Here’s what’s disrespectful. Not that she doesn’t want to date me. Not even that she isn’t attracted to me because I’m “too nice”, not enough tattoos, not the most ripped, whatever the case may be. It’s the fact that she doesn’t believe I deserve happiness, happiness she can’t provide or refuses to provide. Then when I go find that happiness from someone else it’s “we never hangout anymore. Why don’t you have time for friends and a girlfriend? Why just throw away our friendship over a girl”. They think you don’t deserve ***** simply because they don’t want to give you any and they can’t fathom you being attractive to another woman simply because they don’t find you attractive. I will not put a woman I’m fvcking on the back burner for one that won’t fvck me. That’s simply retarted. But that’s what women friends expect you to do:It's disrepectful. If she knows you play the sex game and that's a game she really enjoys, for her to put you in that friend position is "using" you for your energy and attention. It's like playing pickup football, and they know thats your game, you try to be modest about your skills and they choose to NOT choose you to play in the game...