What do you think of this man's wife hating his gaming hobby?

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
my1ken said:
If your over 30 in still play video games than something is wrong.
:(NOOOOoooo say it aint so. Now I understand gaming is not a fem-centric approved past time. Over 30 and we all should be putting away the playstation, manning up and marrying those ex carousellers, but can't we get a revision from our blue pilled overlords on that particular hobby? Pleeeease don't shame me, pretty please with sugar on top?

Go fvck yourself. Parrot that simpleton obliviousness somewhere else.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
( . )( . ) said:
:(NOOOOoooo say it aint so. Now I understand gaming is not a fem-centric approved past time. Over 30 and we all should be putting away the playstation, manning up and marrying those ex carousellers, but can't we get a revision from our blue pilled overlords on that particular hobby? Pleeeease don't shame me, pretty please with sugar on top?

Go fvck yourself. Parrot that simpleton obliviousness somewhere else.
so many faggotized males are willing participants in their own slavery

only realizing too late

It is better to be alone than this man.....http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=195329

Of course every white knight believes he is better than that man...*that could never be meeee* :crackup:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2012
Reaction score
cordoncordon said:
I don't know, if I was a kid and I saw my dad playing on average 2-3 hours of video games a day, I would think that was pretty fawking strange. I can't imagine my dad ever doing such a thing, or myself for that matter. Video games are great for an escape now and then, or a fun time for a night playing with your friends or some other couples. But to do that every day, 1-3 hours a day, as a grown man with family responsibilities? Very strange to me. I would say the guy is addicted.
Times are changing. Video games are a relatively new thing; today's 50-year old fathers just didn't have them around growing up. It's just a pastime; would you think it was weird if your father watched 1-3 hours of TV a day?

I think video games are good for unwinding for a while, but a terrible spend of time if you have literally anything important that needs to be done.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
i wills ay this; all video games aren't created equal

if you are 30 years old and you still get off by having 8 undefeated seasons in a row on NCAA football lol than you know what you are a loser. sorry. you are. if you are 30 and you can't put black ops down then you know what, you are a loser. **** you buddy.

If I am going to play a game today it's something that is seriously going to make me think, something like heavy rain or Metal Gear Solid or Resident Evil 6 (not so much). But i grew out of games like Ressistance/Halo/Gears of war and call of duty years ago.

but now even games like Assissians creed and dead space, im' like meh i got better **** to do.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Malice said:
No she is not from Mexico.
Wait wait wait. What happened to your Mexican broad? You were all set on marrying her a few years ago. You mean to tell me you went and bought a bride from the Philippines?!!
