Fingers...thanks for coming back every so often.
This post is weird...I was in an old neighborhood today and remembered the people I used to hang out was there that I met the girl who eventually made me realize how WEAK I was with women and drove me to this website, among others, to learn how to play the game.
Just about all the guys in my old "circle" were victims of her beauty, but I saw her several months ago in a bar and, though I was STILL too ego-bound to not make a weak pass at her, I didn't see how much SHE had been victimized as well. She's one of these very feminine women who got driven into a traditionally masculine profession (I'm not sure quite why) and when I see her now, I can tell just how much it's hardened and destroyed her. She was strong-female...she never should have been channeled in that direction. She could've made someone a wonderful, STRONG wife and mother. Now...heh...
It's funny...every time I come on to this site now, it's another outcry against the "propaganda" of the mass-media trying to portray men as losers and women as sluts. The consumer forgets how powerful demand is...the media can SELL us these ideas because we're willing to BUY them.
Let's not forget, we wear BOTH hats, like it or not. We are our own customers and we're selling ourselves this BS.
Rebellion against the system is interesting because it's the coward's way out. It's easy to talk about "the Matrix" in a negative light and speak out against it, because it dodges the real issue, whether "the Matrix" even exists. The truth is that it DOESN'T. But by FIGHTING it in our minds, we reinforce the idea of its existence. It's like a mental Chinese finger-trap...the harder we try to force our way out, the harder it pushes back against us.
This starts in that dreadful yet profound movie when Keanu refuses to accept the Oracle's prophecy as true. It's the beginning of his "awakening", so-to-speak, but he still believes that the Matrix is real, and that the rules of the Matrix still apply.
In the end of that movie, it's obvious that ol' Keanu can't beat Agent Elrond down, because he's playing by the Matrix's rules. By choosing to accept the image fed to him and then subsequently fight against it, he also accepts the terms of the image, which is that it's indestructable and ultimately triumphant. This culminates in his own death.
But at that moment, he reaches a point of enlightenment...that he doesn't HAVE to die or lose the fight. It's his OWN mind that's making the death real. It's all IN HIS HEAD. This is the climax of the movie, where he REFUSES to accept his own death and the other rules of the Matrix and accepts responsibility for building his OWN image.
It's only then that he stops fighting and refuses to acknowledge the image he sees, that the image crumbles away and he sees BEHIND the code. It's not so much that he STOPS the bullets, it's that his mind doesn't acknowledge the reality (and thus the lethality) of the bullets. The danger is rejected as a reality, and Keanu substitutes his own.
I feel like a nerd talking about that movie, but it really IS THAT GOOD.
If "the Spoon" is the so-called "Feminatrix", you can't bend it. That's impossible. Instead, try to realize the truth, that there IS no spoon. Then you'll realize that it's your MIND that's bending around this "Feminatrix" idea, and can adjust your thinking accordingly.
Rebellion done for its own sake
Does not a true free-thinker make.
To go against for its own sake,
You're still controlled by the course that the other man takes.
Fight Club, another movie idolized by this site and one of my personal faves, is the same way. Ed Norton's character is content to just rebel against the system forever with his underground fighitng rings. But Tyler sees THROUGH that. It's not enough to rebel against the system's power over you if the system STILL has power over you. It needs to crumble, to be pulled back like the proverbial curtain, exposing the natural reality underneath.
Remember, the American Revolution wasn't fought for America's independence. America declared independence first, THEN engaged in battle.