Im on and I sent this girl a "flirt" that said "I lost my number, can I get yours?) (These are default notes you can send without subscribing"
she writes back
"Hello Funny Guy Smile,
Thanks for the tease. I don't know if you're a member, but in case you aren't, please feel free to drop me a line at
Have a good weekend.
I wait for the weekend to end, then send her this
This is Memorexman from Im not a member there..just
checkin it out
Funny man? WHO ? ME?
Cool profile..veddy sexy..are you in a hotel room in that one pic?
I was looking closer at your picture and look what I found!"
(I took her profile picture and added a picture of count von count behind her shoulder you know the guy from sesame street?)
she sends me this back
"Good sense of humor! No, I'm not in a hotel room in that picture.
Take care
Now "Take care" is usually the kiss of death, Im not going to write her back
but I'd like to learn how I turned this chick off?
any ideas?
she writes back
"Hello Funny Guy Smile,
Thanks for the tease. I don't know if you're a member, but in case you aren't, please feel free to drop me a line at
Have a good weekend.
I wait for the weekend to end, then send her this
This is Memorexman from Im not a member there..just
checkin it out
Funny man? WHO ? ME?
Cool profile..veddy sexy..are you in a hotel room in that one pic?
I was looking closer at your picture and look what I found!"
(I took her profile picture and added a picture of count von count behind her shoulder you know the guy from sesame street?)
she sends me this back
"Good sense of humor! No, I'm not in a hotel room in that picture.
Take care
Now "Take care" is usually the kiss of death, Im not going to write her back
but I'd like to learn how I turned this chick off?
any ideas?