Other than getting sex or a child, what do you guys want from women? Are you looking for *connection*, *intimacy*, *closeness*, *nourishment*, all of the above, none of the above, something else?
In 2021, I think sex is easy to get. But I think a woman caring about a man is hard to get. Since woman have financial and legal power, they are not dependent on men the way they used to be. Men are for pleasure, men for fun, men for entertainment, men are for novelty.
So I’m wondering, what are you looking to get from a women in 2021?
In 2021, I think sex is easy to get. But I think a woman caring about a man is hard to get. Since woman have financial and legal power, they are not dependent on men the way they used to be. Men are for pleasure, men for fun, men for entertainment, men are for novelty.
So I’m wondering, what are you looking to get from a women in 2021?