What is a woman??


Apr 28, 2007
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I have about 3 minutes right now so i gotta make this short, will add more later, but basically, here is what I want to say:

A REAL WOMAN is one who is weak, kind, submissive, does what she is told, is caring, loves you if u support her and help make her life better.

A REAL WOMAN will try her best to look attractive physically, and she will not seek control. She will NOT have an attitude, she will NOT be a hater towards men like a feminist dyke. If a man is nice enough to talk to her, she will be nice enough to talk back and have a ****ing conversation!!!!

....................and now, here is some radical thinking for u:

if you got a woman and shes tryin to act all tough like a man and talk shyt to u, and insult u, and is literally a MASCULINE woman, i say, u PUNCH HER THE **** OUT AND BRING HER TO REALITY!!!!

of course in AMerica, u get life in jail for that HAHHA but seriously, think of the RESULTS if u actually take the masculine feminist BYTCH and just knock her teeth in!

imagine, 5 guys do that to her in a row.

WHY DO IT??? because she is not a woman, she is a man basically. No one cares how hot she is.

after she gets knocked out by the bigger stronger man, this bytch will be brought down to REALITY, and the reality is, she is a weak-azz woman and she should know her role and shut her goddamn mouth. If she is gonna talk like a man and try to be a bigtime c.u.n.t., then she will pay for it


Last Man Standing, are u with me????


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2001
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Jacksonville, FL
That is ridiculous. Every sentence of it. Women are PEOPLE. They can act however the f*ck they want. They're not property. They don't need to be submissive. What if everybody thought men should be submissive, would you be cool with that? Dumbass.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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I agree with your definitions...mostly. I'm not sure if a feminine woman necessarily has to be nice and converse with you. If she likes you she will converse, but just because she rejects you doesn't make her a hor.

Also, I sympathize with your strategy of physical violence, but the reality is that it's wrong to punch someone just for insulting you -- regardless of what sex they are.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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Nothing a woman who is in full drama mode likes more than to see a guy practically punch himself because he wants to punch her so bad. Like being a puppet on a string, chicks love that type of power.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
Unfortuneately most women don't act like they should nowadays, most men don't either. If you find a worthy woman, marry her straight away!

You can keep women in check, just not physically. On several occasions I have had a girl/woman act like a b.itch to me at a bar, and expecting me to kiss her arse and buy her a drink or whatever....if you fight back verbally just as hard and gain the upper hand, you can literally watch her attraction for you grow. :D


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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L777 said:
...if you fight back verbally just as hard and gain the upper hand, you can literally watch her attraction for you grow. :D
Right. Sometimes you just have to give it back to them, and let them know they are on notice. I don't really enjoy being a jerk but sometimes that's all you can do. You have to set the tone.

Of course, a woman only disrespects a man that in her mind, she has no reason to respect. A lot of guys complain about crappy behavior with women, without coming to terms with the fact that if they are weak and show they can be used, or walked over, that's what's going to happen.


Apr 28, 2007
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TheSplat said:
That is ridiculous. Every sentence of it. Women are PEOPLE. They can act however the f*ck they want. They're not property. They don't need to be submissive. What if everybody thought men should be submissive, would you be cool with that? Dumbass.

ok homie, so if a man talks shyt to ur face, u wont punch him out??


just cuz its a woman, doesnt mean u cant **** her up if she is trying to act all tough and in ur face like a man

do AFCs ever get outta the house?


Apr 28, 2007
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Obsidian said:
I agree with your definitions...mostly. I'm not sure if a feminine woman necessarily has to be nice and converse with you. If she likes you she will converse, but just because she rejects you doesn't make her a hor.

Also, I sympathize with your strategy of physical violence, but the reality is that it's wrong to punch someone just for insulting you -- regardless of what sex they are.

oh man i agree with u

check it out:

its totally fine if a girl rejects u..but she has to do it like a lady

i ****in HATE a girl who gets all manly on your azz and says "hey fag get the **** away from u u creepy peice of ****"

and then she shoves u like you are nothin


we gotta start teh anti-feminist movement

girls think they r men now, that needs to change


Apr 28, 2007
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guys, we need to start an ANTI FEMINIST revolution!!!!!

i know that the law is on every woman's side...........we use the 1st amendment, free speech..........MEN SHOULD NOT TOLERATE A WOMAN TRYING TO ACT LIKE A MAN

i mean ****!!!!

