first got into this whole thing to get girls since I had no self-confidence and butt-fugly. Right now, I'm just looking to upgrade what options I have. I've always had a problem getting the 9s and 10s, and unfortunately I'm too young to care about anything other than looks at this point. Yes, I'm shallow. No, I don't want a hot girl who is also a snob. It's pretty simple for me to get girls who are 8s and below. I don't even have to spit any halfway decent game to get the googly-eyed look when a girl's REALLY into you. Unfortunately, I've been spoiled, and now I want something better. I'm gonna be straight up with you guys. I'm starting to become desperate. Anything that's not a 9 or a 10 is just not what I'm looking for.

I'm not sure why I have problems getting 9s or 10s. It could be that their looks intimidate me and they can sense it. It could also be that I'm a tad socially awkward and I blush a lot. Now, lots of girls find that endearing and "cute," but typically not a girl who has a ton of options. Unfortunately for me, it seems all of the girls I'm strongly interested in have lots of guys lined up at their doorsteps. I have to learn how to outgame those guys, and my looks aren't going to be enough. So, what would be the best method to read for a socially awkward, good-looking guy like me? The Mystery Method seemed to work for Brady on the Pick-up Artist who had pretty much the same problem. Okay, being good-looking is not really a detriment, but I really need some good feedback.

Flames will be ignored. Yes I am a newbie and if you mention it in your post you're just another stupid Captain Obvious. I know how message boards can be.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2007
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The PUA on VH1 is good but you gotta remember not to trust everything on tv. I think you hit it right on the nose though when you said....

"It could be that their looks intimidate me and they can sense it."

You shouldnt worry about being nervous going up to a 9 or 10 if you have already had success with 8 and below just treat that the same way you would treat the others. The difference between a DJ and a girl with lots of options is that a DJ has self esteem and should have a life and hobbies and should not care what other people think of him EVER...a girl on the other had probably has low self esteem, a pretty shallow life and very superficial to say the least. I think you should just read the DJ bible and the book of pook.(I got halfway then totally zonked out because I didnt understand it or got bored but I hear good things) Just relax and have fun with your life if your having success with women then your doing good there should be no difference between a 8 and a 9/10 good luck!!!


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2007
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"Unfortunately for me, it seems all of the girls I'm strongly interested in have lots of guys lined up at their doorsteps. " It may be true but you have the sosuave.com forums on your side, and i can honestly say this site is gold. So don't even think about those guys lined up for her, 3/4th of them are chumps anyways, which you are not or wont be after a while. That is by taking action of course.

That PUA show to me seemed like bull..hell it seemed scripted, and why would you want to use a method that has already been commercialized, not that anyone really notices but what the hell. I wouldn't want to tell a chick "Your nose wiggles when you talk....its co cute." Haha She'll prolly think "Dam...thats the 5th time i heard this sh**."

Anyway all i call advise is you read Pook's Book here.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2007
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j0n024 said:
The PUA on VH1 is good but you gotta remember not to trust everything on tv. I think you hit it right on the nose though when you said....

"It could be that their looks intimidate me and they can sense it."

You shouldnt worry about being nervous going up to a 9 or 10 if you have already had success with 8 and below just treat that the same way you would treat the others. The difference between a DJ and a girl with lots of options is that a DJ has self esteem and should have a life and hobbies and should not care what other people think of him EVER...a girl on the other had probably has low self esteem, a pretty shallow life and very superficial to say the least. I think you should just read the DJ bible and the book of pook.(I got halfway then totally zonked out because I didnt understand it or got bored but I hear good things) Just relax and have fun with your life if your having success with women then your doing good there should be no difference between a 8 and a 9/10 good luck!!!

Lol its almost like you read my mind when recommending him Pooks Book.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
Brady from the vh1 pick-up artist wasn’t that good looking, he was rather average, at best. Are you really good looking or are you, as you said, “butt-fugly”?

