Ease said:
It is not 'generally accepted', but it is a matter for debate. Loved leader vs feared leader is a debate that has been around for centuries. I personally would disagree with you and would sit closer to the fear spectrum. But the 'general modus operandi' is completely down to whichever historical leader you look to, and is entirely a personal choice. Both ways work.
However seizing is undoubtedly more alpha, which is the purpose of the article. We are trying to improve our social position, not keep a nation happy and keep separatists at bay.
You need to let go of your prejudices about 'good vs evil'. Evil is an opinion, in this case influenced by envy.
In a real-world situation, you would be the easiest guy in the world to out-alpha. You can't control your combative nature, and therefore are severely under-armed in terms of nuance and long-term leadership. As usual, most of my post went ENTIRELY overy your head because of the filter through which you view most things.
My social situation and leadership capabilities speak for themselves, and therefore I have utter confidence in myself and my "alphan-ess" (I actually never use the term, "alpha", but for the sake of this discussion). I always rise to the top of any group specifically because of my ability to provide leadership that is recognized as beneficial to most. As I mentioned in my post, I do indeed punish those who cross the king. Fear is a part of it but if not harnessed properly it can turn against the leader real quick.
You will always be trumped in an alpha shoot-out because of that lack of self-control, the fact that you need to find a battleground wherever you go, and your penchant for vomiting out your diatribes before thoroughly thinking. Guys like you are easily defeated through
You are fortunate indeed that Atom Smasher has granted you attention today, as he usually does not engage Internet kids looking for a fight. As you mature, you will find that leadership is a game of strategy, a game of building trust and demonstrating the provision of VALUE, the knowledge of when to seize power, and the ability to maintain and preserve power though cultivating the perception of value provision to those who you lead.
Don't be like my mom's little chiuaua who squares off with me and barks and growls to protect its little territory. It doesn't have the tiniest concept that I could give it one swift kick and send it flying. No, you'd be better off being a man and developing proper alpha/leadership skills and leveraging them in your own life. You're scolding the wrong man, little guy.
Edit: I only engage this guy for entertainment and instructional purposes. He likes to square off with me from time to time and although I usually ignore, occasionally I like to tap him back.