Whatever you do bro, don't let that SLVT come between you and your friend. Actually, you should directly ask your friend why does his bytch keep touching on you/light flirting with you? Matter of fact, publicly display your LOYALTY to your homie and ask that bytch the next time she does it.....WHY does she do it? Put them bytches on the spot like I do and embarass the fvck out of them.
Don't fall into any temptations to fvck that SLVT, why? Because she's just a ran through piece of a.ss, the relationship with your homie/friend is the relationship that you want to
More men need to start doing this, instead of doing what
@deesade did with his cousin, and flirting back with his cousin's girlfriend/trying to fvck her. We need to start being loyal to each other as men and not letting ran through, STD-infested, D quality pvssy come between you and your friends, family, and associates.
Put those bytches on the SPOT, right then and there while she's doing it and publicly ask why the FVCK is she doing it? Chicks do this all of the time. Try flirting with a chick's friend or cousin, WATCH don't many times they
out your a.ss right then and there. That's LOYALTY.