Sorry for my delayed reply, sir. Im not very active around here anymore.With all due respect, why do you care so much? Why do black guys in general care so much about what other minorities are doing?
I am an East Asian guy that only dates and ends up with white girls (have designed my life that way) and I have to say, why does it matter to you?
Isn't this a game forum where we share HOW to get certain kinds of women instead of why? Women care about why, men just do.
As for how you get ethnic girls, well jesus man, just like you're trying to talk us ethnic guys from gaming white girls, why should we tell you how to get ethnic women? I cannot imagine why an Indian guy would tell you how to get Indian girls when you're trying to grill him for going after white girls.
So I'll just turn it around on you instead dude, why not just stick to black girls?
I did not mean to offend you.
Apologies if I came off as being rude or insensitive.