What kind of girls can I expect to get looking like this?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
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New York City
sexxyback said:

HAHA omg that was too funny :crackup:

But to reply to the poster........It's good that you are evaluating where you are in life and what kind of girls you can get. I dont care what these gurus tell you, not every guy can have a perfect 10 girlfriend. There just aren't enough to go around. Let's say you are a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10. If you got some serious game and maybe some cash you could probably date an 8.5. If not, I'm sure there'll be plenty of 6's who'll give you some play. Would you rather stay home and jerk it or have an average looking girl? That's a decision you have to make.

All the guys on my job are married. And some of them are fat lazy slobs. Well, their wives are usually fat lazy slobs too. You just have to date in your zone or be happy alone. (hey that rhymed :cheer: )

Just do the best you can and take what you can get. And never forget there's more to life than just chicks. Alot more. Your average video game is more entertainment than most girls. I know women look hot but they come with alot of headaches too. You only want one when you dont have one. As soon as you get stuck in a relationship you'll be screaming to be single again.... remember I warned you ;)


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2007
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BuckwildNYC said:
HAHA omg that was too funny :crackup:

But to reply to the poster........It's good that you are evaluating where you are in life and what kind of girls you can get. I dont care what these gurus tell you, not every guy can have a perfect 10 girlfriend. There just aren't enough to go around. Let's say you are a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10. If you got some serious game and maybe some cash you could probably date an 8.5. If not, I'm sure there'll be plenty of 6's who'll give you some play. Would you rather stay home and jerk it or have an average looking girl? That's a decision you have to make.

All the guys on my job are married. And some of them are fat lazy slobs. Well, their wives are usually fat lazy slobs too. You just have to date in your zone or be happy alone. (hey that rhymed :cheer: )

Just do the best you can and take what you can get. And never forget there's more to life than just chicks. Alot more. Your average video game is more entertainment than most girls. I know women look hot but they come with alot of headaches too. You only want one when you dont have one. As soon as you get stuck in a relationship you'll be screaming to be single again.... remember I warned you ;)

good advice buckwilde.( i am adding some "reputation" points to your ID (the little balance thingie)) ..this is something that I was thinking in the back of my mind for a while but never said it here, because I didn't want to upset the folks with high ambition.

Everyone had a 'league' of girls that they score within. For me , I am brown ( indian) guy, so I tend to get interest with girls that are also brown or black or asian, I am not in the field long, maybe I will get a super hot white chick or a super hot MILF but you are definetly right about this...

Its a choice you have to make, and part of it you have accept that you can't have the super hottest girl 10 in the world. Its just too damn competitive and not easy.
Its a choice, that you can choose between being completely alone and living a ****ty life or choosing to have at least something in this life with the option for something super hott down the life.

its like what albert camus said, who believe that when your dead , thats it there is no heaven or hell etc. It a choice you have, either you dye or you take what you have and try to make the most of you what you got. ...

Its unfair that life didn't give you the best looks, status whatever but you have a choice to use what you have now, or live a boring, worthless existence. Its a grim decision , but you have to face the reality in this life if you want to achieve something of value .. achievement : you did what you can with what you've got that is one way to define success ...its not whether you actually get a girl or not but did you make the most of what you were given with.

WHo knows , someday you might get enough confidence, game, status that you can get a HB10, it might happen....but you don't want to waist years of time you could be having fun and living a normal life or waiting for the super hot babe that might or might not happen....get my drift


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
^Yeah, I do, I tend to prefer ethnic girls actually, preferably Asians, but in my area it's just mostly white girls, not saying that's bad, but it's not really my preference.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
Reaction score
Exactly, as a previous poster said, the way you carry yourself and confidence that you exude is a large part of your attractiveness. Now i don't know you, but from your pictures i can sense that you are not comfortable with your presence and your looks which girls can sense.

And also your style is very important as to what type of girl your looking to attract.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Work on facial expression, get into a gym(develop Vshape torso), and SMILE.

wont be pullin any azz with that look on your face.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Deicide said:
I usually wear death metal or black metal band shirts like Emperor, Nile, or Deicide, novelty shirts like Super Mario or The Simpsons, and an NFL jersey and that's all I wear basically for shirts, I don't wear polos or button-up shirts, just t-shirts.
In other words you dress up like your typical slob. See those cloths are cool to hang with your buddies at a bar or even going to school but if you want to attract and sarge a larger volume of chicks you got to pimp yourself up a bit. You don't have to spend alot of money but at least have a sense of style and make your cloths look clean. Trying to sarge a chick is almost like going to a job interview, you are more likely to get more job offers and more hiring if you show up with clean dress shirt then a black/green t shirt with a bunch of skulls and snakes coming out of its eye socket.

Unless you sarge mostly at heavy metal concerts or rock bars, this:

will always triumph this: http://www.grindstore.com/UserData/Poster/Poster_10660.jpg

Also keep up with the gym and keep working out hard and build muscles, not only will you feel good but chicks prefer hard bodies to fat or scrawny ones (once again we are going for the larger volume of women here).

Another thing beside the picture what is your personality like? I don't sense confidence coming from that picture and part of seducing women is that you want to have presence. You got some work to do but you can easily turn into a pimp.
Apr 12, 2007
Reaction score
with that look, u will only attract girls that u probably would not like

you cant be a metal head and expect to have a chance with any girls that ARENT metal heads

messed up society isnt it??? TOO BAD - u gotta live in it, so either ADAPT, or get the hell out!

i personally love ghetto girls and preppy girls, so i got 2 styles i wear.........wanna guess what they are?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
My personality: I like to talk to people but I'm not exactly needing it like extroverted people generally do, I'm pretty introverted I guess, I'm not involved in any activities at college, I play guitar, do harsh vocals, and record and play death metal music in a one man band(which shouldn't surprise anyone), I do like to do sports activities though, though I haven't done organized type anymore, I played football and baseball in high school though I just do things for fun now every once in a while like playing basketball with people in pickup games. I don't drink or smoke, don't go to parties, I just go see my parents on weekends, I've never been sarging before and have only asked out one girl who turned me down in my senior year of high school. I'm not really looking for a girl based on style, I just want one that'll accept me for who I am and like me as I am, I'd like to get an Asian girl but there's really not many here. I have friends here at college but they're not going to be here next year because they're all on probation and failing classes though I do well here and will be here likely for graduation. I'm not afraid to talk to people at all, I'll start up convos with anyone basically on friendly terms and will and can be friends with anyone, I'm just shy when it comes to chasing girls, though not talking to girls or people at all, public speaking never scared me a bit. I guess I'm introverted but sociable.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
First things I noticed. You are one pale ass mofo. Your hairline is similar to a 40 year old man. That grin in the second pic makes me want to gouge your brains. That shirt is gay. You're a generous 6 at most. Follow the advice given here maybe push that up into 7 territory.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2006
Reaction score
Just remember: More weight,less reps= building muscle
Less weight, more reps= toned and ripped.

You probably need to do the latter before you get to the muscle building.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
BuckwildNYC said:
You only want one when you dont have one. As soon as you get stuck in a relationship you'll be screaming to be single again.... remember I warned you ;)

And thats the damn truth :D