imagine a GUY says "hey faggot, get the hell away from me, don't say hi to me you peice of shyt"

you'd punch his teeth in, right??

well, why should u put up with it JUST because a GIRL says the same thing to u?????

a REAL girl will not say that, a real girl will say "im sorry, im not interested", which is ok, its lady-like............but if a bytch tries to act all tough like a man, MAKE HER BACK IT UP!!!


pass this on, this is a revolution

stop being the loser AFC guy who tries to fight for the rights of girls trying to be *****es..........i bet theres 10 guys ready to kick my ass if i punch her face in................well i wanna take those 10 guys, and i want them to realize that A GIRL SHOULDNT TALK TO A MAN THAT WAY, and they should NOT be mad at a man for punchin a crazy ***** out


this is a movement

you've been warned


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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There are some things in life that are just accepted. One of those things is, men don't hit chicks. Ever.

Girls aren't guys. A guy gets in your face it's a guy thing, then it's your call whether you want to go there and try to out-alpha him. Hell, even the best trained martial artists will tell you that you should avoid a physical conflict at all costs, it is a last resort. You have nothing to prove unless you are insecure. Only for self-defense. And even then, there's no joy involved. At least that's the ideal.

When a chick gets in your face, it's a sexual thing. Some women will respond well to being hit, they are called losers and the guys that hit them are called losers too. So in a way, they are made for each other.

But I seriously doubt you're considering beating girls up. You can control your h0e, put that bytch in her place, without smacking her.

Besides they are usually much smaller. You could really cause some damage. If some male weakling came up to you and gave you ****, and you knew with one punch you could take him down, would you? There's no contest. You would laugh him off.
Apr 28, 2007
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Posters that think what pimp is saying here is crazy, really need to step back a minute and think.

I love women, but majority of women today I COULDN'T be in a relationship with.

They no longer, "in my opinion" act like a woman should act in my opinion. Not ness. submissive etc.,, but more to the point of understanding a man's strength, respecting it, and helping to nurture that man's strength.

In my opinion, women are people that were put here to help support the calling and strength of men....if you find a woman like that in today's america I will pay you $4000.

Women today don't do that anymore, instead, they literally DON'T GIVE A DAMN. And in my opinion, there's something UNNATURAL about that.

So lol hey, that's why I tell my brothers and family, don't get pissed at me because I take a chick and fvck her and leave her. I know from 5 seconds of being with the chick if she will be a natural woman, if not, I really don't want her CLOSELY involved in my life.

I don't think I should get involved in a relationship just BECAUSE....if she's NOT going to support and cater to myself AS A MAN, then I will fvck her and leave it at that.

However now I am starting to filter more to produce more natural women in my life, and boys....there's nothing MORE FULFILLING than to be a natural man with that natural bytch right by your side through thick and thin. :up:

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
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If a man needs to hit a woman he has just admitted he has failed as a man.

If you need to hit a woman you have just proved that you have absolutely NO POWER at all with them.

All of you pieces of **** who think its okay to hit a woman have just raised a sign high over your own heads admitting to nothing but a **** stain.

Suck my balls!

Apr 28, 2007
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Oh JJ it's not like that.....but please eliminate this "pity women" crap.

It's compared IN THIS SITUATION, to a child that's completely and utterly disrespectful, out of hand, out of line, and fvcking bad....that child needs the shyt stomped out of them so they could start to RESPECT AGAIN.

And I agree with pimp, women are so fvcking unnatural acting today that they are like those little disrespectufl and bad azz kids that need their azzes stomped.

But child protector services says, "You can't hit the child!" So the child gets worse, ends up in jail, where there someone will HIT THE CHILD!

Then "America" says, "You shouldn't hit or yell at women! You should treat them well!" So the women go off disrespecting Natural and Great Men, only to hook up with an alcoholic azzhole who will HIT AND YELL AT HER ALL DAY!

Get the hell out of here JJ! And I mean that in a good way and not in a flaming way.

There needs to be a chestizement (check the spelling I don't feel like looking the word up) of women so they can start acting natural again. I don't call it being mean to women...I call it trying to help them out!