If you are good looking, and I mean truly good looking (and not just because your grandma thinks you are) then those good looks give you a star quality that draws women to you like nothing else. If you are really good looking you don’t have to ask how to get a 9 or 10, they will come to you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
^ Exactly. More women will be drawn to you/checking you out. Thats an advantage in itself. Use that advantage, even if ur nervous. It'll cease after the first few approaches. :)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
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New Orleans
Yea I was like that a few years ago when I was a freshman in college. Now I use my looks to play with girls. Its really fun if you know what youre doin. I mean I can walk in any bar/club/grocery store/whatever and immediately notice every attractive girl gimme a look. The best is I work at a bar in a college town. All I have to do when I check an HBs ID is say something like "how you doin tonite (name)". Its reaaaalllly fun and sometimes amusing. If you truly are good looking then you shouldnt be nervous, and you will grow out of it.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score

Yeah, I am good-looking. I have women approach me a lot. 9s and 10s never really approach guys though. They always give you that look from across the room and see if you have the balls to do anything. For some reason, black girls think I look like Ashton Kutcher or Channing Tatum, while white girls dont think I look anything of the sort (they still think Im good-looking).

You guys are probably right. I should just be my old awkward nervous self and it probably would be endearing to girls rather than unattractive, as long as I dont do any major faux pax. Being good-looking is a huge advantage.

Neil Strauss, by the way... is not that good-looking. Wow. Just goes to show that you dont need looks to be successful with women.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
!!! I wanna see what a good looking guy looks like!!!.......in a none gay way lol.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
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mistake by the lake
in the words of Christian Troy from niptuck...

"women dont care if you are bald, 2inch penis, or the ugliest guy alive...

the only thing they care about is confidence and that you know what you are doing."


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
DavenJuan said:
in the words of Christian Troy from niptuck...

"women dont care if you are bald, 2inch penis, or the ugliest guy alive...

the only thing they care about is confidence and that you know what you are doing."
Only ugly balding guys with a short penis believe this.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
potato said:
Only ugly balding guys with a short penis believe this.
Umm its not meant to be taken literally, if you can't see the point behind the quote then you're even dumber than you have come across as in the past. Get it together gramps.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
You say black girls say you look like Atshton kutcher. Wait a minute you live in utah, I thought the only black people there were players from the utah jazz. I heard Utah is the worst party town in the US. I live in Chicago and very rarely do I run into a 10, I cant imagine utah being a haven for 9 and 10's.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
The Deacon said:
Yeah, I am good-looking. I have women approach me a lot. 9s and 10s never really approach guys though. They always give you that look from across the room and see if you have the balls to do anything. For some reason, black girls think I look like Ashton Kutcher or Channing Tatum, while white girls dont think I look anything of the sort (they still think Im good-looking).

You guys are probably right. I should just be my old awkward nervous self and it probably would be endearing to girls rather than unattractive, as long as I dont do any major faux pax. Being good-looking is a huge advantage
Growing up I was always very shy but it seemed that there were always girls that wanted to be my friend and mostly the cuter girls. I’m still shy, to some extent, but never have problems connecting with the prettiest women. Typically, when I’m out, I’ll see a very pretty woman and she’ll be looking at me. Once we establish eye contact she’ll start giving me a look, a knowing look, almost as if we a part of an exclusive club.

Beyond flirty eye contact I have no game, never tried. I’ve always figured that if you’re good looking enough and have pleasant enough personality; women will just naturally like you. You just have to walk up to them and say, “hi”.

The Deacon said:
Now, lots of girls find that endearing and "cute," but typically not a girl who has a ton of options. Unfortunately for me, it seems all of the girls I'm strongly interested in have lots of guys lined up at their doorsteps. I have to learn how to outgame those guys, and my looks aren't going to be enough.
I see this a bit differently. I don’t think that there really is a lot of competition for the prettiest girls. Sure lots of guys will be interested and try hitting on them but very few get very far. I met one woman, who was, on a scale of 1-10, at least an 82, and she told me, “I’m hard to catch, harder to hold”. It didn’t stop her from submitting to me rather easily. As with most of the prettier women that I’ve dated, she pretty much rejected every guy who ever came on to her. She’d be friendly and all, but she’d only go so far and cut them off. Game never had any effect on her.

I think genuine good looks on a good guy trumps game every time. There have been too many times where several guys were hitting on some girl and she rejected them all and then later approached me.

Flirting in a playful spirit in a cute, shy way is endearing to most women.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
L777 said:
Umm its not meant to be taken literally, if you can't see the point behind the quote then you're even dumber than you have come across as in the past. Get it together gramps.
Actually I do see the point being made, I just don't agree with it.

