Is this like one of those Silicon Valley CEOs who fills his company with Electrical Engineering and Software Design PhDs, and then advises people that they dont need to go to college, just "follow their dreams"?
Why does the media sell so much entertainment about "Love"? There sure are alot of love shows.. alot of love ballads.. alot of love in books and movies.
Meanwhile, no one tells a young man that he has to focus his life on something other than love, or else go insane. This one message never being brought across amounts to a lie of omission.
WE CANT AFFORD TO TAKE WOMEN SERIOUSLY. But that is what a person, entering the matrix for the first time, cannot help but do. Not taking them seriously would be a mark of disrespect, after all, they are equal and identical to us, in some ways better(!), have so many feelings, so much to talk about, are such upstanding members of society, are so fragile, are so pure, are so innocent, are so wonderful! Above all DISRESPECTING THEM IS A SERIOUS OFFENSE!