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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DJF or John Again said:
It's compared IN THIS SITUATION, to a child that's completely and utterly disrespectful, out of hand, out of line, and fvcking bad....that child needs the shyt stomped out of them so they could start to RESPECT AGAIN.
And most parents who love their kids will say that punishing their child by hitting them is more painful for them than for the kid.

This is some messed up crap. What about your dog or cat? If your pet acted up would you smack them? You would if you're a tool. You smack a newspaper next to their ear or rub their nose in something. You don't hit a helpless animal.

BTW a kid that that gets the shyt stomped out of them will probably grow up to be messed up, and violence will become a way of life for them. They don't respect, they fear. And fear causes hate and resentment. When I have kids, and then they act up, I really want them to hate and resent me for the rest of their life because I took so much pleasure in beating the crap out of them.

You guys must be teens.


Apr 28, 2007
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its not a woman if she's talking shyt like a man!!!!


what the FCUK gives a girl the right to talk to u like a man who's picking a fight????? "yo you are such a fag, dont fcukin talk to me u stupid creepy waste of a human life"

would u let a man talk to u like that??? NO????

would u let a woman talk to u like that????

Apr 28, 2007
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reset you need to OPEN your eyes....

"And most parents who love their kids will say that punishing their child by hitting them is more painful for them than for the kid."

I know that! The problem is that it HURTS THE PARENT to discipline the child. The parent is more focused on their own personal joy and comfort then in the success of the child. I don't have any children, but I can't have my child hollering and cursing around the house at me, having no goals in life, flunking out of this and that.....and then I won't discipline the child because I quote on quote, "Love Them Too Much To Do It." God damn it, I love them too much to LEAVE THEM LIKE THAT! It's like a friend that's eating and fvcking eating everything and getting overweight and I don't tell the motafvcker to SLOW THE FVCK DOWN because I might, "Hurt his feelings" if the motafvcker gets overweight more than his fvcking feelings will be hurt!

Keep going Reset,

"What about your dog or cat? If your pet acted up would you smack them? You would if you're a tool. You smack a newspaper next to their ear or rub their nose in something. You don't hit a helpless animal."

Helpless and Out of Control are two different things. Don't confuse out of control for being helpless, which you clearly are doing.

"BTW a kid that that gets the shyt stomped out of them will probably grow up to be messed up, and violence will become a way of life for them. They don't respect, they fear. And fear causes hate and resentment."

Again, confusing the two: Helpless and Out of Control. There are helpless women and children out there that are beaten, abused, etc., for no reason....mainly because they have an abusive parent. I'm NOT talking about that shyt. I'm talking about DISCIPLINE...FVCKING DISCIPLINE.

I LOVE women to leave women like they are. While there's a high amount of pvssy men out there, there's a growing percentage of honorable and great men, and a woman that's disrespectful to that and doesn't appreciate that, NEEDS DISCIPLE. Yes, when she's mouthing off, being disrespectful, that chick needs to be slapped back into REALITY. That's not abuse, that's discipline.

Same with the child.

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
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Hitting children?

Okay... Violence....

I was talking to my sister and best friend about bringing up children. Both have been very successful at it and they have amazingly well behaved well adjucted happy children.

The both said it comes down to one simple principal. Always rewarding good behaviour, never reward bad behaviour. My friend never smacks his kid, my sis says she only snacks her kid when she lost control of her ****.

I was hit ALOT as a kid. Every ****er who laid a finger on me I made sure I ****ed over when I got older. I feel bad for what I did.

The lesson; violence NEVER gets a good result. You don't need it. If you use it I guarantee it WILL comke back at you.

If you need to use physical force to control a woman your are off the scale on AFCness.

The point about everything on this site is to teach you to get woman to want to do anything you want through her own choice.

To have to resort to using force shows you are a *****.

Watch out ****ers, there is a lot of REAL guys out there who will **** you over if we find out you touched ANY women we know.

I've had enough of this topic, it makes me angry...



Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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If a guy said that, I'd roll my eyes and walk away. What the **** do I care what some dumbass thinks of me? If someone is acting like a retard, how important is their opinion of you? They're a RETARD. You win by deafault.
If he gets physical, hell yeah defend yourself. But you're just looking for a fight.

You think everyone is out to get you, and to disrespect you. That's what you focus on, that's what you're going to get.

Chick talks like that to you, you WALK AWAY. You NEXT her. She's out of your life. You win.

She can't talk to you like that if you're not around to listen.