You know, your mother probably still has fantasies about me when she masturbates.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Houston to Utah

I lived in Houston for the first 18 years of my life. I had more black friends than white friends growing up. I just go to school in Utah where there's a lot more white people. It's convenient cause I like white chicks.

DevanE has some great advice. I already hit the gym and man, I get bullsh*t all the time for being good looking (I know, I know, I should quit my whining but it seriously gets annoying sometimes). If I stop talking to a girl I'm dating for like, two days, she talks sh*t about me behind my back cause she thinks I'm cheatin. Girls think that I'm a filthy womanizer or something just cause of the way I look, and they try to find kinks in my armor. They're just ignorant, cause I'm really not some kind of stereotypical womanizing bad@$$. I know y'all are gonna make fun of me for this, but I just want a cute and sweet chick. Nothin else.

What really pisses me off is when I'm being polite at a party to some ugly/average chick and she acts all rude and sh*t like she's gonna reject me before I reject her. They can go spit, seriously. If I'm being polite to someone they better be polite to me back. Why do chicks do that stupid crap anyway?

Anyway, some of y'all got some good advice. Not all of you, but some of you. Thanks for helpin me out.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2007
Reaction score
The Deacon said:
I lived in Houston for the first 18 years of my life. I had more black friends than white friends growing up. I just go to school in Utah where there's a lot more white people. It's convenient cause I like white chicks.

DevanE has some great advice. I already hit the gym and man, I get bullsh*t all the time for being good looking (I know, I know, I should quit my whining but it seriously gets annoying sometimes). If I stop talking to a girl I'm dating for like, two days, she talks sh*t about me behind my back cause she thinks I'm cheatin. Girls think that I'm a filthy womanizer or something just cause of the way I look, and they try to find kinks in my armor. They're just ignorant, cause I'm really not some kind of stereotypical womanizing bad@$$. I know y'all are gonna make fun of me for this, but I just want a cute and sweet chick. Nothin else.

What really pisses me off is when I'm being polite at a party to some ugly/average chick and she acts all rude and sh*t like she's gonna reject me before I reject her. They can go spit, seriously. If I'm being polite to someone they better be polite to me back. Why do chicks do that stupid crap anyway?

Anyway, some of y'all got some good advice. Not all of you, but some of you. Thanks for helpin me out.
Yeah.. Your not the only self declared good looking guy on this board... Until I see a pic, you all look like this lol:

DJ's of SoSuave

On a serious note though... If you're good looking guy, SOME girls will make things a whole lot harder for you just because you're good looking and it's a way for them to feel like, "Oh... I didn't want him anyway" if you reject them.

Hang on while I find a clip from Keys to the VIP.

Watch how this one good looking dude has to SO easy just based on his looks.

Part 1 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=qqJ9Ia5jVgw
Part 2 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=IjFWDwWUyVw
Part 3 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=5AH6uypwd7Q
Part 4 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=sT6HBQlQjL4


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2007
Reaction score
How often do women approach if you go out on a weekend night?

btw, Neil Strauss is straight up fugly, before and after his makeover.

The Deacon said:
Yeah, I am good-looking. I have women approach me a lot. 9s and 10s never really approach guys though. They always give you that look from across the room and see if you have the balls to do anything.

Neil Strauss, by the way... is not that good-looking. Wow. Just goes to show that you dont need looks to be successful with women.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
Where I be at
Isn't it funny, how often times "good-looking" guys like ourselves are the one who come to these sites?

Honestly, I'm good looking. I have NO doubt in that. But for some reason I find myself not being social enough or having that high energy that really makes me the center of things at a party.

My views on the whole ugly/attractive guy thing is that ugly dudes need to compensate for their lack of good looks so they work and develop this ultrastrong confidence that girls go wild for... whereas for attractive guys its harder to do because they already got this good thing (looks) going for them.

It's hard to explain what I mean without sounding like a prick but hopefully you get what I mean.

I'm getting a job at Hollister and Abercrombie over the summer so hopefully that'll help me out.

Deacon - my advice to you is just always show up places at a higher energy level than most people. It'll draw you the attention you need and bring groups of people together (because they're interested in you) which also helps your social proof.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
mackdaknife said:
btw, Neil Strauss is straight up fugly, before and after his makeover.
Neil Strauss also doesn't have women approaching him all the time.