It's simply a very low odds game. Only people telling you otherwise are people who:
a/ are banging girls way below them. Old, not hot, fat etc.
b/ are EXTREMELY attractive. And tbh, I don't think anyone like that would ever even find their way onto a site like this. The stupidly handsome guys I know who used to SLAY it with girls simply weren't remotely aware of 'game' etc and I can't imagine for a second them posting on sites like this. Young guys who look like male models, or celebs etc!
c/liars. Either because they are selling something (such as chase and the guys as skilledseducer who claim, without irony, to be able to 'seduce' ANY girl they want!!! 100% approach to lay hit rate! lmao) OR because this is their second life where they get to escape their true identity and can get an online ego boost from pretending to get laid like Leo!